
Unexpected Love Blooms

In the largest forest of the world called Almanzon, there lived a community of werewolves. For a long time, they successfully hide from human beings since the forest is prohibited to human. One day, Enasha, one of werewolves villagers (female lead) went out to get food and herbal medicine since her mother was sick. But she lost her way and end up in a water falls. She was amazed by the moon's reflection in the water and taught it was the real thing. She jump in the water and end up drowning. Luckily Nicholie, from the City of human (male lead), was near the area and jump off the water to save her. Nicholie brought Enasha out of the water. He distance himself and about to leave. He turned around to see if Enasha can manage herself. Enasha look towards Nicholie and bow her head. Nicholie bow his head too and runs back to their camp site, while Enasha find her way back to their village and went home safely. Enasha promised herself to find the guy who save her and pay him back. After a year, Enasha turned 18. In their tradition, you're allowed to go out from the village if you turned 18. They did some ritual and ceremony to give them protection and blessing. The next day after the ceremony, Enasha started looking for the guy who saved her. After a month of searching, they luckily meet each other when Enasha was roaming around the City. When Enasha already know where Nicholie lived, she applied to be a house keeper in his unit. Every after Enasha's shift, she always left food and note with message to Nicholie. Nicholie always check his cctv from the first time Enasha left food. And apparently he feel inlove to Enasha's sweet gesture. Nicholie wanted to meet Enasha. But she always leave earlier before he arrived at his unit. While on weekend, she has always no schedule. One day, while Enasha is cleaning, she accidentally closed the door. The units door is already high tech. Unfortunately Enasha trapped inside. She has no choice but to wait for Nicholie to come home. She just finished everything and wait. Later on, Nicholie open the door and his eyes widened upon seeing Enasha sleeping. Suddenly Enasha wake up and stand up right away. When Enasha is about to go, Nicholie hold his hand and tell her how he felt. Enasha felt happiness when she hears it and tells Nicholie her feelings too. They hug each other and Enasha bid goodbye. She hurriedly went back to forest before it gets dark. Enasha and Nicholie's relationship keeps stronger each day. But Nicholie felt that Enasha was mysterious because she went home early. And she doesn't want Nicholie to meet her parent's. One day when Enasha went home, Nicholie follows her secretly. Nicholie was shocked when Enasha entered the Almanzon forest. He kept following Enasha. Then suddenly she stop infront of a big tree. Enasha walk again towards the back of the tree. Nicholie was surprised seeing a community in the middle of the forest. Enasha was surprised uppon seeing him behind. Enasha ask Nicholie to go back home before it gets dark but he refuses. Suddenly the sun sets already and the villagers started to transform. Nicholie was shocked and got afraid, so he fainted. Enasha brought him home. When Nicholie wakes up, he still afraid of seeing wolf. Enasha explained to her everything. She also tell him that he once saved her life before. Nicholie understand everything and accept Enasha heartfuly. Enasha introduce Nicholie to her family and to all villagers. Nicholie also introduce her to his family and friends. Their relationship went well through the year. One day, the villagers got captured by Armies. Luckily Enasha was with Nicholie. They keep searching for the wolves and finally they rescued them from the scientist club. Because of the incident, The werewolves decided to put a barrier so that no one can get in and out from the village. Enasha and Nicholie decided to part ways to keep everyone safe. From then, they didn't keep in touch with each other.

Yhengsky · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Thank you for saving me

The rain is pouring slightly. I think villagers are inside their homes since the ground are wet. Well, we all feel cold today too. I just want to lie down all day. But my stomach is already rambling. I need to get up and eat. So I wake up from bed and went to the kitchen. As I search for food, I find nothing. This is the first time mom didn't left cook food for me. I'm really hungry. I have no choice but to cook food. When I'm about to get ingredients, I saw mom and dad's room door open. I walk toward the door. I decide to peek before closing it. I was surprised when I saw mom still lying on the bed.

"Mom! what's wrong with you? Do you feel ill?"

"Yes darling, a little bit. I feel dizzy and chill."

"I think you have a fever."

"I think so too. Sorry I didn't manage to cook our food today."

"It's fine mom. I can do it. Just lay down and rest."

"Thank you Enasha."

"Just wait here mom, I'll get something to decrease your temperature."

I went to the kitchen to get some cold water. I return to mom and wipe her forehead and underarms with a towel that I soak in cold water. I change mom's clothes afterwards since she is al wet with sweat. After that, I cook food for mom. I decide to cook poridge since mom is sick and this is the only food for sick I know. After cooking, I let mom eat. I feed her slowly. Then, when I mom feels sleepy, I left her in the room to rest.

