

Vennessa was only 12 seconds old when both parents died. She was tagged as "the new born who killed her parents ". Later on, she was adopted by molloniares. After their first child, things became hard for her. Coupled with her course mates girlfriend. Would Ven be able to live a normal life?? Her second sister in another would became her only source of strength and hope. Together, they were able to conquer all obstacles of faith.

The_Ghost_Seeker00 · Sci-fi
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5 Chs


Vennassa Rodry was a child abandoned by her relatives after the death of both parents. She was sent to the orphanage when a molloniares family : The Martins adopted her as an infant of three months old due to the fact that the were burden.

Although she was young, she was constantly reminded that she was an orphan. When they gave birth to their first child, the little love that she was shown was directed to the new born. And so she became a slave in the hands Mrs Martins. She coped! she had to!!

Her parents ; Mr and Mrs Martins was always thinking of a way to abandon her. They didn't need her any more, they already have their three kids, so what use was she? This topic was becoming very serious as Mrs Martins started calling immediate call to her husband!Mrs Martins : I wanted to ask how useful Vanny was? I mean, we already have children, and our maids are outnumbered, plus she doesn't give any value to us!!

Mr Martins:I understan. Pleasee give me time to fix things!

" You sure? "

" Yes, definitely!! "

Meanwhile, someone beyond Mr and Mrs Martins knowledge was using a chip like microphone to record their discussion. Although it was short and brief, it sure would make the best gossip!!

Mark Angela was the first child of the Martins. Named after her grandmother, she was more or less like her. She on a norm was someone who loved entertainment and was widely popular online.

Since she was a child, she have noticed how they treated the other kid. She didn't like it! She was neither their blood, so why should she be treated specially? No, she didn't need it!! She doesn't deserve it! She just doesn't !!! All her life, she had been trying to put pressure on both her parents and that day.. it finally happened. She had placed chips in her room that night and had told her mum to be serious and real. Her mum agreed, not like she hated the idea herself! " Lollllllll .. laughter could be heard in Angela's room.

Brolly, one of her brothers, concluded that she had completed her mischievous plan.

'Just waiting for it to be on the net,' he thought with sigh and continued playing his game.