
The last thing I'll do....

The palace looks so normal but more silent than before...no sudden laugher no sudden tears...no one to talk to

Even the maids are now on strict compliance to obey all rules and mind their business...the garden seems to be lacking life and energy and the street filled with commoners doesn't make the entire city happy

it's like a dull city...what else can make them come alive again...????

"You have succeeded in turning your beloved kingdom into a grave yard. It's seems mother took the happiness of this place away... that am proud of"

"You wretched bastard...you dare talk to me like this...? Do you forget am the king... and if you piss me off I'll make you pay?"

"Do I look like I care...? What's there to lose anyway than the my life that's in your hands..?"

"You really are asking for death...let me grant it for you...!"

"Go on...sice you want to end this so quickly I can reunite with my mother,my uncle and my sister and together we would hunt your soul and disturb your sleep " I laughs.. and then beamed with smile

"You really are testing my patience aren't you..? Well I won't let you provoke me...you still have to put up a good show for me remember...so do your best to die really slow " he scoffed

"Really... using everyone as bait just to get to me... I never knew I was this important. It's a glorious feeling knowing that you lost precious things to get to me but still failed..." his silence was long and I knew my words hit him hard

"You could have had my mother flush me down when she was pregnant...but you didn't.. since you didn't you've already lost her from the very beginning."

"Blab all you want... your time is limited. You'll lose to Zainrald and you'll get your reward " he laughed out loud

"What if I win...?"

"What did you say...?"

"I said... what if I win...?"

"Don't day dream...a woman would never rule anthill in my presence!!!"

"How about your absence...?" he was mute immediately

"You'll kill me...?" And take the throne...?"

"Am not a murderer like you...but I'll let fate bring anthill right to me. But remember this day... anthill will be mine. My sister used her life and dignity to protect this wretched city under your leadership and you don't mind me taking it.. right?"

He was silent.. his eyes was like fire..but who cares about what he thinks. I'll make sure I bring him down one day.


I went back to my villa.. and everything was still the same. I know that I won't stay here much longer so I wrapped my things up.. ready to leave as soon as the battle is over

The mask of long ago was still inside the box.. fresh, untouched and neat.

"I swear on my mother's grave... after I make it out of here, I'll use whatever power to find this bastard and make him pay for taking my sister away and ruining my life."

I know in my heart that the only place I can go to is my father's palace... I hope I don't have any trouble getting in...he must have been worried...since he doesn't know of mother's death...if he does know about it now there will be war and my plans will be ruined..

I ensure to seal the letter very well before sending it to the letter bird.. Zuma's doom is inevitable and I'll make sure of it.

A knock on the door disrupt my arrangements... who could it be...?

"I know you are in there... it's Zainrald"

He's here to reduced my spirit but I won't let him..

"Go away.. I don't want guests!" An uninvited guest at my door...no way!

"Fine... I just want to wish you good luck in our battle tomorrow... and I promise not to be hard on you since you are my little sister"

I refuse to budge at his stupid nonsense... words don't affect me anymore..so when he's done he'll leave

"Do your best to fight well... because I won't hold back" such an unstable person....he promised to go easy...now he won't hold back.. annoying... ignorant animal.

I didn't hear anymore taunts from that butt brain... that's means he has left... what nonsense and with all this am now very determined to fight him and win this thing for my freedom.

Now that am done packing... let's go say hello to my darling brother...so caring and sweet.

"I am here to come see you... maybe for the last time"

"Try to be optimistic about your life... don't be too serious" he frowns and truth be told he looks like an angry rabbit

"You look like an angry rabbit when you frown like that" I laughed out loud... it's the best joke I've learned to pull so far

"You should laugh more often...you look beautiful!" he looks more shy when he advised me to laugh... what a joke

"I could but what's the point... nothing makes me happy here"

"What about me...?"

"What do you mean by that...?"

" What I mean is that don't I look cute enough to make you happy...?"

This is hilarious...my brother acting all cute..wait...did I just admit that he is my brother??? What has gotten into me??

"Hey...quit thinking too much....you have a tough battle tomorrow... so take your time to rest"

"Yeah....just in case I don't make it back... please send my final regards to my mother for me" I start to prepare my mind for the inevitable that might befall on me

"What have I told you about being optimistic...? Being pessimistic will only ruin your courage and that's not what you need now!"

"Why are you being nice to me?" am surrounded with people with ill intentions...so what's his gain in all this?

"You are family... I don't know how it is to have a sister.. and am lucky to have such a brave sister. Don't worry I don't have any other interior motive.." he winked at me but only heavens know that am not satisfied with his answer

" You are safe with me...trust me..."

That's the last thing I'll ever do in my entire life.