
Unseverable Bond

Your parents died trying to save you, from your own half-species at the age of four. The only momento you had from them were a couple of memories which you hated and a very reliable book. You continue your life, working hard from village to village with your little twin brother. Life is harsh, but you manage to pull through thanks to your parents. You work hard from village to village, just to get to an academy recommended in your father's diary. You finally enter the academy, but life doesn't get any easier. People hate you for stupid reasons and bully you, but you forget them an plan vengeance for your parents with your only two friends. Before that, you have to grow strong, and growing strong is not an easy task at all, but you endure. A lot happens, and the whole world is after you. What would you do in that situation? Let's find out in this novel: Unseverable Bond!

Tha_Reaper · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Display of Power and Love

"Who would have thought? You're the last on the list, and I'm number one... As it should be. This time, there'll be no bodyguards to plead for your babysat ass." Klaus said with a smirk, agitating his opponent.

"You know the numbers were given at random so shu-" Shang stopped mid sentence as the referee asked if both sides were ready. After confirming that both sides were ready, he called for the start of the match.

Immediately after this, Klaus floated in the air as wind a tornado formed around him with golden lightning crackling within it. His eyes flashed with this same golden lightning as he said in a loud imposing voice, "I'll show you what it means to face number one, The Golden Flash."

Damn! So arrogant! Well, his arrogance was justified in the next second.

With extreme speed, a golden flash flashed across the arena, appeared infront of Shang and struck him in the gut, effectively knocking him out. Hell what?!

Everyone was astonished, except The Nightmare. That speed was too much! And how could he control it so perfectly! He could've just flung Shang out of the arena with that much power! Was this the power of a member of the nightmare?!

Even the referee and higher-ups in the Academy were shocked.

More and more students were called upon the stage and some fights caught the eye, whiles some didn't.

After about twenty minutes, it was finally the turn of Jiro, leader of the nightmare. Everyone was anticipating his match already so they were naturally hyped.

His opponent was a lionkin beastman.

In this world there were six major races.

The humans, elves, faries, gnomes, beasts and beastmen. There were other races too but their population was too minor to consider. I'll touch more on that as we continue 😉.

His opponent was a handsome, prideful lionkin beastman who wielded clawed gauntlets. His regal clothes pointed out that he might be from a noble family and the handsome, proud smile on his face captured the hearts of quite a lot of young ladies.

Jiro appeared on the stage out of thin air, and even the Headmaster was flabbergasted! He couldn't sense an iota of space energy when Jiro teleported! There was only one explanation for this: From his rich looks he would probably own a magical artifact that allows him to do that. He had never heard of such an artefact though...

Jiro's appearance was quite breathtaking. His smile-less face alone captured the hearts of many young maidens. Coupled with his regal looking clothes, he looked like a Prince Charming straight out of a fairy tale.

The referee signalled for the start and the prideful beastman propelled himself toward Jiro with flames underneath his feet. He was fast, but Jiro just stood there, and the beastman had an idea of what he was about to do - Phasing.

With an angry expression, he increased his speed as he moved toward him with a readied punch, succumbing to his fate and hoping to catch Jiro off guard later, but how wrong he was!

Jiro didn't phase, but rather he used his opponent's own speed against him by holding his fist at the last second and slamming him into the floor with a beautiful turn. His opponent had great physical strength, yes, although not on the level of Jiro's, but he lacked an important aspect of fighting ; brains.

First, his opponent immediately assumed he had activated his phasing ability without any solid evidence. Second, if you realised he was actually phasing, why make a fool of yourself by flying straight at him and letting your guard down? All this showed his inexperience. He was probably pampered during his training in his noble home.

Jiro on the other hand showed extreme cunningness and brute strength. Not an iota of elekra was used, and he was technically in the same position he was at the start of the match. A true wielder of the darkness element; cunning and cruel.

He teleported to his seat near his friends who congratulated him although he didn't smile or respond. He didn't see this match to be worthy of praise. To him, this was equivalent to choosing between Beyonce and Sarah J. Parker! /Please take this with a grain of salt XD/

Zoro's match ended within five seconds of it's beginning. 99% of the spectators didn't know how he did it, but he slightly unsheathed his sword and sheathed it quickly with a 'clank!' sound, and a sword slash appeared on his opponent's neck. The referee sensed the graveness of the situation and the warning Zoro was portraying with his eyes and ended the match quickly, else Zoro could easily kill this guy.

The rest of the Nightmare easily won their matches and lost to difficult opponents in the latter stages. Since the tournament was only among E-rankers, it was an easy win for Jiro. 2nd place was a fairy who used a seductive ability of hers to blitz through her opponents, whether male or female. With the help of Tenebris' eyes, he easily saw through her deceptions. He won easily after playing along till the last part.

His handsomeness attracted the fairy who went as far trying to kiss Jiro before defeating him. Jiro thought little of it and decided to defeat her during the kiss but Tenebris pleaded with Jiro through their mind link to avoid the kiss no matter what which got Jiro amused. He teased Tenebris that he didn't think much about the kiss and it was nothing to worry about. Tenebris tried to smack Jiro's head using her illusory self in Jiro's head but he just used fourth dimensional energy to stop her each time.

When the kiss was very close, Tenebris' loud heartbeat could be faintly heard by her friends. They saw the expression on her face and decided to tease her about it. She told them to stop but they said if she doesn't allow it they could just tell Jiro, which got her all red, proving their assumption: Tenebris was deeply in love!

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