
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Chp. 55 Summoning...

A Demon King has emerge, this news struck the whole Eastern continent as they knew what an Entity a Demon King represents.


The first sighting was in the borders of the Republic of Haymouth and the Mercantile country of Boverburia. In the small hills that few villages lived in, the Demon Army surged like the tide.


Capturing everything in their path and throwing them in the Pool of Wrath. Turning most timid animals into bloodthirsty monsters capable of great destruction.


The Demon King although angered still has things he needed to confirm, so after gaining a considerable army of Demonic Beast he went towards the small city of Shersbury where he found that his local Viscount noble friend was imprisoned by a higher ranked noble.


A Marquess that wanted to gain a connection to the Dunskirk Duchy of the powerful Kingdom of Portwest, he prevented the Viscount from taking action and even forcibly taking his control over his territory for a few weeks.


The Marques did not fear since his noble rank is two tiers higher and he can make up an excuse that he suspected embezzlement of the National Tax on the fellow noble's part.


Sure he might get a bit of a backlash but a connection to a dukedom from larger Kingdom is profitable for the Marques. But he did not expect that the one the young master of the Duchy wanted was the daughter of the Demon King candidate.


Thus when the Demon King of Wrath learned of this he raged and killed all retainers of the Marques as well as releasing his friend from his imprisonment.


He then released the Viscount friend of his to make the whole world know the reason for him embracing his power. His friend felt great pity towards the Demon King as he knew that the man was a very kind soul and for him to be reduced to this revenge hounding man ached his heart.


So he took his citizens with him and went to the Country's national Court and recounted the events.


Other than the Viscount, the citizens also knew the kind merchant that had helped their small city before but though they were reluctant in leaving their home at least the Demon King promised he would not destroy it.


And just like wildfire this information spread apart in the Eastern Continent like wildfire.


The Dunskirk again, first it was the blunder with the newly discovered Saint in one of the Forbidden Lands of the East.


Now the formerly famous talent of the Dunskirk family became Infamous as he had inadvertently caused the birth of the Demon King.


Many thought that this was just a reason to make war but when various information groups went out they found the whole thing like a joke.


The Demon King was indeed a kind man and even an honest merchant as his reputation was spread far and wide. It was not a small time merchant as well but a rather successful one at that.


A commoner that was smart and kind that made friends everywhere, for forty years he lived peacefully not embracing the dark gift that he has but was forced to when his town was raided and his daughter kidnapped.


Then the company of soldiers the young heir of the Duchy had them transport the girl through the sea secretly to avoid crossing through different countries.


This was with the help of the Marques that was killed by the Demon King in anger.


A kind man turned villain by the greed of the nobles, a tale that sparked the unsettle hearts of the peasantry all over the continent.


Like a snowball it cascaded into an avalanche that swept the whole continent into turmoil.


Rebellions, Coups, dethronement and even people who voluntarily joined the Demon King's army.


One by one corrupt nobles were killed by the dozen and some innocent ones were taken as well as the whole Eastern Continent was driven into a dark age.


Many tried to stop this from going further by trying to find the ship that sailed away but nobody found anything at all.


The company that kidnapped the daughter of the Demon King was gone like the wind, not even found in any ports the Duchy of Dunskirk has.


What they didn't know was that the ship ha to be given the minimal amount of magic items to be undetectable within the Sea as they smuggled the girl away and by the great stroke of disaster, they encountered a large storm.


So the Demon King raged more and more as his anger turned into strength that wanted to turn the world into ash. Half of the formerly prosperous Mercantile Country of Boverburia was now ridden with demonic beast.


A third of the Republic of Haymouth also taken and a 10th of the Giant Theocratic Country of Altford devoured as they were the most active in attacking the Demon King.


They were believers of the God Altford and they do not take lightly the beings of the dark for their god represented Light, Justice, Truth and War.


But even then they were like stones thrown into a lake, completely enveloped by the hordes of Demons Beast. All of this happened in two months as the whole world went into chaos.


But every country responded with an action thought to have been a forgotten memory to the people of the Eastern Continent.




