
87 Godmother

Carlos looks over at Luke. "Seriously?! I have been hunting for you for the last ten years. Werewolves of the pack are special and your parents were part of the pack. I was tasked with finding you and educating you so that you learn about the pack ways but that was only if you were alive and to this day there had not been a whiff of information." He walks up to Luke and places his hands on his shoulders. "I am glad that you are safe and I am sorry for the loss of your family but you at least made it back safely."

"Well that is a bit of a surprise but if you look at Luke now he does look like a bit like Roman but he has Evangeline's hair and eyes. It would have been hard to make the connection if you never found out that Luke was a werewolf but wasn't the child's name Lucas?" Kitty looked at Luke and then at Carlos.