
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Chp. 32 Fight to survive (2)


Untlac's  spear then was met with a buckler on Marc's right hand. Magal took this chance to try and tackle Marc but he gracefully dodge and pulled out a small axe to hit Magla with it.


But it was intercepted by an arrow making it miss by a hairsbreadth, Marc put force in the spear and pushed back Urul then twirled it to stab towards the back of Untlac where the Goblin chief Nutsbitah rolled forward to dodge.


Marc leaned forward to dodge another arrow and he gave Magla who reached in front of him a head-butt on her head stopping her tackle.


He then threw the buckler which flew towards Urul who blocked it with his hammer but he got hit by a dagger that embedded on his thigh. Imlis was shocked as she kept shooting arrows so fast her hands were a blur.


But even them Marc was able to dodge and even counter attack her comrades with ease as they slowly got wounds left and right.


Imlis bit her teeth as she felt frustrated, she could only cast supporting buffs as her friends were too close to Marc. And she had realized Marc had not used an ounce of his aura either in their fight.


Only pure physical strength and speed coupled with extreme skill. Marc blocked a dagger from above with the small axe and sent an elbow towards Magla who swung her claws at him.


He ducked and landed the blow on her solar plexus sending her back then twisted his body to stab his spear towards the spear of Untlac. The tips of their spears clashed sending sparks but Marc's strength pushed the Lizardman back a few meters.


The Goblin twisted his body and sent a kick towards Marc's head but he was surprised when Marc let go of the axe and caught his leg. Then he felt a sudden change in scenery as he was thrown up by Marc making him look down realizing he was hundreds of meters above.


Their fight was so fast and dangerous that the spectators could only watch in awe and fear as their chieftains seemed to be getting a beating.


"RAGHH!! I WILL NOT COWER!!" The Orc General Roared as he charged forward in his full battle armor and carried a large tower shield with him to charge towards Marc.


"My daughter please stay here…" Bula Bladewind said as she tightened her hold of her shield then charged towards the battle.


"Mother!!" Glasha was about to take her axe and charge forward too but she was held back by Arari and Ilac.


"What are you doing?! Are you all not going to help?!" Glasha was shocked at her friends' actions.


"W-we were told by mother to not let any of the heirs get into the fight…" Arari said in gritted teeth as she too wanted to help but she could only feel coldness as she watched the fight.


She too noticed that Marc has not yet used even one smidge of his aura that had pressure the whole army earlier.


"Mah Chief I have come to catch you!!!!" a tall goblin declared as he had heard what had happened here from the lieutenant earlier who went and called for this world's strongest.


This was the A-ranked Goblin Champion that was raised to be one that would lead the next time the golbins are to lead the crusade. He was able to jump and catch their chief and throw him back into the fray while he landed in a rather hard surface face down.


"I'm okay!" then he ran towards Marc to help his chief fight.


"Awoo!! I shall help you my lady!" a tall Kobold that was similar to Magla ran towards Marc to help, he was another with Atavistic nature but was lesser than Magla's yet strong enough to become the next candidate for the crusade leader.


"Matriarch!!" a troop of Dark elves arrived besides Imlis as they too drew their bow to disturb the attacks of Marc.


"Grr… Chiefss I ssshalls helps." A large 10 feet tall bipedal crocodile looking Lizardman trudged and went to fight Marc.


Marc on the other hand was now smiling under his Helmet as he weaved left and right, front and back from all the attacks of these elite warriors.


He was so happy he could have lots of competent subordinates once he defeats them then he could totally be lazy in the future.


Marc's hands blurred as he went all out in fighting with combined forms of martial arts he had learned. Boxing, Wushu, Wing Chun, Karate, Krav Maga, Silat and Taekwondo, these were all being reviewed right now by Marc as he now started to get used to his full strength as he fought to his heart's content.


He even found time to pull back daggers he threw using a metal thread and a small hook to pull them back as he fought. It was then a large shadow enveloped him making him smile knowing it was the muscular lizard who likes fighting with his fist.


Marc swerved and found himself in a spot where the archers could not shoot freely. Throwing his buckler again to push back Bula, then threw his axe to hit Urul in his calves, daggers towards the goblins and a roundhouse kick to make the Orc General roll far away in around two seconds.


This time he ducked to evade a left hook from the lizard man and Marc jabbed, straight, left hook, right hook and uppercut combo on the slow lizardman.


His punches made the lizardman keel over so Marc then grabbed his hand and swung him towards where Imlis is. The Shadow Bows was shocked making them run to block it for their matriarch but they forgot Marc who was now behind the thrown body to take care of Imlis.


The Shadow bows were suddenly hit by daggers in the thighs thrown by Marc slowing them down. Imlis has no choice but to jump up since the Lizardman was quite large but she was greeted by Marc's face eye to eye.


"Sleep." Marc said as he landed a full powered blow to her solar plexus sending her back towards the army at the back.




"IMLIS!!" Urula shouted as he felt he was slow to arrive for help.


"Spear arts: Seeking Dragon!!" Untlac's aura came out and his spear turned into a dragon shaped wind tornado flying towards Marc.


"Hmm?" Marc saw this and was impressed at the visual presentation of the technique.


But he did not care as he pulled the round shield on his back and swung it so hard that the spear of the Lizardman Chief was redirected towards the werewolf looking kobold.


This incapacitated him ensuring three are now out of the fight. Marc then dashed forward and did a low sweep kick that tripped Urul down. Marc was about to slash down his other small axe when the Goblin Champion arrived and hugged his hand.


Twirling his body he backhanded him into the ground taking him out but Urul was able to recover. Mark did not delay as he picked the goblin up and used him as a mace to hit the orc general that came to help Urul.


It did push him back but he was still able to recover, but Marc was not done as he charged to the Orc general who had caught the Goblin Champion in his hands leaving him defenseless.



"General send him to safety!" a voice said as Marc was stopped by Bula who appeared with her shield and blade. Marc did not slow down and swung the small axe to her making her block but she responded with a blade slash towards Marc's waist.




She was shocked seeing a short sword was there blocking her blade but she then felt Marc pull her shield using the axe like a hook on the shield's edge destroying her balance.


He looked up and saw the helmet closing towards her face and that was all she could remember as she flew back unconscious from Marc's headbutt.


"Bula!" shouted Untlac who was behind Marc about to arrive and attack with his tail but Marc leaned forward and gave a horse kick hitting him squarely on his stomach sending him flying away too.


Marc crouched down and pounced forward were he swung his dagger showing the Goblin Chief appearing blocking both axe and dagger. Yet Marc did not stop his charge as he heeled the Goblin to his face as he disarmed him of his weapons.


"*Growl!!*" Magal appeared on his side swinging her Mace to his face but Marc stopped his forward momentum by putting foot forward then instantly arching his neck backwards dodging the blow very closely.


He then twisted his body sending a left upper cut to her chin sending the tall kobold chief upwards.




But Marc did not let her fly away as he grabbed her leg before she flew far and then pulled her down towards the dizzy Goblin Chief.


Effectively knocking them both down, Urul charge in together with the Orc General who seemed tired and Marc went to face them. But he then ducked as arrows flew by his head and twisted his waist to avoid getting hit in vital parts.


Marc suddenly jumped back as he twisted his body sending small wires with hooks to get some of his things.