
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs



A scream pierced through the chaos, reaching Fukushu's ears. He turned his gaze towards Hanzo, who wore a sinister smile upon his face.

The desperate cries caught the attention of all the ninja engaged in battle. Sensing an opportunity, the Konoha shinobi swiftly retreated, carrying their wounded comrades with them. However, they left behind the fallen bodies, knowing that the Amegakure ninja might go again to continue the fight.

"Should we help him?" Jiraiya asked, his gaze fixed upon Fukushu, who stood silently, staring into the village as they made their escape.

"You idiot! That Fukushu has killed more of our shinobi than all the Ame ninja combined. I can't believe they have any intentions of harming him," Sakumo replied, irritation evident in his voice. He found it hard to believe that Fukushu would remain unyielding if they were to approach him now. Moreover, despite witnessing Hanzo's expression, he couldn't fathom that Hanzo would turn against his own ally.

"Let's report this to our sensei. He's an Uzumaki, just like Kushina. I know he'll take care of Fukushu," Jiraiya suggested, increasing his speed to hasten their journey back to Konoha.

Sakumo shook his head, lost in thought, and then followed Jiraiya's lead. They were trailed by other shinobi, all heading back to Konoha to deliver their crucial report.

Fukushu's heart raced with anticipation and unease as he sprinted through the center of the village towards the orphanage he had built. The sight that greeted him was devastating. The once vibrant and lively orphanage now lay in ruins, its mini-houses destroyed, and lifeless bodies strewn across the ground.

Tears welled up in Fukushu's eyes as the weight of his guilt overwhelmed him. He had created this orphanage to provide hope and a better future for these children, and now they lay before him, victims of the senseless violence.

Fukushu made his way to the center square, where he found a child he recognized, lying among the other victims. The child weakly greeted him, blood staining his mouth as he spoke of the atrocities committed by the assailants. Fukushu hurriedly retrieved a health potion from his scroll and attempted to revive the child, pleading with the system for an answer when the potion failed to awaken him. But his efforts were in vain, as the child's life had already been extinguished.

The weight of sorrow and anguish bore down on Fukushu, leaving him with a lifeless expression. He turned towards the man who stood behind him, accusing eyes fixed upon Hanzo.

"Why?" Fukushu's voice escaped his lips in a cold and hollow tone.

Hanzo's initial anger had subsided, replaced by a calm demeanor as he responded, "This orphanage you built, you are planning a coup d'état. My men overheard your refugees whispering about you becoming a good leader for Amegakure. Did you intend to take my seat?"

Fukushu's gaze remained unwavering as he placed the child's lifeless body gently in a corner, his attention fixated on Hanzo. He waited for an explanation, for a glimmer of understanding amidst the chaos.

"You saved those Konoha ninja," Hanzo continued, his voice laced with cynicism. "After all you've done, do you really expect me to believe in your sincerity towards our cooperation? I knew from the beginning that you would eventually reveal yourself. I played along with your plans, but it seems your endurance has reached its limit."

A dark, foreboding silence hung between them as Fukushu absorbed Hanzo's words. A mixture of anger, grief, and determination welled up within him, fueling an inner fire but in the end, his heart turn into a cold ice, void with no feelings.

Hanzo, seizing the moment, performed a rapid sequence of hand seals, signaling his Amegakure ninja to attack Fukushu. Flames erupted around Fukushu, engulfing him and his own ninja, yet still, he stood defiantly, a testament to his unwavering spirit.

Undeterred, Hanzo summoned his small salamanders and commanded them to unleash a lethal spray of poison. The toxic fumes swirled through the orphanage, filling the air with a deadly haze. Hanzo, protected by his mask, remained unfazed, while some of his own men retreated, ill-equipped to counteract the poison's effects.

As time passed, the poison gradually dissipated, revealing Fukushu standing amidst the devastation, his body marked with violet patterns, evidence of the venom coursing through his veins.

"Why?" Fukushu's voice echoed once more, devoid of pain or fear, as if the flames and poison had failed to touch him.

Hanzo's confidence faltered as he beheld Fukushu's resilience. He had expected his opponent to succumb to the elements, yet Fukushu's unwavering determination continued to confound him.


Can't update tommorow super busy

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