
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Retaking the Garrison

We've managed to push the undead back through the main gate of the garrison, While we worked on clearing and burning the village down we sent a group forward to clear the inside of the garrison and to locate the survivor's inside the armory.

"Make sure not to leave anything unchecked when clearing the village or inside the garrison, We do not need to have any other fights with those fallen men and women as we hold the gate"

"Understood My Lord, We will make sure to be thorough with our search" Bragdon replied.

We are still holding the ground at the gate as the archers have started to fire arrows from above, "We will hold the gate and not give any ground to the undead" I instructed the men.

"Yes Sire" The men responded

The men held their ground and kept the undead from moving forward, The archers began to reign arrows down from above and the undead began to fall at a fast rate, "My Lord, The archers above report there are still a large amount of undead heading this way" Bragdon reported quickly.

"We need to seal this breach quick before they arrive otherwise it will be a tough fight and I am not losing any men this day" I yelled loudly.

"Yes Sire, Start bringing heave stones to shore up this hole quickly" Kellnor yelled to the men.

"Understood sir" The men began to rush around gathering large stones to begin to fill the gap.

"We won't make it in time" I think to myself looking at the situation, Before anyone could say anything I rush through the gap in the wall and start to fight off the undead on my own, "MY LORD!!!!!" Kellnor screams and all of the men are scared at what they see.

"CLOSE UP THAT HOLE NOW!!!!!!" I yelled back to the men as I am fighting the undead, I am fighting to protect my men and hold the ground for them to close up the gate, I will not let any undead make it past me.

I begin to fight faster and harder taking out large amounts of undead with each swing of my blade, I begin to become a monster on the battlefield laying g waste to everything infront of my gaze, Every step I take becomes heavier cracking the ground and my speed has doubled as well "The sake of my kingdom and my people I will destroy everything within my reach" I growled in a deep low tone as I began to fight harder and the ground shook as I did.

"What is happening on the other side!?" The men could not see what was going on and they were worried that something has happened to Lord Black.

"High Commander you need to witness what is happening on the other side quickly" One of the archers ran down to inform Kellnor.

"Quickly Lord Black might be in danger" Kellnor shouted as he, High Knight Bragdon and the men rushed up to the ramparts of the garrison.

They reached the top of the wall and they were shock to see the archers no longer firing their arrows, "What are you doing? Cover Lord Black NOW!!!!" The archers did not move as they were deeply shocked.

When Kellnor and Bragdon as well as the men looked over the wall they were shocked, "I have never witnessed the Lord's power before it is like he is a demon possessed on the battlefield, He is the Demon Lord of the battlefield" They could not believe the amount of carnage that lay before their eyes they were excited to watch.

"This is the true power of Lord Black, The ancient vampire bloodline is truly magnificent and he is doing this for his people" Kellnor proclaimed.

All of the men were in awe as they watched on at the fight before them, They could feel a sense of pride rise up knowing that they serve the Black household with true loyalty and would give their life for it, They did not realize how much Lord Black cared for his people nor the fact he would risk himself for them.

I moved faster as I fought off the undead not realizing that I have single handedly wiped out most of the undead but I would not stop until I knew everyone would be safe, Little did I know that my men have dubbed me the Demon Lord of the battlefield.

I finally cut down the last few undead that were heading towards the garrison, It was a thrilling experience to fight on my own with no guards around and I had to fend for myself, I gained the strength and wisdom to handle some situations on my own "If I am not able to protect my people with my own strength I do not have the right to hold the title of Lord over these lands" I thought to myself clinching my fist and crushing a undead under my boot with immense power.

All of the men that have witnessed Lord Black in action could not believe that was the power of noble vampire of a ancient family, To them this was the greatest moment to be apart of this fight to reclaim the garrison.

"Lord Black the hole has been closed and the village has been cleared, We have also located and rescued the survivor's" Kellnor shouted from the wall.

I came back to my sense and jumped to the top of the wall in a single leap, "You all did well this day, You have avenged your fallen brethren and their families, Today is a great day for our kingdom keep all of your heads high and be proud of your actions" I told the troops in a proud voice and gave them the deserved acknowledgement that they deeply deserved.

All of the men and women who fought this day all stood at attention immediately and they all placed their hand on their chest and bowed, "It was our honor to serve you My Lord" They all replied in unison.

Today was a victory at a great cost to those who have lost their lives at this garrison previous to us arriving, We will never allow this to happen again in the future and we will be better prepared for anything that may come at us again.

"High Commander, Send out messengers to every fort and outpost we have and have them setup letter birds to send out requests or to pass out information if the need ever arrives, I do not want what happened here to ever happen again to any other location.

"Understood My Lord, I will make sure to have everyone prepare these stations at once" Kellnor agreed to the orders immediately, He felt the exact same way as Lord Black and he did not ever want to see a situation like this ever happen again.