
Unfiltered In MHA

got the image off of Pinterest free, didn't have any credits on it, if its yours and you want me to take it down just tell me. As a young child Sebastian developed savant syndrome in the field of physics and mathematics as a result of a fall off of a building while playing, this came at the unfortunate cost of a slow and permanent necrosis of some parts of his brain, beginning with his short term memory and advancing to his fine motor functions and emotions, eventually losing all ability to feel emotions at all, as well as some of his processing abilities, and now as an adult he begins to find himself with more extreme symptoms, periodic temporary amnesia, and an inability to process basic things, getting diagnosed by a doctor he finally becomes aware of the extent of the damage to his brain, and understanding that he only has so long to live, and will likely soon lose all higher brain function, decides to end his life early, now he finds himself in the world of an anime, one he had never watched himself, and only knew of from passing mention and memes. And with the ability to see reality in its raw form instead of the color and sound he is used to, as well as spatiokinesis, energy manipulation, and telekinesis, watch as he slowly rediscovers what it is like to feel.

kokishorttail · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 18

I awake to the hateful sensation of someone poking me out of my wonderful rest, as I open my bleary eyes beneath my blindfold, a dull feeling of pressure within my eyes I always have upon waking from a nap or sleeping in far to long, as I once again lament my lack of coffee, as I pull myself into a seating position, Nier standing behind the bench I laid upon, as she retracted her hand now that I was awake. As I noticed the majority of the class staring at me with a variety of expressions, ranging from amusement on some, to amusement on the stuck up bitch, disdain on the explosive sea urchin, and jealousy on Aizawa and the purple goblin, although for very different reasons. But they quickly lose interest upon seeing me awake.

"Well then, now that everyone is awake and present, we can start the quirk apprehension test." Aizawa says with poorly concealed boredom.

A series of comical gasps fill the crowd of students, "What about the orientation ceremony!?" a brown haired girl whose entire existence seems to radiate the very concept of "Naive bitch", the fact she sounds genuinely distraught as she shouts, as if she was just told her favorite pet had died, damn near making me laugh, especially considering that we had both literally walked in the opposite direction of the auditorium, passed literally every other class going in the opposite direction, and even changed into gym clothes, you would think such a revelation wouldn't elicit such a strong reaction, seriously, they acted as if I had just told them that they don't actually exist and are just a spontaneous manifestation of energy in a dead universe that just so happened to be arranged in the perfect way to create a conscious mind that has all the memories of a life that never actually existed.

Unfortunately reality is often disappointing, 'I can't believe I actually have to spend 4 fucking years with these idiots, I swear if I didn't know this was an anime world I would think they all had brain defects.'

"This is the Hero course, we have more important things to do than go to a school orientation, not to mention there is nothing to learn in the orientation that you don't, scratch that, should already know, because just looking at you idiots I can tell the majority of you never bothered to read any of the information we sent out."

This situation would honestly be fucking hilarious if it weren't for the shear disappointment I felt watching almost every fucking one of my classmates shrink back in embarrassment. 'Like seriously, you are all supposed to be aspiring hero's, and yet you can't even read the fucking syllabus, how the fuck can we trust you to actually read and understand a briefing if you can't do something so fucking simple.'

Luckily for my continued mental health, there were a few, and I must stress how little it was, who seem to have actually done what they were supposed to, namely the edgy red and white kid, the heiress of the Yaoyorozu family, explosive sea urchin, and the masked kid whose height is only surpassed by me and Nier, yes nier is tall, 190cm to be precise, her parents were naturally tall themselves but she had also requested I altered her body similar to how I did my own to increase her height strength and other attributes. I also increased her regeneration, energy efficiency, durability, and made her biologically immortal like I had done to myself, I didn't want her to die of old age while I still looked 20 after all.

"No, we will be spending that time doing something actually productive, and in this case that just so happens to be this quirk apprehension test, see those idiots making the decisions still haven't gotten around to modernizing the education system, so public schools are still stuck using the same tests from the pre quirk era, as well as banning students from using their quirks during such tests, so we are here so I can get a baseline understanding of your abilities going forwards.

Now, to give you idiots that didn't bother to actually read the syllabus, we will be doing a quick demonstration since I highly doubt you will be able to understand even the most basic of instructions, and to that end, I will be having the student who placed first in the entrance exams help me, since they actually know what they are doing." Aizawa didn't even get to finish his statement when the explosive sea urchin began to walk up to the plate, the shear confidence and contempt held in his eyes as he walked forwards, puffing out his chest, and shooting every student a disdain filled gaze hilarious, especially as it suddenly collapsed when Aizawa blocked him with his arm. The anger and bewilderment in his eyes almost, almost making me crack up.

"Not you," see the school had yet to publish the actual rankings of each student, sure they told each individual student their scores, and what class they got into, but not who actually got first place, so the shear amount of misplaced undeserved confidence in the kids gaze was as genuinely hilarious as it was disdainful. And spoke volumes of the size of this kids ego.

