
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime & Comics
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342 Chs


"You can't! You can't kill them!" Kang Seo-Yeon and Bai Xin Yue shouted in unison.

They voiced their disagreement as soon as they thought Heero was going to slaughter the Rankers.

"Kill them?" Heero turned to the two girls with a confused look on his face.

"Y-you're not going to kill the rankers?" Bai Xin Yue asked doubtfully.

"You said you wanted to destroy them, so I thought you wanted to kill them!" Kang Seo-Yeon followed with another question.

"What nonsense! I am not a mindless murderer" Heero rolled his eyes and added, "I have my own way of destroying them!"

"What way?" The two girls asked at the same time, curious about what Heero was going to do.

"You'll know later" Heero kept it a secret from the two girls.

It was not that he did not want to tell them, but he did not want them to help him. After all, this would be a test for Xu Lingxun, a test for his student's revenge.

Then Heero made a beeline for the exit, but the girls stopped him.

"Where are you going? What about the bodies?" Bai Xin Yue was speechless at how careless this man was.

"Let me burn them so there will be no evidence left" Kang Seo-Yeon chirped viciously as her hand was set ablaze with a crimson flame.

Maybe it was because of her father, or maybe it was because of how overbearing these rankers were, Kang Seo-Yeon seemed to hate the rankers.

"That's a good idea, but your flame might not be enough!" The hero flicked his index finger and thumb. Two small fireballs shot out of his fingers and headed toward the two corpses.

As soon as the small fireball landed on the corpse. The corpse was set on fire. In ten seconds, the corpses were completely incinerated, leaving no ashes but burnt marks on the green grass.

"Oh my, she is going to scold me for sure..." Heero muttered dejectedly as he looked at the burn marks.

The "she" in his mouth was his first wife, Hong Yu. Her beautiful playground was no longer beautiful because of the burn marks.

"All right, I am leaving. I have to make the last weapon for the auction" Heero waved at the two girls as he made his way to the exit.

Kang Seo-Yeon looked at the burn marks with her eyes sparkling in awe.

My flame will grow stronger as long as I master Ki Comprehension.

Bai Xin Yue had other thoughts. She looked at Heero with amusement. The man who could easily kill two Legendary Class Rankers was afraid of his wife.

Will he be afraid of me if I am his wife...' She let out a silly smile as she saw Heero's figure receding far away.

'Ah, what I think... I should report this to Grandpa...' Bai Xin Yue unlocked her smartwatch. She wanted to text her grandfather, but her finger stopped in mid-air.

'Or not... He doesn't want us to interfere

*** ***

The plan to kidnap Heero's daughter was known only to the Legendary Class Rankers. They kept it to themselves.

The fact that their leader had not returned from the mission was known only to these people, the twenty-three Legendary Class Rankers.

Another meeting was held in a private building in the outer region. Twenty-three Legendary Class Rankers were waiting for their leader to return.

Knock! Knock! 

Some of them tapped uneasily on the table. All of them had an uneasy feeling as their leader getting late than the promised time.

"What took the leader so long? It's just a little girl!" Yuan Kang of the Yuan family, but also a Legendary Class Ranker - Rank 10, opened his mouth impatiently.

"Kuhuhuhu... He's too old, maybe we should choose a new leader!" A playful voice chirped amidst the tense atmosphere.

Everyone around the table looked in the same direction, towards a middle-aged man with a large scar on his forehead.

Ryong Minjun of the Ryong Family, Legendary Class Ranker - Rank 3.

The people around the table were surprised to hear these words from the son of Ryong Chong-Shik.

As the other rankers of the same class stared at him, Ryong Minjun just shrugged his shoulders, "What? I was just stating a fact. My old man and old man Hanzo are too old to be active rankers. It's time for them to retire, or maybe they could train a bunch of kids if they want to contribute to the alliance"

"I don't care if you are his son, but you better watch your mouth! Your statement could easily be interpreted as treason!" A cold yet powerful voice rang out.

It chilled the atmosphere in the room.

Ryong Minjun looked in the direction of the voice and met cold eyes.

Mathias Oliver, Ryong Chong-Shik's adopted son. During his mission in the Royal Kingdom, the old man picked up a child and brought him home. This child was Mathias Oliver, the current Legendary Class Rank 2.

This was the main reason why the Ryong family was still in charge of the Ranker Alliance after all these years. The Ryong family was able to raise a prodigy.

The top three main seats were occupied by members of the Ryong family.

"But the leader is really late this time, should we send someone?" Adrun voiced his concern but received a sharp look from Mathias for doubting Ryong Chong-Shik.

