
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Chp. 56

Marc is feeling great right now as the side effects of the essence of Lust is being slowly integrated to him and also gaining a bit of control over the impulses.


It did leave him with a lot of problems though since when he took the three assistants of his, they technically became his wives because of their cultures.


Due to their world being rather close up, they have develop a rather organized tribalistic nature when it comes to repopulation.


Resource were scarce and warriors were greatly needed for the upcoming tradition of sending warriors out.


But since it was mostly men being sent out along with a few strong warrior women, the male female ratio within the dungeon rather skewed up a bit.


It left a lot of females without a partner thus through time it was becoming a problem so the men were allowed to take in few more wives into their families to make more future generations.


But another problem came out, not all could handle more wives and men usually have to be competent to be able to provide better for his family.


Thus strong men were respected and a dog eat dog era appeared on the dungeon. Many men were getting a bit aggressive trying to show off their competitiveness and deaths were prevalent due to overwhelming testosterone fueled battles.


So another problem cropped up, what will happen to the women whose men died due to one night of being an aggressive drunk and was stabbed to death by another?


Widowed and none left to take care of them, most became unable to feed themselves. Also many other men eyed them so they became rather vulnerable.


To prevent more of this from complicating further, elders passed on a law that if a man kills another then he shall take all of his into his family and take care of them.


This solved two issues, no women will be left behind to fend for their own and men became tame since if they kept killing left and right then they'll have a harem his waist cannot support and makes his pockets empty.


This calmed the rather aggressive residents of the dungeon and placed control over some men or women who would kill wantonly. Women apply too since the Dark Elves were rather Matriarchal so powerful women have also a harem of men on their houses.


Only ones that this law somewhat does not affect much are the goblins who do not have a sense of marriage within their ranks.


They reproduce so fast that it they always have pit fights for the young to leave the 10% strong alive while the rest perishes.


Though it seems harsh, they have no choice as their home is very limited and resource would not have such number of goblins to exist.


And if they ever grow too large the other tribes and clans will take actions. But they have times when they can let go and make as much which was the time of the Wave.


During that time they go on weeks of orgies that no one know whose son or daughter was another's. They have very resilient DNA that no recessive traits were observed to have developed into their kind over the years.


So it seems strange even if their ways could lead to involuntary incest but they can only release their pent up desires on a scheduled basis to prevent them from ever over populating.


Each tribe has their own eccentricities as well but they all have a tradition that the winner shall take over the loser's family and must make them his.


So when Marc won the whole dungeon and defeated the strongest Orc then he is allowed to take anyone as his.


So Bula, Imlis and Magla were rather worried about why he had not taken action towards them since they are now considered as his property.


Yet after Marc's meeting with that God they calmed down thinking that at least he did not think of abandoning them.


But it made rather weird for Marc since he really enjoyed them too, it was not so different other than the physical appearance so he did not mind.


Yet he did favor Imlis a bit since he rather liked the cold queen like demeanor of the Dark Elf.


"Hayshh, I totally need to get my marbles straight. But spending years away from modern society did change me a lot, not that I mind it." Marc whispered to himself as he read the books recommended to him by the past owner.


He was mostly in the Dungeon Library learning things left and right as he kept thinking about the things that is related to those Gods.


Why now? He did not have a full understanding either as he cannot fathom what was the reason he was called there.


The otherworlder guy said vague things he did not fully understand but he did pick up on the fact that the gods were the ones taking humans from earth to this planet.


Yet is seems that was not the case for him as he was here first before he met the God, Marc rubbed his temples in stress as he felt things were getting complicated that it left him with more questions than answers.


But right now his priority is practicing this technique of hiding, which is what the technique is literally called. At least it was not some cringey name a chunni whipped up on his mother's basement.


But it was a hard thing to study even with the help of the dungeon core for him to comprehend the texts.


Besides that he also spent ten billion dungeon points in expanding the whole dungeon by giving it mountain ranges, rivers, forests, new flora and fauna as well as a whole Ocean with various magical beings made by the dungeon.


Which will be finished in two years because Marc did not think it through when he ordered this thus other functions of the dungeon core.


So he could only practice and learn the things within this library that interest him as the whole large population of citizens here are a bit hard for him to handle alone.


Good thing for him the three assistants of his became rather hardworking somehow and they looked rather glowing.


Not sure if it was his hardwork in nourishing them since the Essence of Lust did give him benefits as well as the women that slept with him.


Right now, his aura became much more refined and easier to control but the impulse to get a woman in his room and ravage her did increase.


Thanks to the Saint's Resolution Mantra he was able to lessen he impulse and was able to control his whole body even if he let himself be driven by the desire.


Thankfully he has a lot of time, while he left the matter of the Wall to his new Butler Philip who became rather good friends with the elder cockatrice as they became the handlers of the land within his command.


The Wildlands returned as to what they were before, the Beast Lords also slept again as they found wandering around boring.


They would wake up when a challenger gets into their lands but other than that they'll only go out when they are hungry.


The Monkeys in the Wall became disciplined enough to become into something like a militarized group that watched over the wall where Marc had Philip and his assistants plant trees that grow fruit these monkeys like.


Now the top of the wall is slowly becoming into a forest that is being housed by thousands of monkeys under his order.


He also got some challengers here and there since he was considered a Beast Lord as well but he only fights those that can fight both Bacon and Tyrone on a one v one fight.


Some were beast that started to gain intelligence and thought that since he has the smallest territory then he must be a push over.


But thanks to the new batch of Earth Body Fruits he got stronger albeit at a slower pace now but still gaining much more since when he digested the fruit as he exercised with the three assistants of his.


Also he got some minor abilities from the Essence of Lust like magical way of birth control so even if he shoots them full they will not form into pups or mini-mes of him unless he wills it.


Good thing it was kind of passive because he sweated at thinking at the time he did them during his first impulsive events.


There was also a rather limited body manipulation which made him able to alter his bone structure as well as muscle mass at will, he can reduce or add about 40% on a certain aspect within his body.


And thinking this was a power coming from Lust, made Marc understand where to use this for.


"Noice…" is what his words were when he learned of this.


But what he is focusing is reading about what the other continent on the other side of the still broken gate which he did not think of repairing anytime soon.


A dungeon that connects two continents together, Marc can think of many ways to use this but why should he?


He could just be silent about it and let nature take its course, why bother when he has no reason or need to even wander about.


His life is just good as it is right now, he has a lot of time. Especially when he found the function of the Dungeon Core that could estimate his natural lifespan which is now in the Ten Thousand Years Old.


This was because of the stacked effects of the Earth Body Fruit which he just absorbs to the fullest.