

Vennessa was only 12 seconds old when both parents died. She was tagged as "the new born who killed her parents ". Later on, she was adopted by molloniares. After their first child, things became hard for her. Coupled with her course mates girlfriend. Would Ven be able to live a normal life?? Her second sister in another would became her only source of strength and hope. Together, they were able to conquer all obstacles of faith.

The_Ghost_Seeker00 · sci-fi
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5 Chs

No new news!!

That was when they understood that Van wasn't an illegitimate but an adopted child.

" many drama's in one day!!" Sigh...she looked up and saw caly.

"Oh! Hi caly"

"I heard of what happened .. Did your sis really video your parents' discussion?"

"Yeah..she did "

"Damn! That girl really needs some lesson..

of her life"

"Caly, am I really a waste?"

"Cmon, don't believe what she says! You and I know the no. Of peeps that which to be like you"

"Wasn't that because I am always speaking trash?"

"Vany, there's no way peeps would like someone who always speaks trash or something !"

"Yeah... you have a point!"

"Thank you!"

"But ..are. ..you..perhaps I shouldn't ask, "


"Are you one of those who like me?"

Sweats could be seen running down his face."Yes! Who doesn't like a special queen? "

"But do you really love me?"

"Ah, I.. would have .. but you see.. I already have Tammy..she's my all...I can't afford to compare you with her ..but.."

"It's OK, I understand."

"You sure?"


"I'll be taking my leave now,"

Okay, bye!

They waved each other, and he departed while she sipped in more drinks. Caly was never one who wasted time on anyone. There was nothing to be shocked about what was happening, it's still gave a great sense of feeling. She couldn't have thought of more or less. He had a girlfriend, so what was she expecting she over her? No, there was no possible way that could happen.

She paid for her drink and left the bar, warry of what might await her. Could she be thrown out of her home? or even more be sold my her step mother! Those were part of her worries as for now, those thugs around the street has called for a great alarm and warning!!

One of them which she presumed to be the leader walked starggely towards her! She was done for! She knew it

Hi princess, looking for some escort??

No thanks ..I'll be fine on my own

That's not an answer..she knew it but still tried to be calm as she could be.

Princess..we won't hurt you ok just a few miles down the street and we'll leave you..we just want a stroll. He gave a puppy eyes

There was no need of them, she thought

Am sorry ok I just can't do it

Princess seems like you don't like the easy way. Run! Run as fast as you can!! Her mind kept yelling.

Am sorry princess ..she blanked out...

The morning sun woke her up from a terrible sleep. She had been raped!! The thugs were hired and sent specially to rape her!! Who could have done this? She was quite aware that she had many enemies .... but .... who could possibly have the nullness of hearts to do this? It was a question that needed urgent reply

[v] She was then aware that her virginity has been taken by some thugs.Such a sad feeling indeed.

Footsteps!! A lady could be seen dressed in a long body hugged sleevless red gown walking majestically towards her. Taminuela!! What was she doing here was she the one behind the scene but why did I ever do wrong

"How could you?"

"Ha ha your silly brain got the picture . Oh yes am the one behind this plot .."

Just like the bitch she was..she said it with so much pride . "Wicked!!"

"And so what?there's nothing you can do about it"

"Why?!!?" I almost shouted!

"Silly you made my poor caly deserted. That day would have been peace, go to the beach, make love watch some movies but..you little whore!! You ruined my plans all of it and why? Because you were suddenly on TV being interrogated "

"But this is just too much!!"

"No you have done too much you don't know what it feels like to watch your crush feeling for another girl.. a whore at that matter. laughs. "You dared cross my path, this.. is just a lesson!!"

Down she went, walking like a model of her dreams! Speaking of which

" oh shit!! "

The bag!! It was there . Her clothes had been neatly kept on a wooden stool. She dressed up...ready to go home.