
Unknowingly Lost

Lucas is a CEO vampire who works at a vampire-based corporation where only a handful of humans are aware of their existence. Sara's delectable scent, amongst the human employees, attracted his attention. As a member of vampire aristocrats, Lucas held a Blood Red Party and invited Sara to be the Guest of Honour, omitting the fact that she will be the main course for him. Lucas became obsessed with the taste of her blood and wanted to keep her near for a fresh supply of blood. His attempt to seduce her failed miserably. As he tries to continuously deceive her, Sara finally fell in love without knowing he's the predator and Lucas unknowingly fell into his own trap. From prey to love, he was not sure when it all started. Both never experience love. Both never understood love. Join these two as they slowly explore their feelings and embrace what comes their way. Take a back seat and read how they come to accept each other in their life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER : The cover does not belong to me. The rights go to the original artist. Please contact me if you wish for it to be taken down. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nekonigiri001 · Fantasie
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176 Chs


Panic-stricken, Sara stuttered as she tried to answer Bryce.

"No, no. I haven't talked to anyone at all. I did not tell anyone that you are a murde…" Sara's voice trailed off, and she instantly covered her mouth with her hands the moment she realised her mistake.

The eyebrows on Bryce's face instantly raised, making Sara quiver with fear. She slowly backed away as his hand approached her. She hoped Bryce was not planning on killing her especially in the presence of people.

"NO!" Sara screamed for her life, intentionally attracting onlookers in the lab.

"Maybe they are having lover's squabble," muttered someone from the back. She looked around, waiting for anyone to come up and intervene, but everyone lowered their heads pretending to do their work.

"Sara, I was only being playful. I meant to say about me, you know, last night," Bryce whispered as softly as he could.

"Oh my gosh! Are they talking about "it" in public? I don't think I can stomach it," said a gagging student nearby while a handful can be seen pretending to throw up.

"Get a room!" chimed one of the students amongst the group.

She cannot understand why these people butt in other's people conversation and not lend a helping a hand.  She wanted to scream there was a murderer in the room, but afraid people might laugh it off. Or worse, her framing an innocent person since he was not proven guilty as of yet.

"We were WHISPERING! You lot should know better than to eavesdrop to an adult's conversation!" Bryce's manly voice thundered the computer lab as he rebuked the students who made snide remarks, causing Sara to cower in fear.

She trembled even more as he suddenly grabbed her hand and walked out to the campus ground. She tried her best not to utter a single word, standing as still as possible like a statue, worried that any single movement or her words would be the death of her.

"Look, Sara, as I said I was only trying to be playful. I meant to say don't tell people about me crying my heart out last night." He slowly loosened his grips on her hand but instantly clutched it as she tried to make a run for it.

He pulled both of her arms until she was forced to look nowhere else but his freckled and bespectacled face. "Listen! Just try and listen to what I have to say. I meant to say don't tell people about me crying last night. That is all."

At this point, people were beginning to crowd around them but from a safe distance where they will not be involved should anything bad to happen.

"B-but.. this does not mean it explains why you m-m-murd...Adrianna," said Sara, refusing to use the M word.

"Honestly Sara, I know my affection and relationship with Adrianna is much deeper in comparison to YOUR friendship with her. It would be a lie to say you missed her more than I do! I don't know about you, but Adrianna rarely talks about you so who are you to judge me?"

Although Bryce was speaking calmly Sara could tell he was furious. The way his eyes glared at her, the way his fist balled up and the way he spat out those words through his gritted teeth.

" Wh-What are you talking about…?"

"This! You! You're being such a fake. Stop this pretence already! Who do you think you are? Pretending to care about Adrianna, going all out to find out what happened to her? Yada-yada-yada! You must think so highly of yourself. As I said, Adrianna rarely talks about you. Your friendship wasn't that important to - !"

"I know I know! I have never said what Adrianna and I have was deep. It was shallow okay? Always have been superficial! I don't know why you are bringing up about her.

I have never once talked to you about her! If memory serves me right, it was you who brought it up. So why are you talking to me as if I am such a bad friend to her? Even though it is superficial, it is still real.

She is still a good friend of mine. Do I have to be in a deep friendship with someone for it to be real? What is your point in saying all these?"

The sudden outburst from Bryce flustered Sara. She neither understands why he was suddenly talking about Adrianna nor did she understand why he went all judgmental of her friendship with Adrianna.

"It's because you're going about everywhere talking and searching up Adrianna. You and that friend of yours too!" said Bryce defensively.

"Hey! Harith and I, along with Adrianna were flatmates. Yesterday was the very first time we bumped into each other after quite a long while.

When you entered, I was only asking how Adrianna has been doing. Only yesterday have I heard her name and the word passed away being mentioned in one sentence.

Then at dawn, you were the one who confessed doing that crime you did! I am only searching her name up because I wanted to confirm the legitimacy of her death rumours.

Is that wrong? Am I supposed to trust only two people blindly? Is it REALLY wrong for me to find out whether it's true that she's dead?"

Sara could feel the heat rose from her heart to her face and spread all over her body as she tried to defend her actions. Introvert or not, she did not want to be wrongly accused.

She was not sure whether her response had sunk in his brain or his rationality washed over him, but she was surprised when she heard whispered, "I'm sorry."

What infuriates her more was the fact that he walked away right after he apologised. She did not feel it was fair Bryce gets to say his piece of mind, but he had to leave her hanging.

'Not only did he rile me up, but he transformed my fear to anger towards him.'

The anger was only beginning to soar when she felt the vibration of her phone on her thigh pocket. She reached the inside of her pocket to grab the vibration object. It was Harith trying to call her.

Unfortunately, her anger spilt to the clueless Harith.


"Why do you sound so angry? I have been trying to reach you. Sorry, I had to miss your call, I was driving."

"Nothing much. I accidentally dialled your number. Sorry for causing trouble." Sara figured it is best to give short answers and keep the matter to herself.

"Are you calling because you found out that I have been telling the truth?" Harith smirked was evident over the phone, which annoyed her more.

"Yes, yes. You are right. I'm sorry for not believing you." At this point, Sara was just too exhausted from all the anger to react towards Harith playfulness.

Maybe Harith noticed the conversation was too serious and the tensed atmosphere over the phone. "What's wrong? Do you need help?"

"No, nothing. I got to hang up for now. I've got errands to do. Please drive safely, Harith."

She decided there was no need to worry whether Bryce murdered Adrianna or not. Whatever the circumstances were, life must go on, and she had to carry on with her life. There were other matters to be considered, and she had to continue living to survive in this harsh world.

Even if Bryce wanted to murder her, she would keep on fighting until her very last breath because her life was the only thing she has.

She is, after all, all alone in this whole wide world.

With no one else to rely on except herself. 

There must be a misunderstanding! You'll get your vampires. We'll get there together.

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