

Now that I have said a proper goodbye and an apology to my dear uncle and a mockery note for Ivory I can now focus on the upcoming battle... Zainrald seem to be so confident and assured that I'll lose to him

"Training is over... don't disappoint me..!"

"I might Lord Raven..."I smiled knowing fully well that I'll be more than that..

"But if I do win...what will become of me..?"

he didn't expect my questions..he only shook his head

"If that happens...a woman would end up ruling anthill for the first time in history"

I'll risk it all to put all of them to shame for doubting me and I'll let Zuma know what he lost..for him to know that am on fire, even in catastrophe I'll fly away

leaving him to eat my dust.

I went back to my mother's villa it looked the same just the way she left it..not even the spoon on the table was touched... I opened a box that I have always been curious about and I found every hairpin she has...it was carved by hand.

Can Zuma really give her something this nice...at the tip of each hairpin is an encryption...(๑♡⌓♡๑)C.

What does it mean... I took all box and left for my own villa...

"Good evening princess" an unfamiliar face greeted me..she was dressed in royal robes and looks so mishivous

"And you are..." i asked

"Am consort Cero.." she smiled back and if felt irritating

"Of where...?" I still don't get where this is coming from...

"Am the king's consort.. your father!" she smiled again...the word ' your father ' make my stomach cry really hard and my fist clenched really hard

"Oh... right! My mother's replacement! You are beautiful indeed but you can't out shine the main woman in his heart. I bet he picked you randomly...well he made a good pick. Do well and comfort him and warm is bed at all times" making things difficult wasn't enough for that bastard..he quickly replaced my mother in just few weeks...

I don't have time to dilly-dally with this replacement... I went off to my room but I was still able to see how angry she looks and I smiled to myself.

I sit by watching the sky turn slowly to the dark night..i waited a while for the night stars but I didn't see any..even the stars have abandon me now..am all alone

"Violet...if you can change one thing about yourself... what would it be?"

"I'll change my gender...!"

"All because father wants a male...well I love you the way you are and I'll always love you"

"Thanks Ivory...it mean alot. Only if father can reason the way you did... I wouldn't put so much effort in pleasing him. But I'll continue to please him so that he can respect me and love me"

"Okay... I just hope that all of our dreams come true"

Tears dropped from my eyes when I remembered night like this... Ivory and I under the moon light sitting on my window...day dreaming and imagining things that are not possible. It was on this same window I asked her if father will treat me better in the future...

Times really flies fast... and everything happened in a twinkle of an eye far beyond my control.


"Keep your tantrums to yourself... I told you not to pester her but you love showing off. Violet is a gentle yet dangerous snake.. don't go around causing trouble. Try bearing a son for the king... this would help alot "

"Yes. but she's so annoying... calling me a replacement "

"Of course that's what you are but try to be different and have a son"

"But the king doesn't stay too long on me... every single time he reaches the peak he goes out and then in again.."

"He doesn't want you to have a child....but do what you must... okay?"



"Do you still want to go through with this...?"

should I say that he has tend to care too much about my well being... isn't he the same as his brother..?

"Yes... backing down will only make me the bastard that I am more true..."

" Well since I can't change your mind... I'll help you get a new sword and an armor...you are a woman don't get carried away by father's little game... focus on protecting yourself "

"Hummm" I nod my head in response to his nagging...just like uncle Tarius would..

"Protect your vital points.. and don't let your guard down while fighting "

"Yes. sire " I nodded with a smile

"And stop being sarcastic..." he smiled back at me and he looks so cute... " You should smile more often "

"Do I look cute....?" what's this called... brother flirting...or teasing

"Check the mirror..."

"Alright... have some rest. After the battle you stay put I'll come over..."

"Okay!" whatever he is planning he can't get involved in my plans...he is acting all sentimental towards me and I don't feel comfortable about it but now I have no one...


I began to worry about Vera and violet... none of them have sent me any letter...my patience begin to fade and I can't do anything but wait for Violet to fulfill her own part of the plan...

If I act rashly... she'll be in grave danger...but I can't help but feel that something is not right..

"Greetings father!"

"I hope you are well...?"

This is bad...when did they suddenly arrived...

"Cyprus..., Selena... what do I owe this great visit...a visit without permission?"

"We miss you...so we came over! Besides aren't we your children...do we need an invitation inside the palace?"

These two evil sprout has done nothing but ruined my day...am sure it's tressy's plan to blackmail me with the children

"Yes...yes...you don't need any invitation. So how is your vacation to southeast?"

"It was marvelous just as you predicted..." Selena has always being a lover for the outside world

" I enjoyed my time there...but I prefer to be in my own land." home sweet home is going to be home bitter home with these two hypocrite around...

"Father... I want to ask for your permission to have a villa inside the palace...to stay by your side and learn from you the steps to becoming a better King " Cyprus straight forwardness is impeccable..coupled with the smile on his face he indeed looks life me when I was in my own youth...the only difference is that I made sure my father knew the extent of my power here in the palace... and for that I gain respect before becoming king

This boy is a direct opposite...he tries to be reserved and cold..but I can see through his every trick.

"Which one would you like?" he was suprised that I responded to his wish

"The golden crest..." " You can have it!"

"I want one too...." jealous brat would always flair up

"Which one...?"

"Diamond memories..."

"No...take another" that was supposed to be violet's new room when she gets back... I made sure the design was perfect

"That's what I want.. it's perfect for a princess like me...."

"A no is a no Selena..."

"Okay... Lily hall"

"Fine then...make yourself comfortable"

The huge smile was still on their faces and I know what they are thinking... probably since I fulfill one if their many wish...they keep on asking for more till they ask for their recognition rights... which am not giving to them