
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Distant shout

"Yo Orochimaru, you okay?" Fukushu asked with a smile on his face, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

"Fukushu? What Orochimaru? I am Jiraiya!" Jiraiya replied angrily, not appreciating being mistaken for his former teammate.

"Oh, I thought your dangling, lifeless arms made you look like Orochimaru. My mistake," Fukushu replied, teasing Jiraiya playfully.

"What dangling, lifeless arms are you talking about?" Jiraiya inquired, his curiosity piqued by Fukushu's words.

Fukushu simply shrugged, deciding not to delve further into the topic. He didn't want to reveal the unsettling truth about Orochimaru's future.

"Just as I thought, Fukushu, you were my enemy all along!" Hanzo shouted, his anger directed towards the man who had blocked his attack.

"Hey, Big Bro Hanzo, it's just a misunderstanding. I simply don't want Jiraiya to die," Fukushu replied with a tinge of anxiety, hoping to clear up the misunderstanding. He didn't want Jiraiya, whom the people adored, to meet a tragic fate.

"Don't lie to me! The people I sent to spy on the Magina went missing after you performed your jutsu in the orphanage! Some of my own ninja even respect you more than me! But don't worry, all those people are already dead. And that orphanage you built should never have existed in the first place!" Hanzo angrily exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration. He waved his hands, signaling his remaining ninja to converge on the center of Amegakure.

As Fukushu watched the ninja rush towards the central location, Hanzo launched a relentless attack against him. Fukushu focused on evading and parrying, choosing not to retaliate. He understood that Hanzo's anger stemmed from misunderstanding, and he wanted to avoid escalating the situation further.

Sakumo, observing the opportunity, unleashed a flurry of blade strikes towards Hanzo, slicing through the air with incredible speed. However, Hanzo evaded with ease, his movements displaying his superior skill.

"Why aren't you attacking him? This is our chance!" Sakumo questioned Fukushu, puzzled by his lack of offensive action.

Hearing Sakumo's words, Hanzo grew even more infuriated, intensifying his attacks and inflicting severe wounds upon Sakumo. Sensing an opening, the Amegakure ninja seized the opportunity and joined forces to assault the wounded Sakumo.

"Well, I don't care about Kakashi not being born yet, or whether his father has already died," Fukushu remarked casually, glancing over his shoulder at Jiraiya. Observing Jiraiya nursing his injured arm, Fukushu couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy for the man.

"You're a pitiful man," Fukushu said, approaching Jiraiya and offering him a vial of green potion.

Jiraiya, thinking Fukushu was referring to his wounds, drank the potion without hesitation, trusting that Fukushu had no intention to harm him.

Jiraiya's injuries healed considerably, although the pain still lingered. Determined to aid Sakumo, he stood up, ready to rejoin the battle.

Fukushu glanced at Sakumo, noting the wound on his eyes. Shaking his head, he realized that immediate medical attention was crucial to prevent Sakumo from losing his vision. Fukushu then shifted his gaze to Hanzo, who was receiving treatment from medical ninjas on the sidelines.

With Jiraiya back in action, he leaped into the midst of the battle, wielding his shuriken and utilizing his ninjutsu.

"I guess this battle will take longer than I thought," Fukushu murmured, a hint of weariness evident in his voice. He let out a sigh, realizing that the conflict was far from over, and he continued to engage and eliminate more Konoha ninja.

As Fukushu's actions caught the attention of the Amegakure forces, they paused, unsure of his intentions. Confusion and doubt spread among them, wondering why Fukushu would act as a double agent so openly.

"Pay no mind to him! Focus on the Amegakure ninja!" one of the leaders commanded, trying to redirect their attention and regain their focus.

Fukushu's smile widened as he heard the order, preparing himself to leap towards the leader in the flak jacket. Utilizing his Shukuchi technique, he became ethereal and invisible, poised to strike. However, just as he was about to make his move, a shout from a nearby location interrupted his plans.

Fukushu halted, his invisible form freezing in place as he strained to hear the distant shouts. His instincts told him that something significant was about to happen, urging him to assess the situation before making his next move.




"Help us please!"