
Universe Travel - High School of the dead , Naruto.

After death, God became interested in me. He gave me a game system. Gave the opportunity to travel between worlds. Gave immortality. The price, of all this, is very simple. I become his entertainment. +++++++++++++++++++++//++/++++ Original Author: vitotitov https://tl.rulate.ru/search?from=book&t=vitotitov Release: ongoing The work has an age limit of 18+. Login or register to read this work. Genres: harem, litrpg, post apocalyptic, adventure, smut, fantasy, echi Tags: 18+, naruto, hero man, game elements, incest, journey to another world, system, gender reassignment Fandom Naruto Highschool of the Dead ======≠====================== I don't have this fanfic, just trying my translating skills

Vakde_14 · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 6 - Years Later (Part Three)

2008 April 6.

And now, the day has come when I will enter the Fujimi Academy.

I am overwhelmed by the fact that today I have the opportunity to meet the characters of the anime of the School of the Dead.

Leaving and locking the house, I walk slowly to school.

In the meantime, let me tell you what happened in junior high school.

I went to Juho High School. There is not much to tell about this time, because three years is a rather short time. But let's try it anyway.

Juho's first year of junior high school.

When I first entered, I was faced with a difficult choice in which club to go. It turns out to be quite difficult to find something new.

And then I came across the Kyudo club. He's an archery club.

And then I realized that despite the fact that I have the skill "Master of martial arts" I cannot shoot from a bow.

Although in the future it will be an excellent silent weapon against zombies.

As you understand, I immediately signed up for the club.

Already in the circle I got a skill.

Shooting is a skill that allows you to accurately throw objects at the target.

(Additionally, with each increase in the skill level, the speed of the thrown object increases by 10%)

The skill itself gave me the knowledge of how to properly throw objects at the target and hit whether it be a spoon, a stone or an arrow.

Even shooting a firearm is considered "throwing". I don't know how it works, but I'm better off.

True, the skill did not give me knowledge about the guns themselves, their characteristics or the correct maintenance, but I think I'll figure it out myself.

For the rest of the year I was involved in the activities of the club. All competitions were won by me with ease, which is predictable.

The guys and teachers persistently offered to become the president of the club, but I didn't need such happiness, because the "Shooting" skill was maximized. And the president is obliged to spend a lot of time at the club.

I have also developed stealth over the course of this year. The skill is extremely useful for the future. In addition, everyone knows from Skyrim that an archer without stealth is like an undertaker without a shovel.

Stealth is a skill that allows you to hide and disguise yourself.

(Optional: Each time you level up, the skill's effectiveness increases by 10%)

This skill gave knowledge about how to move, breathe and disguise correctly. This skill is active, so I can activate the "Stealth" mode. At maximum leveling, I become about ten times less noticeable than Kuroko Tetsu. And this despite the fact that I did not even try.

Second year of Juho junior High School.

This year was "craft" for me. And this is all because of the "Transformation" skill

This skill was learned through experimentation. I then wanted to find other uses for prana, besides strengthening and healing. Here in one of them we managed to find a new application for it.

Simply by filling the object with prana as much as possible, I tried to influence it. In the end, this wonderful skill was acquired.

Transformation is a skill that allows you to change objects at will.

(Additional: With each increase in the skill, the energy consumption of changes is reduced by 10%)

This skill is incredible. Thanks to him, I can improve different materials or make different products at once.

Still, it's better not to do that. Let's say I want to make a knife. I have the ability to immediately make incredible steel and simultaneously shape it into a blade, or make excellent steel and hand forge a knife while taking advantage of the Jack of All Trades skill bonus. As a result, the same knife will be ten times sharper, stronger and even more comfortable. (I love game logic). So, in my opinion, the choice is obvious.

Junior high school third year.

This year I realized that I needed money. Before that, I didn't have to think about it, but because of the "Transformation" skill I had to. Materials are quite expensive, and I'm tired of living in hostels. Somehow I didn't want to get into crime.

So I needed a job that would not eat my time and at the same time be profitable.

As a result, I decided to draw manga and write a book at the same time.

I chose "Naruto" because I knew that it would take off for sure.

In addition, in the past world there was no light novel based on Naruto, but only anime and manga, which in my opinion is bad because the book usually contains much more details.

And so it happened that, having sat down to write, I immediately got the skill "Writer", and while drawing the manga "Artist".

Writing - increasing the level you master the profession of a writer

(Additionally, with each level increase, the writing efficiency increases by 10%)

Drawing - as you level up, you master the profession of an artist

(Additionally, with each increase in skill, the efficiency of the image increases by 10%)

Thanks to these skills, I was able to write and draw the entire Naruto series.

And of course, thanks to these skills, I slightly corrected it.

I made the world itself darker. I wanted to show all the cruelty of wars and violence as such. As for me, the world was kinder than wicked before. Now, roughly equal.

I also wanted to reveal more of the characters and the story itself. How exactly did the Uzumaki lose? Why did the Senju clan disappear? How Hashirama Senju died. And a lot more. As a result, the series itself almost doubled, although I tried to shorten it.

In return, it gave more feelings and drama, because when the characters who are more familiar to you died, it even more revealed all the stupidity of wars and violence.

As expected, the light novel and manga fired. The sales were incredible. I did not disclose my identity although the author was identified by Shiro. Just Shiro.

Thanks to the money, I was able to buy a house and materials to change it to my own taste. The house is quite large, but the most important thing is that there is a basement where I managed to organize the workshop I had dreamed of for so long.

That's all about Junior high school.

