
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs


Inside the third dungeon

Musashi Ueno pushed the black steel gate while the others stood ready with their weapons in hand.

Just in case there was something hostile behind the gate. Musashi Naizen's hand held the hand of his sword, getting ready in the draw sword stance.

5 seconds...

10 seconds...

"What are you doing, Ueno? Open the gate already!" Musashi Noboru opened his mouth in anger.

He wanted to be the one to open the gate. But his brother did not allow it. So he was still dissatisfied and unhappy.

30 seconds passed...

Musashi Ueno turned around and confessed, "I can't! The gate won't open..."

"..." The old man left everyone speechless.

He couldn't open the gate, but he didn't want to tell them or ask for help.

"What? How can you be so weak!" Musashi Noboru complained and pushed his brother away, "Let me do it!"

Musashi Noboru knew that his brother was not joking. He was not that kind of old man, so he put his two hands on the gate.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed the gate with all his might. He tried and tried until his face turned red but to no avail. The gate did not move even a little.

"Arghhhh... This gate must be broken or locked from the inside! We must open the gate from the inside! Let's climb the wall instead!"

Musashi Noboru concluded frustratedly, looking for an excuse for not opening the gate.

"The old man is embarrassed," Elazaro Tania laughed softly at Sun Zhou Yi. She found it funny to see the old man embarrassed.

After Musashi Noboru, the others also tried to open the gate. Everyone tried, but even when they all tried to push the gate together, it remained firmly closed.

The Trio Sword Lunatic even used their swords. But apart from causing a few sparks, the sword did not even leave a scratch on the gate.

"The gate is made of unknown steel, and it is extremely hard. Even enhanced steel cannot compare to this black steel!" Musashi Osada stroked the gate as he remembered the battle between himself and Heero.

He could still cut through the fortified steel, but not this.

'What about that guy? Will he be able to cut through the gate? If it's him, it's possible.' Musashi Osada was thinking of Heero, of course.

Sun Zhou Yi was the one with the least words. He rarely spoke since they met the wall, but his eyes never left it.

- Remember to always use your eyes when you encounter something you can't solve. Watch it carefully with your eyes!

He suddenly remembered the words of his master. Heero had said those words to him before he left for the mission.

"Observe it carefully with my eyes..." Sun Zhou Yi murmured in a low voice before his pupils turned blue. He activated his Mystic Eyes to watch.

"What? What did you say?" Elazaro Tania heard something, but the words were unclear to her.

Sun Zhou Yi pretended not to hear her as his eyes widened in surprise. He had found something, the reason why the gate was so difficult to break.

Through his Mystic Eyes, he saw the true form behind the gate. It was thick purple ki. Yes, the black steel gate was covered inside and out by the thick purple Ki.

He did not understand the meaning of the purple Ki. But he understood that the purple ki was the secret behind the unbreakable gate.

Not only the gate but even the stone wall was covered in Ki. But the Ki on the wall was just normal Ki, the blue one.

I should ask the Master about this purple Ki later...' Sun Zhou Yi thought as he approached the gate.

With his Mystic Eyes, he could see through the mechanism behind the gate.

"Oy, Young'un! What are you doing? Get ready, we have to climb the wall if we want to enter!" Musashi Noboru shouted.

"We don't have to climb the wall, Elder! I have found a way to open the gate" Sun Zhou Yi replied with a friendly smile.

His answer surprised everyone. Musashi Noboru and Musashi Ueno were the fastest to reach Sun Zhou Yi and asked in unison, "How?"

"I'm not sure either, but it might work. Let me try first" Sun Zhou Yi was not bothered by the two old men's antics as he replied with a smile.

The old men released Sun Zhou Yi and followed him closely to the gate. The others followed and circled around Sun Zhou Yi.

Sun Zhou Yi himself stood in front of the massive gate. He looked up as if to make sure of something.

After a quick scan, he placed both hands on the gate and closed his eyes. Sun Zhou Yi channeled his Ki into the gate.

Inside the gate was a path that looked like a small pipe. He guessed that he had to channel his Ki into the gate through the small pipe and did so.

Sun Zhou Yi guessed right. As his Ki filled the path, it made a creaking sound. He removed his hands and the gate opened.

"Wow! You are amazing!" The only girl in the group cheered, praising Sun Zhou Yi.

The Trio Sword Lunatic stood in front of Sun Zhou Yu and stared at him intently. From their looks, they were looking for an explanation. An explanation as to how he was able to open the gate.

"I'm sorry, Elder! I can't tell you the details of how, but I know that there is some kind of mechanism inside the gate. What I did was to channel my inner energy into the gate!"

"I'm sorry, but it's related to my master's secret technique" Sun Zhou Yi smiled apologetically at the three old men.

In the end, the three old men did not force Sun Zhou Yi to speak. But the three old men swore that they would seek the answer from Heero's mouth.

With the gate opened, the group entered the gate. The sight that greeted them was a ruined, abandoned, and desolate city.

A huge ruin met their eyes. Anyone could see that the city had been abandoned for a long time. Dozens of years, hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years.

Wild trees grew out of the ruins, vines sprawled over the remaining buildings, and tall weeds covered the broken streets.

"Be careful, this place gives off a strange feeling..." Musashi Noboru reminded the group. No, he was reminding the heroes, not his brothers.

*** ***

In the evening, the roof of the Miao Miao Noodle Shop

"How is it? How much did you learn from your senior brother?" Heero sat on the bench under the apple with a bitten red apple in his hand.

Xu Lingxun sat next to Heero with a perplexed expression on his face. He had learned a lot from Musashi Hirata, but it was limited to gathering information.

The boy told Heero everything he had learned truthfully.

Heero nodded his head from time to time. After hearing everything from his disciple, he found what his disciple needed.

"Mnnn... I will teach you a new technique to fill in what you lack. Soundless Step? Or Vanishing Step?" Heero held his chin as he considered which technique to teach his disciple.

Even though it was only the Footstep Technique, Xu Lingxun's eyes shone with excitement. He already knew how powerful the Footstep Technique was when he saw the Random Footstep Technique of his senior brother, Butcher Wang.

If one used the Footstep technique perfectly, it could be a deadly move or turn the Footstep into a deadly attack.

"What about both? Let me teach you both! Come, sit here!" Heero tapped on the bench next to him.

Xu Lingxun obediently sat next to Heero as Heero placed his hand on his head. He transmitted the visualization of the Soundless Step and the Vanishing Step.

It took ten minutes to complete the process. By the time Heero was finished, Xu Lingxun was drenched in sweat. His breath was also ragged, but there was no hiding the excitement in his eyes.

"Master, thank you" The boy stood up and bowed his head in gratitude.

Heero waved his hand calmly as he took a bite from the apple in his hand, "I told you, I will help you with your revenge. Let's do a little test before we go after your enemy!"

He unlocked his smartwatch and sent a file to Xu Lingxun.

Xu Lingxun received the file immediately and opened it. It was a profile of a man, and Xu Lingxun recognize the man.

"Yan Tie of the Iron Fist Martial House... Silver Class Ranker..." Xu Lingxun muttered and looked at his master.

"Find out everything about him!" That was Heero's only order to Xu Lingxun.