
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Fighting the Undead

We can see the garrison down the way as well as a lot more undead then the initial reports from the scout's had stated, "This is going to be a tense battle to come" I stated to the High Commander Kellnor.

"Agreed My Lord, It appears the number of undead has tripled from the last information we have received, This is going to be tough where did the rest come from?"

"Look at the gate, It is heavily damaged now and it looks like them came from. the dead lands but what could have done that amount of damage to a heavily fortified gate?" High Knight Bragdon stated in shock.

I look towards the gate and can see there are a few bigger creature's on the otherside of the gate but where not able to pass through themselves, "We are no longer dealing with only undead in this fight, We must also be prepared to expect that the survivor's from the reports are also no longer alive" I stated in a deep serious tone as I gripped my sword handle tight.

"Agreed My Lord, The situation has changed drastically since we got our last reports from the scouts" High Commander Kellnor stated.

"What could have happened to make it change so quickly from a few days ago?" High Knight Bragdon asked.

"We will still clear out the area and take back the garrison, When we do we will have to remain here for a few days longer to make sure we can hold the garrison and do the repairs as well"

"Understood My Lord"

We are well prepared for this fight and we will make sure to clear the area, The only thing at this time that is cause for concern is the larger creature's on the other side of the gate, We will need to deal with them as well as capturing the garrison once again.

"Men hear me, We are going to be fighting to retake the garrison from the undead and avengering the loss of our fallen, We will cleanse this ground and rid the area around the garrison as well, Keep a eye on your fellow knights and protect each other during this fight I want to see everyone make it back to their families, It is time to fight FOR THE KINGDOM AND THE FALLEN!!!!!"

"CHAAARRRRGGGGEEEEE.....AAAAAAHHHHHHH " The High Commander yelled out and the horns were blown as the men began to rush towards the garrison to fight the undead and to reclaim our territory.

I to charged the field with my men, I would not ask anything of my men that I would not do myself, My family is the oldest vampire clan and if we do not show that we are willing to get dirty with our men on the field of battle then no one would ever take us serious and I will not ever allow that.

We charged in the area of the garrison as the undead started to charge towards us, My men were at the ready and fully prepared for this battle as they were able to cut down plenty of the undead in a short amount of time, "My Lord more are coming this way" The high Knight yelled.

I removed my sword from the cheat cavity of a fallen undead soldier as I looked towards the garrison, I could see even more undead coming from the main gate and I could feel the ground shake as they ran, "We must put them down and push them back beyond the gate, Everyone form a shield wall and drive them back but keep a eye on your surrounding as there are strong creature's on the other side of the gate, Do not give any ground to these creature's cut them down" I yelled out as I gave my orders.

"Shield was prepare to push forward, Archers prepare to fire a volly towards the back of the group, Cut them down as the Lord commanded leave none behind"

"Yes sir" The troops all became a single unit and started to push the undead back towards the gate of the garrison, At this time the archers began to fire arrows with deadly accuracy and were wiping out the undead as they were coming through the gate.

I could see the larger creature's on the other side of the gate, What surprised me the most about them were they looked like they all died standing in position, They were not moving a inch did not react to the fighting on the otherside of the gate nor did they both to move as we moved closer.

"Commander keep your eyes on the larger abominations as we move closer I don't want to lose any men to a surprise attack by them" I stated as our men slowly moved forward as they were cutting down the undead in their way.

"Yes Sire" High Commander Kellnor directly acknowledged as he was worried that they would try to attack as well.

"My Lord, We have managed to push the undead back towards the gate, A few of our men have begone to clear and burn down the village looking for and survivor's as they move forwards" Hight Knight Bragdon informed me of what was happening.

"Understood make sure they do not miss a single building, After they check and make sure no survivor's are within the building burn them to the ground, We will make sure to clear this land and retake every inch of it".

"Yes My Lord"

We have finally pushed the undead back through the gate and are holding the ground as the other troops are dealing with the village, The larger abominations still have not moved nor have they tried to attack us either, This is the only good this that has come out of this fight other then we have not lost a single troop.

"Get men inside the garrison to check on the survivor's and to clear it out" I stated to the High Commander.

"At once My Lord" Kellnor nodded "I need a group to enter and clear the garrison quickly and check on the survivor's"

"Get the archers on the walls and finish off the undead so we can close up this breach and seal the gate"

"Understood My Lord, Archers to the walls immediately"

"Yes sir" The archers quickly moved to the walls.

The main force of my army are the knights and they are all really good men, The archers in the kingdom are all women for they are quicker and lighter on their feet so they make great archers and they are deadly accurate, Without the archers they battle would have taken a longer time to complete.