Thankfully, Aizawa cared little for Bakubitches little temper tantrum, as he turned to me and called me up. "Fenrir, you're up."

"Sure." I reply, a lazy smirk adorning my face as I watch the anger build on Bakuhoe's face.

"WHAT!? THAT LAZY ASS MOB GOT FIRST PLACE!?" That was the final straw for me, as I stopped in my spot, laughing at the sheer stupidity of the situation, like, what the fuck dude, you don't even know me, how astronomically large does your ego have to be that you both somehow perceive the very idea that someone might have done better than you like a statement of harassy deserving of a long torturous death? Like for real, I wasn't even this cocky when I dealt with that murderer/rapist way back when, and look where that got me.

I recovered quickly though, continuing to walk up to the plate, making sure to release a disdainful chuckle as I passed his shaking form.

I ignored the shaking form of GodcompexTM as I stepped into the circle Aizawa pointed me to, catching a baseball he threw at me as I turn around, which was pretty hefty for its size, roughly ~.25 kilos, as I toss it slightly while waiting for Aizawa to address the class. And tell me to throw.

"I will be having Fenrir here demonstrate the throwing test, so that maybe those of you who might have far to much self confidence than you deserve." he shoots a pointed look at Bakuhoe, who simply snarls at him in return, shouting a quick "DIE", like really, is that the only curse in his vocabulary? "Can realize they may not be so superior as they think they are, the test is simple, throw the ball as far as you physically can using your quirk, easy right? Good, now, Fenrir, what's the farthest you have ever thrown a baseball without your quirk?" 

I guess he really wants to destroy some ego's today, I can respect that. "No clue, I haven't thrown a baseball since I was banned from participating in second grade when I struck the entire enemy team out in a row." which is true, I haven't thrown a ball since then, but I do still remember how far I threw it then, perfect memory and all, I threw is exactly 87.32 meters.

"... fine, just throw it without your quirk, it will establish a more accurate baseline anyway."

Great, I don't know why he didn't just have us do that in the first place, but whatever. Anyway, I quickly pull myself into a perfect pitching form, tilting my body sideways to allow for the greatest amount of motion mid swing, and take a deep breath, before my entire body swings into motion all at once, every single muscle in my body working for the sole purpose of increasing the momentum at the tips of my fingers as my tail shoots out behind me so I can lean into the throw even further.

I feel the air fight against my hand, a stiff crack filling the air as my forearm breaks the sound barrier and continues to accelerate.

Time passes slowly in my mind, as I do tiny micro adjustment after micro adjustment, each individual muscle working in perfect tandem to produce the perfect throw I can muster.

I watch a shockwave cone form along the surface of the ball, protecting my arm from the slow air. It would reduce drag if not for the collapsing void behind my hand trying to pull it back.

Finally, my throw reaches its crescendo, as the ball leaves the tips of my right ring and middle finger, as I pull my body into a recovery position, the ball rocketing off into the distance, as dust is lifted from the ground by the shockwave.

I stand again, turning to look at the rest of the class, and Aizawa, who looks quite impressed, although his characteristic apathy remains unbroken, as he stares down at the tablet in his hand. Before looking back at me. The question obvious in his eyes.

"I didn't use my quirk."

So he simply turns to the entire class.

"This is the purpose of the demonstration, to show you that those of you who may have unfounded confidence in their abilities, that they are not as superior as they may think, after all," he points towards me, as he shows his tablet to the class, as it displays front and center the entrance exam results.

"This is your competition." as the entire class stares in awe at the numbers. [3rd place, Bakugo, Villain points: 77. Rescue points: 0. 2nd place. Nier, Villain points: 137. Rescue points: 39.] and finally, highlighted in first place.

[First place, Fenrir, Villain points: 425 Rescue points: N/A]

And at the bottom of the page, my throw distance, "Quirkless throw, 272 meters."

And I finally turn to look at the class itself, staring at the red face of pure, unadulterated rage that was Bakugo. "Who's the extra now? Bitch."

(an, how's everyone's day been? mines been good, I have monday and tuesday off of school, so I', feeling pretty good, so I decided to be nice and post two chapters today, one for this novel, and the other for my Danmachi one, (shameless plug, its pretty good, go check it out.) I even finished the next chapter for both of them (unedited, still need to do that), but I wan't to get into the habit of actually having a backlog, and so I'm going to post those tommorow. I also originally planned to make this chapter a lot longer and include the actual quirk comprehension test itself, but I scrapped that in favor of this chapters ending, btw, tell me how I did on that, I had it all sounding good in my head, but writing it down it didn't really come out as epic as I wanted it to. (btw the rescue points number isn't just an arbitrary number, he killed 250 robots, 125 of which were 1 point, 75 were 2 points, and 50 were 3 points, so 125+150+150=425))


I don't really care about Power Stones, if you wan't to make me happy, just comment or something, I always love reading comments.

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