
Vampire King's Harem

I'm sorry, but I can't continue a novel where 99% of readers hate the character so much. I'm glad some of you enjoyed it a bit, but I think overall, it was boring and slow. Anyway, I'm focusing my efforts on a new novel called "Becoming God of Love"; give it a try if you can. _________________________ When necromancers perform a great ritual to summon an undead servant, they bring a powerful vampire into their world. And now, their fate is sealed as food, but for Klaus, this is just the beginning of his adventure. In a cruel world where people will do anything for power and immortality, he is already very strong and immortal, so what's left if not start a family and have fun stepping on arrogant people through the way? _____________________________ The cover is not mine; if you want me to remove it, just say.

LamenThief · Fantasie
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52 Chs

Good Way to Die

Klaus was so focused on Irina that when he noticed footsteps approaching, that person was already very close. At the end of the corridor appears a hooded figure, which quickly notices the mutilated corpses of necromancers on the floor.

The mysterious figure is swift and recovers from the shock quickly before running back.

"Damn!" Klaus exclaims before chasing after that person. The mysterious figure is clearly using some technique to run faster, and they tend to lose the vampire by entering some side hallways and secret doors.

But no matter what the mysterious figure does, Klaus reaches them in just a few seconds.


Before Klaus touches the mysterious figure's cloak, they turn around, revealing a startled young female face and a sharp dagger.

The girl realizes that she cannot run away from Klaus, so she attacks him. But even though she is so agile, the vampire sees her movements in slow motion and easily avoids her blade.


Klaus takes the dagger from the girl's hand, but due to how fragile she looks, he doesn't hold her by the neck as usual but instead holds both her shoulders firmly without hurting her.

The girl tries to fight back, but the vampire looks into her eyes and speaks in a soft tone. "Calm down."

She saw how those bodies in the corridor were mangled, and she understood that Klaus was the monster in the underground with the fairy, so she was terrified a second ago. But something about his crimson eyes makes her body instinctively relax.

[What kind of technique is that???] The girl is sure that Klaus is using some magic method to mess with her head. But she can't get rid of that good feeling, and his wonderful scent starts to enter her nose, breaking any resolve to resist.

"Klaus?!?" Irina quickly arrives in that room and gets confused to see the vampire looking into that woman's eyes so close.

He continues looking into the girl's eyes because he must not lose eye contact with his prey for that technique to work. And as he looks into her eyes, she can't stop looking into his eyes, too, mesmerized.

"You are such a delicate girl..." Klaus whispers to the girl with that soft and mysterious tone. His first words are gentle, making the girl feel safe in his arms.

But his next words are the opposite. "It would be a shame to rip your body open and pour your guts all over this floor… you don't want that, right?"

"..." The girl is paralyzed with fear and, at the same time, hypnotized by Klaus' gaze; that mix of feelings is insane, and she can't speak, so she shakes her head slightly, making her will clear.

Klaus smiles. "Yeah, I don't want to do that to you either… but I'm going to kill you anyway, that's right, do you understand?"

The girl wants to beg for her life, curse Klaus, hate him, and do everything else she has a right to in that situation. But she can't do anything to stop her body from feeling good about his touch, scent, and voice. She just nods her head slowly.

"I'm glad we're getting along..." Klaus brings his face close to the girl's, making her blush. "I believe that instead of a painful and dirty death, you would prefer that I be quick... even gentle if you like."

"..." The girl again nods. If she has to die, let it be quickly.

"Good, good..." Each time Klaus speaks, his voice seems more pleasant to the girl. So he continues. "How did they say in my homeworld... there is no free lunch, do you understand that?"

The girl nods again, and he continues. "If you tell me what I want to know, I can even make you feel good before sending you to the afterlife."

At that moment, there is no longer any fear in the poor girl's heart; the mysterious power in Klaus' eyes banished any negative feelings from her.

