
Chapter seventy two

Amanda and Praise went back to Warri. When Amanda got home, she met only her mom. She rushed to hug her mother...

" mummy " Amanda called.

" my daughter, welcome " her mom said. They finally part bodies...

" where are Anthony and Samuel? " Amanda asked.

" Samuel house has been completed. They've both moved there " her mom replied.

" is his future wife there? "

" no " her mom replied.

" okay, I'm going there. I'll come back when Samuel's wife has moved in " Amanda said, then went to her room.

" this girl eh " her mother said, as she was also mother head left and right.

Amanda reached Ojikpata in Owhohorun ( in Udu, here in Delta state). Amanda has the picture of the building, so she easily found it.

* knock knock knock * she knocked the door. As she turned her head to the right edge of the door, she found a door bell...

" no be small thing o, door bell dey here sef " Amanda said surprised, then rang the bell...

* ding dong * the bell sound. After some few minutes, since nobody answered the door, Amanda thought no one's home so she sat on the ground, holding her bag filled with clothes.

After fifteen minutes, Anthony opened the door. He was really surprised to see Amanda, who was already sleeping on the floor.

" Samuel " Anthony yelled. He's eyes was still on Amanda. Samuel rushed out...

" what hap..." he paused, as he saw Amanda. They both smiled.

Anthony tapped Amanda's back, then she woke up.

" Amanda " Samuel called.

" how long have you been here? " Anthony asked. Amanda sleepy face turned to a angry one.

" I've been here for more that fifteen minutes. And you guys were inside the house " Amanda said with anger.

" sorry, we were both sleeping " Samuel replied. Amanda stood up. Anthony helped her to carry her bag, then Amanda quickly hugged both Anthony and Samuel together. They hugged her back.

" so when are you going back? " Samuel asked.

" when your wife comes " Amanda replied.

As they entered the house, they dropped Amanda's bag. The three of them sat down, and started their discussion. Amanda told them everything she did in Lagos.

Just then, Fabian called Amanda...

" hello " Amanda answered.

" Amanda, how are you? "

" I'm good " she replied.

" are back in Warri? "

" I'm in Ojikpata " Amanda replied.

" oh, you're in brother Samuel's house " the way he said it, sounds sad.

" yeah " Amanda replied. They were silent for a while, then they finally spoke...

" how is my small boy doing? " she asked in a cheerful way.

" he's good "

" greet brother Samuel and brother Anthony for me " Fabian said. As he was about to hang up, Amanda stopped him...

" Wait " she yelled, not too loud.

" yeah? "

" send me 500 Naira recharge card " Amanda said with a pleading voice.

" okay " Fabian smiled. Then Amanda hanged up.

After a while, Amanda received an alert. She read it out loud...

" 080******** has transferred 1500N to 090******** Amanda read it with a smile on her face. She then sent him a message saying ' thank you'.

While Achiever was just feeling bored at home.

" I should call Amanda " he thought.

" no, it will look as if I missed her, and that is why I'm calling her. She left this early morning, I was the one that dropped her in the park. But she will think I already miss her " Achiever thought. He then thought of something, that might work...

" I don't want to call Amanda with my phone. But Fejiro can just call her " he said, smiling

" Fejiro " he yelled. Fejiro rushed out.

" yeah? "

" call Amanda with your phone " Achiever ordered.

" are you shy to call her with your phone? " Fejiro asked, bouncing his eye brows up and down. And smiling at the time.

" people are very happy, when they are told to work for any celebrity. Even a random person will be willing to replace you " Achiever said. Fejiro said no more, then quickly called Amanda.

While Adebisi has been finding herself dirty since that day. She takes her bath almost six times a day. She can't even talk to anyone, that's because she fears that she might say something out of fear.

Michael was just at home, he has been thinking about everything Adebisi had told him that day...

" why did she say those things?, did someone misinformed her? " he asked himself.

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Celina_doctorcreators' thoughts