

I've been here for a month and I have figured out some stuff, first I'm about 12, living in a orphanage, name is still Davon Daniels somehow, man what's up with me and not having parents, not complaining tho, I live in some random village in Japan.

I was apparently born here to of course black parents, they died and for whatever reason I stayed here instead of going back to wherever my parents were from.

So yeah Japanese, I had to learn the entire language in a month just so I could communicate, I bet everyone thought I was crazy, one day I suddenly stop talking and after a month I start talking again.

I had to plan the order of what I would learn, I started with things that would probably be said to me often, since I do have people taking care of me here, this was so I could respond to commands and not seem to be braindead.

I then learnt to speak simple words I would need every once in awhile, I then speedran everything else and now I can speak the language semi-fluently,

so now I can speak, and I have kinda figured out where I am, its pretty much earth, I live in this random village in Japan and its currently holidays, so thank every god for that, I would of had a hard time navigating though school with no means to talk.

There's also magic, so yeah I am in a some fantasy world, people talk about it like its common sense but pretty much no one can use it, there are these things called magic apps that let the average joe do it.

But they are expensive as fuck, I asked some guy how much they go for and it was some number I didn't even bother to remember, but there is also the fact I might be able to do it myself.

Well I cant, or dont know how too, I did everything, chanting meditating and so one, I looked like a idiot while doing so, so I gave up, but at least I know I have means of power in the future, even if I have to spend money on them, but there must be a way to obtain the ability to do it normally.

To my knowledge school starts again in 3 months, so I have alot of free time and I'm going to spend it training in everything I can cus I doubt this world is normal, I may not know what it entails but I bet some crazy crap is gonna happen eventually.

And that crazy stuff is probably gonna give me the opportunity to get strong and stuff, and I'd probably need that strength of something, otherwise why would I be warned?

I think I am right about this, but if I'm not I am gonna train for absolutely no reason

"Ok so now I need to get this body in shape, and choose a way to fight" I think out loud with a massive grin on my face.

'I need something easy to get used too, easy to train with, and most importantly easy to get my hands on'

All of these conditions cross out alot of things but I do have one weapon in mind, it ticks none of the conditions but its a cool weapon and that's enough for me.

A Greatsword, like those huge and thick ones... wait... pause, anyway nice and unique but a hassle to use and carry, but alas I probably wont even be able to carry them let alone swing them so I have to go with something else...

Eh, I'll choose when I am in the situation to obtain them, so for now training.

"Lets get it!" I shout before running out my room.


I woke up early today, ready to start my training session. The sun was barely rising, casting a soft glow on the empty fields all over the village. Taking a deep breath, I began my first exercise. I started with a simple warm-up jog around the entire village, my legs felt like goddamn jelly.

"Jesus why is this body so goddamn weak too?" I shout while shout while panting on the floor, I have only run for a hour, no scratch that not even run, JOG and I'm already dying,

People walking past look at me for a bit before moving along, sighing I continue laying down before getting up and resuming my workout, but instead of jogging I decide to do short sprints up and down a hill.

And finally the day ends so I head back to the orphanage and after taking a shower I pass out on my bed.

Opening my eyes I sit up on my bed and wince in pain, 'Goddamn my everything hurts' I think to myself before getting up and getting ready for whatever exercising I feel like doing today.

After some consideration I decide to work on my upper body, and I dont really have a plan for anything, I just wing everything, so I'm probably not doing this properly but eh, its gonna be fine.

After that I searched the shed nearby and found some tires, and decided to flip them, so I did that for a couple of hours, my legs aching from all the running the previous day didn't help, I then worked on my arms with very type of push up I remember, I then decided to end the day with multiple short sprints.

I went back home, took a bath, then decided to do some stretches and yoga to help with flexibility, might be useful one day, after that was done I went back to sleep dreading the next day.

And when I woke up, like I expected my whole upper body hurt alongside my lower body, "This is the exact reason I gave up on exercising " I groan and get ready for my day.

Today I decided to do circuit training, alternating between push ups, sit ups, lunges, squats, and the repeating for the entire day taking short breaks in between. I then go back to flipping tires before sprinting around.

I went back to sleep after my yoga and woke up the next day sore once again, today I decided to work on agility and speed, I set up some cones I found and weaved through them, I then decided to run through the forest nearby since it has alot of natural obstacles, I then went home, completed my stretched but then instead of sleeping I decided to work on my core strength through planks and some other stuff.

I then went to sleep and repeated all things I had dont over and over and over again.

And now its been 3 months and I am way better than when I started, I pushed myself a little too much so my strength developed way faster, I have a body that is in very good shape, so I just have to keep this up until I figure out what type of world I'm in.

Well I'd probably keep working out cus I get way too much dopamine from this, I'm lowkey addicted now, to bad I will have way less time to workout ho, but that's besides the point, school is starting again today, and my morning tire flips, I stepped it up from just a couple of meters to the entire distance of the village.

And after I'm done I head back to take a shower and then head out for school.


So like, school in UQ Holders makes no sense, Touta just randomly disappears from school to work with the UQ Holder, he then just applies for that school city out of nowhere, but anyway I'm not gonna put alot of effort in the school things cus it wont last for long.

Next chapter