
Unfortunate choice

Another fic about a transmigrator in naruto and with the Gamer system.. This is a work of "Banter" - The work is devoted to a non-parodic mockery of certain phenomena. Such works are characterized by sarcasm and irony and are most often humorous.

Agnostos · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Step 4

I woke up jerkily, to a sound I hadn't heard in four years. There was a message hovering before my eyes.

*Calibration of the Gamer's System version T.-3000 is now complete.

Finally, how long I've been waiting for this, the plan for the next eight years is made, which is not surprising, because four years is quite a long time, and except for making cunning cunning plans, there was not much to do.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by another message.

*You want to look through the archives of messages from four years ago.


Oh, it turns out that the system was working in the background, and for four years I was gaining experience, skills and achievements, just they were not yet displayed and did not work until the end of the calibration of the system.

This is just great news! I wonder how many levels I have now and what skills I already have, and because there are still not distributed experience points, which should be distributed wisely. But about that later, now let's see what's out there.

As soon as I pressed "Yes," the entire field of vision was flooded with images of little envelopes with dates. I rolled around on the floor for about five minutes, swearing in two languages and waving my arms.

Eventually I managed to straighten out the whole nightmare, and now, a little to the side, in the periphery of my vision, a flashing stack of envelopes loomed with an indicator of their total number, which was exactly seventeen thousand four hundred and twenty-six.

It's almost seventeen and a half thousand messages, how come there are so many, I'll spend a week cleaning it all up, and that's if I'm distracted only by sleep and food.

But let's look at it optimistically, so many alerts tell us that I got a lot, and the more I got, the cooler I would become, and the sooner I would exact my terrible "revenge".

Yes, I haven't forgotten anything, and for my happy childhood, everyone will get so much that the fox will seem like a cute, harmless animal.

Except that the first message, lowered the mood, not even to the level of the plinth, much deeper, somewhere close to the core of the planet.

*Attempted mental influence detected .... is 100% successful.

*The entry into the subconscious mind is registered.

And there were four such messages, four successful entries into my subconscious.

.. this is bad, they can find out who I really am, even erase or rewrite my identity. And the next message dashed my last hopes.

*You have been successfully set mental tabs:

-On loyalty to Konohagakure no Sato.

-On loyalty to the Hokage.

-On the reduction of aggression towards the inhabitants of Konohagakure no Sato.

-A decrease in critical thinking.

-A 45% decrease in intelligence.

- at ....

The list was quite impressive, but I did not read it completely, the fact of setting tabs was enough for me.

The depression that began was relieved by the impact of the Gamer's mind, after which, however, an attack of rage and anger began.

-Hey System what the F*** is going on here, and this is what *#:%/***%;#*/*//**** , and why **** ** ***?*%(:%(*(-/*/*) the Gamer's mind does not protect against mental influence, and where is this *?:%:%*:;**:?:%:;: promised immunity? - Another exposure cooled me down a bit.

- Eh, I must have gotten a faulty or unlicensed version of the system. - I was in the middle of a second round of depression, so I sat down on my bed to think about how to live my life.

But to grieve for a long time about my bitter fate, the defective system, the pile of tabs in my head, and about universal injustice, the message did not let me.

Due to the position of the moon relative to the Andromeda Nebula and the location of stars in the constellation of the Great Hound, you are imposed debuff "Sharp diarrhea" action time- two hours.

-What the..


-OH SH.....

For the next two hours, I tried not to completely leak into the toilet, remembering with kind words the moon, the nebula, and the constellation of the hound.

Along with my gut, my thoughts cleared up, and I realized that I did not organize the genocide of the local population, just because I lacked the strength, and the desire to raze this village to the ground has not gone anywhere, and every year is only getting stronger.

It made me think a lot about the presence of the bookmarks or their effect on me, and to begin further analysis of the remaining messages, to clarify the situation. Which turned out to be quite strange.

*Registered attempt to leave the subconscious .... successful at 46%.


And the next round of messages lifted my mood to the heavens.

*The loyalty tab for Konohagakure no Sato is 100% destroyed.

Similar messages were on all the other tabs they had installed.

And reports of my reputation increasing with a colony of brain cockroaches-xenomorphs by five thousand, and reaching the same limit of ten thousand, which meant simply fanatical devotion, love, or respect, as the case may be, made me think about another foray into my own subconscious.

Yes, I have been in my subconscious, as it were, peeked for a moment, and quickly got out into the real world.

In one of the fights for the right to eat my own breakfast instead of donating it to the needy, I got hit over the head by the teacher so hard that I fell into the subconscious.

But unlike the canon Naruto, I didn't go straight to my subconscious, but to the entrance to it, which was a huge five meters high stone double-winged gate, covered with bas-reliefs depicting partially embedded people in the gate, and with metal rings at my height, and the whole thing was in a wall of absolute darkness.

In general, the sight of this huge thing, discouraged any desire to go inside.

But I got up the courage to pull on the rings.

The doors opened with a grinding but surprisingly easy grip, revealing a view of a dimly lit corridor with high ceilings, uneven walls, and a small layer of water on the floor, all covered in a strange black and gray coating, and oddly shaped like cobwebs or bones, and painfully reminiscent of the Alien Lair from the second movie.

But as soon as I passed behind the gate, it slammed shut with a roar, and when I turned to look, I found an inscription on the top of the gate that read "Leave Mind, everyone who enters here," and I burst into nervous laughter.

- The warning inscription on the back of the gate, he-he-he, with such content, he-he, just like the entrance to hell, he-he-he, but not enough cerberus, he-he-he, and there was something about hope.

But the laughter was gone as soon as I heard a clang or a squeak or a roar from the depths of the corridor, and the shadow that had appeared on the wall at the corner allowed me to accelerate at lightning speed toward the exit.

I flew out of the gate, closed it as fast as I could, wrapped a thick chain around the flaps and fastened them together by hanging a huge ponderous barn latch.

After calming down a bit, I began to think about two very important and interesting things. First, where did I get the chain and the lock? And second, where was the key, and how would I get into the subconscious now?

Later, through meditation, I learned how to get to the entrance properly, not by hitting my head with something heavy. But I couldn't get the damn lock off.

I suspect that deep down I didn't believe that the creatures there wouldn't devour me as soon as they saw me, so I couldn't go in.

Now, thanks to the reports, I'm sure I'm not in any danger. So in the near future I will go to make contact with my cockroaches, and maybe take a look at the fox, interesting after all.

But all this only after I've sorted out all the messages, and dealt with what I've gotten for all my suffering for four years....


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

See you guys tomorrow!

Agnostoscreators' thoughts