"Just in case, you know" Adrun shrugged.

"Adrian is right. I will go" Park Haneul stood up and volunteered to go over.

"Then let me follow you! If the leader really encounters something he cannot handle, you alone may not be enough" a square-jawed middle-aged man stood up.

Mao Chingseng, Legendary Class Ranker - Rank 12. He volunteered to follow because he really cared about his leader.

After all, the Ranker Alliance was his refuge. A sanctuary that protected him from the Wu family. If the leader of the Ranker Alliance fell to the Hero League, he would probably lose his protection as well.

Mao Chingseng was the famous traitor of the Hero League. He left the force that had raised him and joined the Ranker Alliance. It was thanks to Ryong Chong-Shik that he was accepted into the Ranker Alliance.

"Then let me..." Mathias Oliver also wanted to join.

But Park Haneul stopped him firmly: "No, with your temperament, you better stay here!"

Mathias Oliver glared at Park Haneul. Unfortunately, it was the crazy Park Haneul. He received a stare from the madman and backed away "All right, I will stay! But..."

"If there's no news from you in thirty minutes, I'll visit this district myself!"

"Suit yourself!" Park Haneul spat and turned around, leaving the room in a silent and grim atmosphere.

*** ***

Soon, Park Haneul and Mao Chingseng arrived at the entrance of Xing District.

There was nothing out of the ordinary when they arrived. They could see through the gate that the district was still busy as usual.

Four guards stood near the gate, doing their job of guarding the gate. There was a short queue and the two of them immediately joined it.

In order to enter the district, one had to be identified by handing over one's ID card to the guard for checking.

It was the rule that Heero had set, just in case the bombing happened again. Anyone with a suspicious identity would be double-checked.

Soon it was Park Haneul's and Mao Chingseng's turn to be checked.

Mao Chingseng frowned. It was supposed to be an honor to be visited by him. Why should he be checked to enter the outlying district?

He was annoyed but helpless as Park Haneul glared at him.

Mao Chingseng reluctantly handed his ID card to the Fatty.

Fatty Liang took the ID and scanned it into his smartwatch.


A long beep sounded and a red light flashed.

Fatty Liang handed back the ID card and politely said, "Sorry, sir! The Xing District has just issued a new policy! As of today, no rankers are allowed to enter the district!"

Mao Chingseng was furious, he immediately grabbed Fatty Liang's collar and lifted him into the air.

"What did you say? Do you know who I am? Say it again if you dare!"

This was the first time he had been refused entry since becoming a Legendary Class Ranker. It must have hurt his pride.

"I don't care who you are. This is Xing District, regardless of your status, you must follow the rule, sir!" Fatty Liang was fearless and determined.

Even though he knew that the man was far stronger than him, he showed no sign of fear. He stared directly into Mao Chingseng's eyes.

This only made Mao Chingseng more furious. He raised his hand, but his friend Park Haneul stopped him.

"What are you doing? Let me teach this..." He stopped halfway when he noticed Park Haneul looking in another direction.

He followed his friend's direction and found a young man in casual clothes behind the gate. The young man smiled at them, a smile that sent a shiver down his spine.

Mao Chingsheng's body involuntarily shivered. He did not know why, but his guts were telling him to leave this place as soon as possible.

Heero was behind the gate. He was ready to move at any moment. As long as the middle-aged man hit his man, he would retaliate.

After a moment of staring contest, Park Haneul took a deep breath and turned around, "Let's go!"

Not only Mao Chingseng, but he too felt it as well. He sensed how dangerous the young man was.

Mao Chingseng followed without a word. He let Fatty Liang go and ran after Park Haneul.

His back was soaked with cold sweat. For the first time in his life, he was afraid of a man. He ran after Park Haneul, not even daring to look back.

*** ***

In the CCTV room, two women watched the screen in awe.

"My husband is amazing. He drove two Legendary Class Rankers just by staring at them!" Kang Seo-Yeon blurted out in love.

"Stupid! He's my husband, not yours!" Bai Xin Yue retorted, not wanting to lose.

"Huhu... He is my husband, duh!" A voice came from the door.

Hong Yu entered the room with a mischievous smile and continued to tease the two brave women, "I didn't know you two were so shameless as to claim another man as your husband.

In front of the majestic First Wife, the two top female heroes shut their mouths.

The Ice Queen and the Fiery Archer were helpless and blushed red with embarrassment. If their fans knew about this, they might go crazy. Their unattainable goddess was no longer unattainable. They were just ordinary girls who had fallen in love.