"Hail! You have been chosen by the gods to be our Hero! Kneel and receive the King's decree!" a tall scrawny man in luxurious robes announced as he saw the large magic circle in the hall glow and a person came out totally confused.


"Nani?" A black haired teenager was totally confused as he was in a squatting position wiping his butt with his pants on his feet. His jewels were in display as the wind blew while he looked around confused at the dozens of people looking at him.


He look down to his position and looked up to the people somewhat looking at something under him.


"Kyaaa!!!" a shrill screech that could be mistaken for a girl's sounded out as the boy was overwhelmed by social anxiety.


[Republic of Haymouth]


"My Hero, please help our country as we are being plagued by the Demon King!" a young beautiful princess jumped to the glowing form in front of her hoping it was as the scripture says, an inexperienced teen that could be manipulated easily by charm.


But as she landed she felt two large soft things hit her face as she hugged the figure.


"What the?! Where did this pervert come from?!" A light beautiful voice sounded out as the light diminished showing a 6'4" tall dark skinned girl in high school uniform with waist length blonde hair, long legs, slim waist, round butt and a large pair of mountains that were larger than the princess' head.


The princess went dark as she processed what she bumped on but feeling the softness on her face she realized what it was and remembering her assets with rather ample size that seemed to be unable to compare to these pair that smothered her whole head.


She blanked out as she felt defeat for the first time while many ministers and nobles watching were stunned as they saw the two beautiful big bust girls hug each other.


Men were dazed while women were jealous as they too compared theirs to the two in front.


"Ahem, princess please do not smother…*Cough* disturb the Heroine. We are in dire need of large…*cough* ample…*Ahem, I mean great help as the Demon army is closing in on us." The King tried to calm the situation down but it made things worse for the princess while the blonde girl looked around confusedly.


'Did I fall in a set for a film?' the girl thought.


[Altford Theocracy]


"Rejoice! For the Gods have given mercy upon your soul and chose you as saviors of the world!" the light within the hall diminished and three silhouettes were shown within the middle of a great Hall.


Three teenagers appeared confused and shocked as they saw hundreds of kneeling people praying and seemingly singing praises for their God.


"Is this it? Has the heavens chosen me for my greatness! Mwuahahaha Finally the protagonist Halo has shone upon me!" a rather lanky kid laughed as he covered his face with his hands feeling happy at the setting around him.


"Tch! Fucking nerd, the fuck are you going on about? We just got kidnapped and you are here laughing?!" a taller burly kid got angry as he was disturbed by the creepy laugh of his classmate.


"You two stop it! Calm down and let us assess the situation first." A black haired beauty shouted making the larger one stop but he lanky kid still posed creepily.


"Hehehehe, can't you see we've been isekaid and we are going to be the protagonist of this story. The sooner you accept that the better your situation will be, ahh the gods really have shone upon me." The lanky kid was still in his delusion but suddenly three burly knights appeared and clamped chains within their hands.


But that did not shock the kids, rather it was that they did not see anything at all as they were suddenly captured and gagged without a word.


[3rd POV]


Due to the three countries being the ones bordered to the Demon Army, they were helped by the others to gathered enough resources to initiate a hero summoning ritual.


The leaders of various countries had taken a meeting using a magical tool that enabled them to partake in it without even leaving their kingdom.


It was agreed upon that the first to summon were the three country bordered the Demon King's lands while the rest will summon theirs in the near future as the others also gathered the various materials needed to summon a hero.


Other foreign races also prepared to summon a hero even when they knew that most that would come out were humans. Rarely did it ever that a non-human species were summoned and it baffled researchers even now.


But one thing that was found over the years was that every hero did not seem to have the normal reaction of humans when seeing a foreign race.


Rather they become excited and did not care what race one is, but mostly the male heroes seemed to have fondness of the Demi-human race, especially the Cat race and Bunny race.


Meanwhile Marc was totally clueless as he was deep within the Dungeon Library studying the book recommended to him by the maker of the dungeon. He did not want to succumb to the effects of this newfound power even if it made him stronger along with a few abilities that go along with the Essence of Lust.