Klaus breaks eye contact, and the girl remains mesmerized as he brings his lips to her neck. "Do you know what's going on in this place?"

"We were facing enemies in the underground... but then the Sect Master went crazy and started killing everyone..." The girl explains.

"Where is she now?" He asks while almost touching the girl's neck with his lips, which teases her so badly.

The girl really wants to feel the touch of Klaus' lips, so she answers his questions honestly. "I don't know... when the Sect Master started the massacre, I ran away... and I ended up here."

"You are a good girl..." Klaus whispers before biting the girl's neck with his sharp fangs.

His fangs reach her carotid vein, and he sucks her blood quickly, but instead of the usual brutal way, he does it more gently.

"Ahhh..." The girl feels the life leaving her body, yet, she can't help but feel good due to the pleasant feelings that Klaus left in her.

Even the feeling of his fangs penetrating her neck is good, and she dies with a satisfied smile on her face.

Klaus has a nice meal since the blood of victims who die happily under his 'enchant' skills is delicious. That's still far below how good Irina's blood is, but he can't drink her blood the whole time, so finding other good blood sources is always useful.

He gently sets the girl's pale, lifeless body on the floor. He doesn't have any affection for humans but is always nice when he gets what he wants.

"So that woman is killing her own people to keep me from drinking their blood..." Klaus turns to Irina and gets surprised to see her expression.

Irina closely watched everything Klaus did to that girl, and now there's a mix of shock, indignation, and so much irritation in her eyes. "I can't believe what you fucking just did!!!"

Klaus thinks she's praising his methods. "That's a useful skill for getting information, isn't it?"

"Damn, you think I'm happy about this???" Iria starts hitting Klaus, but this time containing her strength, just to show her feelings. "What's your fucking problem?!?!"

"Hey!? What did I do wrong??" He doesn't understand why she is so upset.

"What did you do wrong?!?!" Iria yells as she continues to punch his chest. "Everything you did to that girl was wrong!! Screw your interrogation technique!! Why couldn't you just torture her?!?"

"That was just a trick; it's usually faster and more effective than torture." He explains.

Irina stops hitting him for a second, but she still glares at him. "Do you do that trick with men too?"

"Well..." Klaus doesn't want to lie to Irina, so he answers honestly, even though he knows that will only make her angrier. "It works better with women."

"FUCK YOU!!!" She punches him again. "You were flirting with her and in front of me!!!"

Klaus tries to contain Irina's punches gently. "Calm down, my dear! I don't flirt with my food, and I hate humans, you know."

She pouts and looks into his eyes. "Did you use that trick on me???"

"Of course not!" He quickly responds and tries to kiss her. "I love you, Irina! And I'm always frank with you."

Irina loves Klaus' kisses, but she avoids them now while keeping an angry look. "Didn't you say that actions are more effective than words??"

Klaus can see that she's just marking territory, so he plays her game. "What do you want me to do? Just say it."

"First, you can't use that trick on women anymore!" She holds his face with both hands and makes an imploring look.

"And if you really want me, you have to promise not to go around looking for other women to make a harem or something!"

"Oh, dear..." He caresses her hands. "Why would I look for any other woman when I've already found the perfect one for me?"

Irina begins to think that jealousy is making her paranoid. She feels within her heart how strong her connection to Klaus is, but she already loves him so much that seeing him in contact with another woman makes her heart bleed.

She kisses his lips in a loving way as an apology. "Just don't do things like that anymore... I'm totally loyal to our relationship, so you should be too."

He hugs her waist while kissing her too. "You're right; I'm just going to use good old torture to get information from now on."

"Thank you..." Probably no other person ever was as happy to hear that phrase as Irina. She even starts calling Klaus in a more romantic way. "...honey."

Sometimes I think I'm making Irina too much jealous, but anyone who loves someone very much tends to be very jealous and possessive; our lovely fairy is just honest about her feelings.

I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for reading!

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