
Universal Survival: I Can See My Summons Hidden Evolution Paths

"What? I got goblins as my servants. How dogsh*t is my luck to receive this kind of treatment?" "F*ck! I can actually see the hidden evolution paths of my summons... Lightning Samurai Goblin, I choose you!" . . . In a universe where countless worlds and civilizations exist, the gods have grown tired of the endless wars and destruction wrought by the inhabitants. In a desperate attempt to restore order, the divine beings have decreed that all living beings must be punished for their recklessness and greed. And so, a grand game of survival has been created. The participants in this game were chosen at random from across the universe, representing different planets, species, and cultures. They were taken from their homes and transported to a strange, unknown world, where they were forced to fight for their very survival. The game was simple: the winners would be allowed to continue living and would be granted great power and riches, while the losers would be wiped out of existence. Each participant was given a territory to start with, which they had to upgrade and defend against other players. In addition, they were each given a summoning altar, allowing them to summon servants such as humans, animals, monsters, and more to aid them in their fight. As the game began, alliances were formed, enemies were made, and blood was shed. The players soon discovered that the game was not only a test of physical strength and strategy, but also of their morals, ethics, and inner strength. In this world of chaos and uncertainty, only the strongest and most cunning would survive. But as the players fought for their lives, they began to realize that the game was not just a punishment, but also an opportunity. An opportunity to rise above their limitations, and to uncover the secrets of the universe. ===== [ Schedule at least 1-3 chapters / per day ] [ BONUS CHAPTER CRITERIA ] : 1magic castle = +2 bonus chapters : 1 spacecraft = +5 bonus chapters : 1 golden gachapon = +10 bonus chapters : 100 golden tickets = +1 bonus chapter : 300 powers stones = +1 bonus chapter - note: the bonus chapters will be uploaded within 1-14 days after the critera has been achieved. - additonally, i won't upload all bonus chapters at once but rather distribute them daily over the course of the days. thank you!

kaeeeee · Fantasie
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131 Chs

Goburus and Gobryx vs. 4-Star Monster – II

As Goburus neared the Razorback Grizzly Bear, he focused his energy, readying himself for the strong strike. In a swift and fluid motion, he spun twice, harnessing the momentum and power within him.

The air shrieked as Goburus unleashed his scythe with precision, a lethal curve cutting through space. The blade gleamed menacingly as it sliced through the air, aimed directly at the bear's vulnerable flank. The combined force of Goburus' momentum and the scythe's deadly edge intensified the impending impact, promising a devastating blow upon contact.

The bear swiftly reacted, raising its claw to counter Goburus' scythe.

The clash between Goburus' scythe and the bear's colossal claw created a spectacle of raw power. The bear's claw, intercepted Goburus' strike with unwavering strength. The impact reverberated through the air, a tune of clashing forces, but to Goburus' astonishment, not a single mark damaged the bear's indestructible claw. It stood unyielding, an immovable force.

The bear's overwhelming strength became shockingly evident as it effortlessly overwhelmed Goburus. Caught off guard by the sheer magnitude of the bear's power, Goburus found himself helpless in the face of its dominance. With a forceful motion, the bear hurled Goburus through the air, his body propelled with bone-crushing force.

The thunderous collision reverberated through the air, shattering the calm of the surrounding forest. Goburus's body was forcefully hurled into a nearby tree, a bone-jarring impact that sent shockwaves through the earth. The sheer might of the clash echoed in the deafening silence, as if nature itself paused to witness the display of raw strength.

As Goburus blinked away the dizziness, he felt the weight of his own exhaustion and the sharp ache of his bruises. The world seemed to spin around him, and the rustling leaves above him created a somber backdrop to the harsh reality he now faced. Goburus hadn't underestimated the Razorback Grizzly Bear's strength, but he was taken aback by the vast difference in power between them.

As the weight of his injuries and the overwhelming exhaustion took their toll, Goburus succumbed to unconsciousness, his body temporarily surrendering to the darkness that enveloped him.

Gobryx's voice rang out with concern, cutting through the air like a desperate plea. "Goburus, are you okay?" he shouted, his worry evident in his voice. Without hesitation, he unleashed a barrage of rapid gunfire, each shot punctuating the ground in front of the bear. The impact stirred up clouds of dust, creating a smokescreen that enveloped their surroundings.

With robust speed, Gobryx dashed towards Goburus' location. He quickly lifted Goburus onto his back, the weight of his injured companion pressing against him. "We're retreating," he declared. "It's too powerful for us right now. We'll regroup with the whole team first and come back later."

Gobryx ran hastily through the thick jungle leaving the bear behind, his footsteps echoing in the stillness. He navigated the rugged terrain, maneuvering past towering trees and leaping over fallen logs with agility. Deep within the lizard men's territory, he sought refuge inside a tent.

Carefully lowering Goburus to the ground, Gobryx retrieved a small vial from his pouch. The potion within shimmered with a gentle glow, emanating a soothing aura. Gently tilting Goburus' head, he poured the healing potion into his companion's mouth, watching as it slid down his throat.