While he was telling the story, he managed to get to the academy.

Today is the first day and there are no lessons as such. Basically, the guys come to get to know each other and the teacher, and there is also a tour of the school.

So I go to my class.

At this time, grade 10 C.

- And now, since we all met, I'll tell you ... - said the teacher until he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

- Come in. -

The classroom door slid open and everyone saw a tall, swarthy guy with snow-white hair and ruby ​​eyes.

- I'm listening to. -

- Sorry to bother you, but is this class 10 C? -

- Yes. -

- Then I apologize for being late. I am Yuki Shiro. -

- Nothing, nothing. You are not late, two more minutes before the call. We just decided that no one would come at such a time and started slowly getting to know each other. Come in, the last desk is just left. -

- "The last desk. Interesting. If she was at the window, I would suspect the intervention of higher powers. " Shiro thought as he walked slowly to the last middle desk.

- Just look at what a handsome man! We were lucky! - the girl vigorously whispered to her friend.

- Yeah, look at his hair! They shine and seem to glow! - vigorously whispered in response to a friend.

- Your mother! How much is in it? Two meters? More? A rather tall guy said quietly to his friend.

- Yeah. It would be cool to join a basketball club with him - the guy answered quietly.

- Did you hear his voice? He's just divine! - quietly but enthusiastically whispered another girl to her neighbor.

- Aha! So soft and affectionate, but at the same time firm and courageous! - answered her friend.

The whole class has become a hive. And almost everyone who knew each other whispered and looked at the newcomer.

It was a pity for the teacher, who was ignored by the class.

- Ahem, ahem. Well, I'll continue. -

A little while later.

- Well, it seems everything. Now you can get to know each other better and explore the school grounds. Sensei said with a smile and left the classroom.

Only the teacher came out as some of the girls stood up abruptly and wanted to surround our hero, but they did not have time because two guys came up faster.

"Hi, I'm Sato, and this is my friend Ito. -

- Hello. -

- Hello. Shiro nodded.

- In general, we were going to join a basketball club and then we saw you. You are so tall as if you were born for this sport. What is your Hight?

- Two meters, ten centimeters. Shiro replied calmly.

- Cool! Come with us to record ... - the guy did not have time to finish, as he was interrupted.

- Sorry guys, but I'm signing up for the Kendo club. - said the hero, after which he slowly got up and just as leisurely left.

- Kendo? What a waste of time and talent. Ito said sadly, looking after Shiro.

The girls who did not make it to Shiro because of the two guys began to look at them unkindly for the missed opportunity.

- Come on. How many people have so many opinions. Let's go find the basketball club as quickly as possible. - said Sato, sweating, and then quickly left the classroom together with a friend.

Juho High School. Second year.

In the math class, the lesson ended and one of the students on the back desk opened his eyes in which calmness and serenity were read.

On behalf of Shiro

The call announced that the lesson was over, which means it was time to get out of meditation.

We open our eyes, slowly fold the school supplies and stomp into the Kyudo club.

I walk slowly down the corridor towards the club. Rain is falling outside the windows. The clouds covered the whole firmament. A fast breeze blows fallen leaves. Cool air with a damp smell.

I love all this. As a result, I love autumn and a little spring.

This kind of weather brings a thoughtful, calm and slightly melancholic state. I just want to lie on the couch.

Resolved. I will make a day off from training today. I will spend the day on the balcony under the awning, sitting in an armchair under a blanket with a book. Let's not forget about hot tea with lemon and thyme.

And there will be only me book and rain.

And all would be okay ...

"Look what a calm and thoughtful face Shiro-san has! -

- Agree. I would like to come up, hug him and share the warmth! -

- I wonder what he's thinking! -

These girls never get tired, it seems. It's a sin to complain, but when this happens all the time, it gets boring. They see me every day. It's time to get used to it.

"Seriously Jarvis, at least you answer. Why do they stick to me? Their attention is pleasant, I do not argue, but ... "-

- This has many factors. You are beautiful. -

- "Jarvis! We're in reality anime! There are almost no ugly ones here. Both women and guys. " -

"Sir, you cannot compare yourself to others. Your appearance was personally designed by God. Also, thanks to the skill, your voice has become great. -

- "Yes? Okay. But, in my opinion, this is not enough. " -

- In your past world, people almost worshiped celebrities, although their appearance did not go far from ordinary people of the present world, not to mention their voice. And yet you're right Sir. There is something else. -

- "I knew it! And what is it?" -

- Your aura sir. -

- "What? Aura? What does magic have to do with it? " -

- The aura is not only magical. There is another aura, for the sake of simplicity let's call it "presence". Everyone has a different aura. Your presence radiates strength, danger and confidence, but at the same time expresses calmness and serenity. All this fascinates and seduces girls. Guys are alarmed and even scared away. -

- "I see. Clear. And where does my aura come from? " -

- Well, this is a combination of different criteria. Appearance, mood, behavior, as well as your skills. You may not have noticed, but skills affect you. The Meditation skill gave you peace of mind and patience. The "Master of Martial Arts" has increased confidence and determination. The "great householder" has removed your disgust. -

- "Jarvis! Why didn't you tell me about it earlier! I could become a maniac or worse. " -

- You didn't ask Sir. It seemed to me quite logical and unworthy of attention. In addition, your Gamer Mind ability either neutralizes or dulls bad traits or emotions. -

"Oh, okay. Praise to Gamer's Mind. What a fool he himself did not think of. There are no insecure martial artists or restless monks. " -

However, this event did not affect my plans for the rest of the day.