
UQ Holders: All I Can See

A ordinary boy finds himself in the world of UQ Holders with no knowledge on the world besides the general concept, armed with absolutely nothing but the head on his shoulders and a goal given to him and many others by The One Above All, he tries to survive. [-=____________=-] Mc has no knowledge of UQ holder, so you can consider him a unreliable narrator since this is also a first person Pov story. There will only be 1 female lead so dont even ask for harem, I will never entertain the idea of harems.

Pythonicle · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


'Still kinda find it weird no ones uses Honorifics, well they do but only basic ones like sensei or kun and san when they feel like it, its never a must do or considered taboo to do otherwise, nor do they do the Last name thing,' I think while sprinting all the way to school, people I run past look at me funny but then ignore me, they know at this point I've been working out.

I continue running and eventually I stop when I reach the entrance to the school. Its pretty basic along with everything else about the school, the uniform is just some pants, a dress shirt and blazer, but I didn't wear the blazer too cumbersome, makes me hot when I move around too much.

I walk in and change into some indoor shoes, feels pretty weird like why not just walk in? its not like anyone's gonna walk barefoot so it doesn't matter that the floor is dirty.

Well I wouldn't want to step on dirt and whatever crap that people step in, so it kinda makes sense, I finish putting on my shoes and start navigating the halls looking for my class, and while doing so I suddenly have a thought, 'Do I have friends? nah probably not but it wont hurt to make some.' I think.

I finally arrive in front of what I think is my class, opening the door I waltz in a sit down right at the back, I look around inspecting my classmates, they seem normal, but there is this depressed looking guy next to me.

He has red eyes, pretty cool ngl, also not very normal kinda like my blue ones, blue is a very rare color for black people, pretty much doesn't exist unless its a mutation.

Anyway he gives off main character vibes, I can feel it in my bones, he seems to notice my stare and turns to me, we then just eye graze like some lover type crap.

"What are you looking at dude" He asks, I look at at him not answering, "Ah nothing just found you eyes cool, names Devon Daniels by the way" I answer with way too much ease, I usually have trouble talking to people, whatever happened to me when I got here changed my personality way to much.

"Ah yeah, people do that alot, my name is Touta Konoe nice to meet you Devon " He answers, his whole depressed aura just vanishes into thin air. I also dont bat a eye at the lack of honorifics, nobody uses them for some reason,

He smiles at me then replies, "Well you can just call me Touta then", I grin and am about to say something before the door is flung open.

Then a women if her late twenties with long blond hair walks in, "Jesus lady open the door like a normal person" I mutter but she seems to hear that and just stares at me, I smile innocently while adverting my eyes.

'That women aint normal' I think but she seems to also pick up on that cus she glares harder.


Ok so school is school, boing as ever, its even easier since this is 12 year old crap and I'm 14 mentally, it makes alot more of a difference than you would think, that teacher, who I now know is Yukihime is pretty cool I guess, she feels familiar but I cant put my finger on her.

I currently sitting in class eating my lunch, it feels weird to not have a cafeteria or something like that but it is what it is, I am broken out my thoughts by Touta suddenly asking me something.

"Devon, do you have any dreams?", I stop sucking on my juice box... pause, and look at him, I think for a bit before answering, "Mmm I want to learn magic, and leave the village" I answer.

"What's yours?" I ask, he thinks for a bit before answering, "I dont know, dont really have one." He answers.

"Mmmm, by the way you seemed close to Yukihime-sensei," I ask, now realizing Touta is oldy familiar aswell, 'Probably some show I watched or heard of' I think.

"She's she's my guardian" He says, his mood seemingly drops, 'Not a good relationship? That's crazy', I think and decide to change the subject.

"What do you do for fun?" I ask, cus this village seems very boring, I just scraped by cus I did nothing but exercise, well if you can even consider that torture I put myself through 'exercise'.

"Nothing really, you?"

"I exercise alot, pretty much do it the entire day every single day, you can join me if you want" I offer, he thinks it over before nodding.


"C'mon man, keep it moving, those tires wont flip itself" I laugh while staring at my new friend, Touta struggling to flip over a huge tire I found, I cant blame him though, he was already in peak condition so I had to up the difficulty just a tiny bit.

"Do you actually do this everyday?" He asks panting on the floor, "Yup all day, everyday day. Have nothing better to do with my life" I shrug, but then realize how sad that actually is.

he chuckles at me before getting up and continuing the training, I look behind me and notice Yukihime looking at us from the path on top of the hill.


Touta never had a dream until he met his friends when he was 12, so that's why he didn't have one, And that honorifics thing is true, they never seem to use them in UQ Holder, people who have just met call each other by their first names and so one, kinda convenient ngl.