The potion worked its magic, infusing Goburus' body with revitalizing energy. Slowly, the bruises that marred his skin began to fade, the pain easing away. The wounds closed, their angry redness giving way to the gradual healing of flesh. With each passing moment, Goburus breathed easier, his color returning, and his vitality restored.

Meanwhile, deep within the iron steel mine, Gobusuke and the other goblins worked diligently, their hands covered in sweat and dirt. Together, they mined a substantial amount of iron steel ore, their pickaxes striking against the rocky walls with rhythmic precision. The metallic clang echoed through the dimly lit cave, a testament to their tireless efforts.

Not far from the steel mine, they stumbled upon another crucial objective of their mission—the hidden treasure trove of coal. With cautious steps, they ventured into the coal mine. The air thickened with the scent of coal as they extracted the precious black rocks, their hands becoming stained with its powdery residue.

Back in the steel mine cave, the sound of clattering crates reverberated, as Goburus and his companions carefully packed the iron steel ore and coal into sturdy containers. The crates, heavy with their valuable cargo, stood as a testament to their fruitful expedition. Each crate was meticulously secured, ready to be transported back to their camp, completing their collection of precious resources.

"Excellent job, everyone! We've accomplished our mission here," Gobusuke praised, his voice filled with satisfaction. "Now, let's gather the crates and make our way back to the lizard men's territory. Carry the crates outside the cave," he commanded with authority.

The goblins promptly set to work, their hands swiftly moving to transfer the crates from the depths of the cave to the open air. With each crate carefully placed outside, their enthusiasm grew, knowing they were one step closer to completing their task.

Once all the crates were safely arranged outside, Gobusuke turned his attention to Gobrielle, the Beastcaller Goblin. "Gobrielle, summon a beast that can carry these crates," he instructed. Gobrielle nodded, his eyes glimmering with magic as he began the chant to conjure a creature to assist them.

Meanwhile, Gobbie, the Scout Goblin, and Gobius, the Shadow Sniper Goblin, received their next assignment from Gobusuke. "Gobbie, Gobius, I need you two to scout ahead and survey our surroundings for any potential threats," Gobusuke commanded, his tone serious yet filled with trust. "We cannot afford any surprises on our journey back."

"Got it, captain," Gobbie and Gobius replied in unison, their heads bobbing in agreement. Without wasting a single moment, the two goblins sprang into action. They moved hastily and silently, their senses finely tuned to detect any signs of danger. They navigated through the untamed terrain, and with each step, they scanned their surroundings, meticulously searching for any anomalies or potential threats that could jeopardize their journey.

After a few seconds, Gobrielle finally succeeded in summoning the creatures. They were enormous and resembled gorillas, but there was something extraordinary about them.Their immense size dwarfed that of an ordinary gorilla, standing twice as tall and exuding a strong aura. Covered in black fur, their bodies exuded strength and power. What made them truly unique were their six arms, three on each side, extending from their broad torsos.

The goblins were amazed at the sight before them. Gobusuke praised Gobrielle for his impressive summoning skills and acknowledged that these creatures would be perfect for carrying the crates back to the lizard men's territory.

With a wave from Gobrielle, the two six-armed creatures approached the stacked crates. Using their strong and agile hands, they effortlessly lifted the containers onto their shoulders. The weight seemed to pose no challenge for them, as their sturdy frames remained steady and unaffected.

[ Hexa-Armed Gorilla ] ( x2 )

: A behemoth, twice the size of an ordinary gorilla, covered with a robust hide that served as impenetrable armor. This massive beast possessed six arms, each one rippling with bulging muscles and granting exceptional agility and might. With thunderous footsteps, these creatures roamed the untamed wilderness, showcasing their unique strength and intelligence.

Meanwhile, Gobbie and Gobius returned from their scouting mission. They quickly approached Gobusuke, to deliver their report. "Captain," Gobbie began, his voice laced with urgency, "we've explored the vicinity, and there are no signs of any enemies nearby."

With the confirmation that the area was clear, Gobusuke turned his attention back to the Hexa-Armed Gorillas and the loaded crates. "Alright, everyone," he announced. "It's time to make our direction back to the lizard men's territory. Let's move out quickly."

The goblins organized themselves into a strategic formation, with Gobbie and Gobius taking the lead as the vanguard, their sharp senses alert for any potential threats. The Hexa-Armed Gorillas, towering in the middle, served as a formidable presence, their immense strength ready to defend the group if needed.

Gobmir, the Miner Goblin, Gobun, the Barrier Master Goblin and Gobrielle positioned themselves in the middle, ensuring the safety of the valuable cargo. At the back, Gobusuke, the captain, watched over the group, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

With their formation solidified, the goblins set off on their return trip to the lizard men territory, where Goburus and Gobryx awaited their arrival.

sorry for the wait, here's a chapter!

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