
Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

After an ultimate battle against the King of Hell Lucifer, Asmodeus, the Vampire Emperor, has fallen. Although he lost, he died without regrets and with a smile, prideful that he had managed to corner the King of Hell himself to such an extent. However, due to a sick twist of fate, Lucifer himself decided to reincarnate him into the feeble body of a human child named Blake, desiring a rematch in the future! Now, given a new opportunity at life, Blake will use every possible way to grow stronger and protect his new family in a turbulent world where people can summon spirits to fight and develop their magical powers. Armed with only a Grimoire, he’ll slowly summon all of his previous life subordinates, who are all powerful Vampires, and rise to the top while fighting the ever-growing menace of the Demon Towers. Accompany Blake through a journey filled with excitement and growth and experience the rise of the Vampire Emperor. A new Era of Blood is about to begin. Over 100000 Words available for FREE! Daily Chapters

PancakesWitch · Fantasie
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1107 Chs

Butchering With Father


"Welp, there are many ways we can earn money too, though, I am sure that your father is a citizen, right? I remember he was exiled, but he was still a member of high society… right, Erika?" asked my father.

"I-I don't know very much…" sighed Erika.

"Ah…" sighed my father.

"Don't talk about those things to her." whispered my mother to my father, elbowing him in the ribs.

"Augh…! O-Okay, sorry." He apologized.

"Anyways! There are indeed many ways to earn money, but because we need to maintain the family and feed everyone, we cannot really save a hundred gold coins… Actually that seems very unrealistic." Sighed my mother.

"Yeah, the prize is way too much." Sighed my father.

"Some ways are…?" asked Erika.

"Ah right, well, selling beast meat, corpses, materials are the most common, hunting them down and selling the spirit orb inside of them which is the most valuable thing… but these wolves came without it." said my father.

"Another way is cutting down lumber and selling it. There's a lot of lumberjacks here so lumber doesn't sell for so much… But it is something available everywhere." Said my mother.

"You can also work in the shops around here, but I doubt they'll employ any of you because you're too young." Said my grandma.

"I guess you can also sell crops, but those we eat ourselves or we sell too, we also have a quota we have to give to the duchy…" sighed my father.

"I find it weird, how come we must pay a quota if we are not even part of the Kingdom as citizens?" I asked.

"That's because we are being protected by these walls. They were constructed by the duchy to protect villages… they help us not get ravaged by wild animals at night. It is very good, although the price we have to pay is a bit exaggerated. At least we don't have to pay taxes other than that- Ah, right, the hunting too." Said my father.

"Don't you think giving the crops away and the hunts count as the taxes? This is ridiculous." I sighed.

"Blake… I've never heard you act so defiantly against the crappy government… Good job." Said my mother, giving me a thumbs up.

"Yeah, I can tell you're a person that thinks about the greater picture but also consider other things in depth, this boy is very intelligent! Kids at five years of age are only thinking about pooping, sleeping, playing, and eating." Said my grandma.

"Hmm… But don't go saying that out loud, or you'll get into trouble. Some of the guards that work in here are people from the duchy, citizens. if they hear a person talking bad about the duchy, they'll report you. They just want a promotion at all costs, throwing away the life of a young child is of no consequence to them…" sighed my father.

"Don't worry father, I get it." I said.

"For now how about we go butcher? I can give you all a part of what we earn selling the stuff." Said my father.

"Really, father?" I asked.

"Yeah! You better work hard for it, I want you to start off your little capital. I want my son to be a citizen too." Said my father.

"Thanks…" I said.

"No problem. Now let's get to it before I begin procrastinating again…" yawned my father.

"We'll go attend the crops too, so get to your own thing for now." Said my mother.

"Yeah, have fun." Said my grandma.

We quickly got into the room where father left the corpses. There were over ten of them we had hunted down last night.

"The good thing is that they came drained of all the blood so they're ready to be butchered easily, and the meat last longer when the blood is out." Said my father.

"Oooh…" I said. Pretending to be surprised.

"A lot of wolves!" said Eleanora, also pretending.

"Uegh… T-This is a bit disgusting…" sighed Erika.

"Everything is a bit disgusting in life. We gotta get used to the disgusting stuff, hahaha!" laughed my father, grabbing a sharpened knife and piercing a wolf's stomach, opening it wide and letting all the guts fa;; out.

"Uwaagghh…" cried Erika, covering her face.

She's a doll and technically cannot vomit, her nausea is only caused due to her own mind, not a body response… she should get used to it quickly as long as we force her a bit.

"Come on Erika, grab this knife and cut this one's stomach." I said.

"T-That's a bit…!" she cried.

"Come on…" I said.

"M-My spirit can do it!" she said.

"No is no, you're going to do it yourself… Now get to it." I said.

"Guuuhh…" Erika cried, as she pointed the knife, shut her eyes, and stabbed the wolf's stomach.



She opened it with one single fell swoop, that was great.

"Ugh… Oh? I did it- Gyeeh!"

And then she saw all the guts coming out.

"Hahaha! Good job! Not bad for a newbie, now, Blake. Here, my son, do one yourself." Said my father.

"Very well."

I picked the knife and cut off the beast's stomach, took all the guts out, placed them in a bucket, and then quickly cleansed all the insides, leaving the ribcages empty and clean. Afterwards, I quickly started to cut off the skin and taking off the entire pelt.

"W-Woah…!" my father reacted in surprise as I began to masterfully butcher the entire beast. The skin came out quickly through my special techniques, and the entire monster ended up red-colored, as there was no skin on it anymore.

"Done. I even removed the face; this pelt could make a good coat perhaps." I said.

"I-Indeed… My son you got some great natural talent for this!" said my father.

"Do I? I guess…" I said.

[You learned the [Butcher: Lv1] Skill]

Oh? I guess I can only learn survival-like Skills? Butcher is a very weird Skill to have, it is something just natural, can it even be used in battle?
