
86 Luke's Parents Names

"If it was her mother then all the more reason to have gotten them. I am glad I got the flowers and I am glad that you asked for lavender so that I could get you some flowers as well. What is your favorite flower, Cindy?" Carlos asks out of curiosity.

Cindy places the boxes on the table, my favorite flower is lavender. It has a wonderful fragrance and can really freshen up a place. So your gift was perfect for me. One more trip and then we can unpack the cooler and bags." She walks back to the car and grabs a few more packages.

Carlos follows behind and grabs the last of the packages. "At least Kitty will have something to do tomorrow. All these packages need to be opened at some point in time. I bet she will open all of them just to see what has come in." He placed the last of the boxes on the table and headed into the kitchen and started to unpack the cooler.