My dad is not here. He and his men went to a mission. I don't what mission it is. So for now, I am the only one mom can rely on. I hope mom will get better soon.

It was already afternoon when the rain stops pouring. When I check our container, it's about to empty. I decided to went out to get some ingredients, vegetables and fruits. But no one can take good care of mom. I went to mom's room.

"Mom, can you manage to stand alone if you need to pee?"

"Yes Enasha, I feel a little better. Why?"

"I need to go out to get some food stock."

"I see. Can you do it alone?"

"Of course mom! I'm sure other villagers will be looking for food too. I'll just blend with everyone."

"Alright. But make sure to be careful. Do not go anywhere far from others, ok?"

"Yes mom. I will leave something in your side table. Here is your water and food if you get hungry. Do not try to do household chores while I'm gone. Ok?"

"Gosh. Yes sure."

"I'll be leaving now mom."

"Ok take care darling."

As I expected, other villagers are about to leave their homes to get some food too. At first I am afraid to go out alone, but since I'm with everyone, I feel at ease.

While walking, someone approached me. The plastic brats in out villages who talk nicely infront of me but stabbed me at the back.

"Hey Enasha, why are you alone?"

"Mom is sick, so for today I'm doing everything alone."

She is Thalia. The leader of the brats. She likes Cancello very much. That is why she is rude to me. Well, I don't really care at all. I don't feel anything to Cancello. But this girl doesn't believe me since Cancello rejected her. Almost teen villagers is her friend because she is afraid to be alone. So I decided not to get close to them. I never told my parents about this because our parents are so close to each other.

"Ah, how good daughter you are."

"Yes I am. Well excuse me."

"Wait Enasha! Why are you in a hurry?"

"I need to go home early, I already told you my mom is sick. I hope you understand."

"Wait, I just need to ask something from."

"Is it about Cancello again? I already told you I'm not into him."

"Really? but we saw the two of you together on the ritual gathering. He help you and your smiling to one another."

"Gosh Thalia! It's just a normal conversation. Oh my! Why am I explaining to you. You are not his girlfriend. You are accusing Cancello as if he is cheating."

"Amh well, I just want to know. You know how much I love him right."

"Sure enough. Cancello is yours. Now please leave me alone!"

I walk away from those stupid brats. They're just wasting my time. I continued walking until I reach Fruit trees. I started climbing the tree and pick some fruits. It's not so high. It is safe for everyone. After picking enough fruits, I descend down from the tree. I put my harvest in my basket and started walking to find vegetables. When I find some vegetable plants, I start harvesting them. We have a lot in here. The plants are enough for the whole villages. After picking everything I need, I remember that mom need some herbal plant to lessen her cold. So I decided to walk to where the herbal is planted. It's a little far from where I harvested vegetables and fruits, but I don't mind at all. While walking, I heard the wind blows. I feel uneasy by the sound of the trees. I still can't find the herbal plant I need. I continue walking. In the distance, I hear water splashing. I follow the sound and saw a large body of water. I don't know what it is called. It was my first time seeing this. The water is flowing from above, and there is a large paddle down on where the water falls down. I silently walk near the large paddle. When I get see it closely, I see the moon in the CENTER of the paddle. I really want to hold the moon. It's my chance to hold it. Without realizing, the sun sets already. My body start transforming into werewolf. My problem now is how can I hold the basket. I'll think later after fulfilling my dream.

I jump into the water without thinking twice. All I want is to reach the moon. My dream is about to come true. I can finally touch the moon. I taught the paddle is not deep. While I'm getting close to the moon, suddenly I can't feel the ground. I tried to reach the ground but the water is above my head already. I tried jumping and decide to go back and get out from the water. But the waters pressure keep me struggling. I'm trying my best but it's not working. I tried shouting for help. But no one is around. I think I'm drowning. Waters already coming in my mouth as I try to breath. I think this is my end. As I was about to loose consciousness, someone grab my hand. I opened my eyes slowly to see who was it. I was shocked that it was a male human form. I sure he is a human. Because I know that all villagers already transformed into werewolves. But why is this human here? All I know that this forest is prohibited to human.

When we approach the side of the paddle, he lay me down in the ground and walk faster away from me. I think he's afraid of me since I'm in human form. He turned around and look back at me. I look towards his direction and nod my head as a sign of giving thanks. When he saw me nod my head, he smiles at me and run away.

My heart bits fast after that human smile at me. What does it mean? I think I feel indebted to what he did right? I hope I'm right. Now it's time to go back home. My mom is worried now for sure.

Luckily, I easily find my way back. But sad to say, I did not find the herbal plant I need. I hope mom feels better.