
Unexpected Love Blooms

In the largest forest of the world called Almanzon, there lived a community of werewolves. For a long time, they successfully hide from human beings since the forest is prohibited to human. One day, Enasha, one of werewolves villagers (female lead) went out to get food and herbal medicine since her mother was sick. But she lost her way and end up in a water falls. She was amazed by the moon's reflection in the water and taught it was the real thing. She jump in the water and end up drowning. Luckily Nicholie, from the City of human (male lead), was near the area and jump off the water to save her. Nicholie brought Enasha out of the water. He distance himself and about to leave. He turned around to see if Enasha can manage herself. Enasha look towards Nicholie and bow her head. Nicholie bow his head too and runs back to their camp site, while Enasha find her way back to their village and went home safely. Enasha promised herself to find the guy who save her and pay him back. After a year, Enasha turned 18. In their tradition, you're allowed to go out from the village if you turned 18. They did some ritual and ceremony to give them protection and blessing. The next day after the ceremony, Enasha started looking for the guy who saved her. After a month of searching, they luckily meet each other when Enasha was roaming around the City. When Enasha already know where Nicholie lived, she applied to be a house keeper in his unit. Every after Enasha's shift, she always left food and note with message to Nicholie. Nicholie always check his cctv from the first time Enasha left food. And apparently he feel inlove to Enasha's sweet gesture. Nicholie wanted to meet Enasha. But she always leave earlier before he arrived at his unit. While on weekend, she has always no schedule. One day, while Enasha is cleaning, she accidentally closed the door. The units door is already high tech. Unfortunately Enasha trapped inside. She has no choice but to wait for Nicholie to come home. She just finished everything and wait. Later on, Nicholie open the door and his eyes widened upon seeing Enasha sleeping. Suddenly Enasha wake up and stand up right away. When Enasha is about to go, Nicholie hold his hand and tell her how he felt. Enasha felt happiness when she hears it and tells Nicholie her feelings too. They hug each other and Enasha bid goodbye. She hurriedly went back to forest before it gets dark. Enasha and Nicholie's relationship keeps stronger each day. But Nicholie felt that Enasha was mysterious because she went home early. And she doesn't want Nicholie to meet her parent's. One day when Enasha went home, Nicholie follows her secretly. Nicholie was shocked when Enasha entered the Almanzon forest. He kept following Enasha. Then suddenly she stop infront of a big tree. Enasha walk again towards the back of the tree. Nicholie was surprised seeing a community in the middle of the forest. Enasha was surprised uppon seeing him behind. Enasha ask Nicholie to go back home before it gets dark but he refuses. Suddenly the sun sets already and the villagers started to transform. Nicholie was shocked and got afraid, so he fainted. Enasha brought him home. When Nicholie wakes up, he still afraid of seeing wolf. Enasha explained to her everything. She also tell him that he once saved her life before. Nicholie understand everything and accept Enasha heartfuly. Enasha introduce Nicholie to her family and to all villagers. Nicholie also introduce her to his family and friends. Their relationship went well through the year. One day, the villagers got captured by Armies. Luckily Enasha was with Nicholie. They keep searching for the wolves and finally they rescued them from the scientist club. Because of the incident, The werewolves decided to put a barrier so that no one can get in and out from the village. Enasha and Nicholie decided to part ways to keep everyone safe. From then, they didn't keep in touch with each other.

Yhengsky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The gathering of werewolves villagers

Mom and I arrived at the Standrium. Villagers assigned for the venue preparation started decorating the stage and other part of the Standrium. The ritual gathering is done in the evening. So we don't need chairs since we'll transform into werewolves form. The table used during gathering are short so that it is easy for us to reach our food. The food to be prepared also must be easy eating food for us since we have no hands to hold during night time.

"Mom, what we need to do first."

"Let's wait for Cancello first. All the things we need is there."

"Oh my. Do you think he will arrived here shortly mom?"

"Maybe, you know that he has a men with him right?"

"Well yeah, Of course he can't push it alone faster."

"That's what I'm telling you."

(Enasha and Agatha laugh)

While waiting, I look around the Standrium. The design is impressive. Well, those designer took a designing course in the City. That is why I am not surprised with their skill anymore. I stand near the stage. One of my friend designer is working on the stage design. Her name is Aldretha. She is very good in her work. She is only 19 years old, yet she already master her work in just 1 year of studying. When she turned 18, she decided to study in the City right away that is why some of villagers gentleman are after her. She is also charming and beautiful that's why.

"Hey Enasha! That dress look good on you."

"Oh thank you Aldretha. Your design is also amazing. I'm not shock anymore though. It was all of you who work on it."

"What a word. Thank you for praising on our work Enasha."

"It's my pleasure, and you know its true."

"Hahaha. Anyway excuse me for now Enasha, We need to hurry and finish the design on time."

"Oh sure, no worries. I'm also going to the kitchen. Were just waiting to the ingredients. I think it's here."

"Oh you'll help cooking and prepare the food.

"Yes. I decided to help."

"I see."

"Well then. See you later."

Finally, the ingredients and other materials needed for the food arrived. As I expected, three men are pushing the cart. Anyways, mom and I thank them for their hard work. We started unloading everything in the cart. We my mom check that everything and everyone who volunteer to help are around, we start chopping, boiling and cooking the food.

Everyone are busy with their workloads. All are excited. Especially those who are involved in the ritual.

It was already afternoon when we finished cooking and preparing food. We need to finished everything before transforming into werewolves form. Almost everything is ready. The venue is completely decorated. Tables are set. We started putting foods on the table. When everything is ready, all involved in the preparation go home to freshen up. Of course it includes me and my mom.

"Mom, let's go home now. I need to wash myself."

"Oh yes we will. I also smell stinky because I sweat a lot."

"So do I. It's all set we need to hurry now."

"Oh yes let's go. The village mens where already on standby to guard the venue."

Mom and I hurry home. When we arrived home, I went to shower directly. It's so refreshing. After a long day of working, I finally get to take a bath. While soothing myself in the water, I remember what I did today. I'm so happy that I get to help my mom and other villagers mom in preparing the food. I really learn a lot today. From now on, I want to become a good cook like my mom.

"Enasha, hurry up! I also need to take a bath. The sun is about to set soon. I want to scrub my body using my hands."

"Yeah yeah! I'm almost done."

After putting the towel in my body, I went out to the bathroom. My mother is waiting outside the door and rush inside. I went to my room, get dress, dry my hair and out my necklace. I didn't bother to put some make up since we'll be transforming into werewolves later on.

After a few minutes I heard mom going out of the bathroom. She get dress and get ready to go.

The sun is already setting. Mom and I decide to wait for us to transform into werewolves before going back to Stadium in order for us to arrived there faster. Before I forget to tell, when we are in our werewolves form, we can run fast just like a rocket. That's our only super power. But some of the villagers has special ability.

When the sun set completely, mom and I slowing transforming. It's doesn't hurt at all. The transformation starts from ears, hands, feet and so on. When transformation is completed mom and I decided to head to the Standrium right away.

"Enasha! Let's go!"

"Yes mom I'm coming!"

"Your father might be waiting now."

"I'm sure he was."

In just a fe second, mom and I arrived at the venue. As expected, almost everybody was here. Waiting for the ritual master. My father is also waiting for us. He saw us immediately upon arrival. Dad approached mom right away and pointed our spot. Since our family is like a VIP, mom, dad and I position ourselves infront of the stage. Everyone find their spot and sat on the ground. After a little while, the MC took the stage and started talking. The program is about to begin.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman! Today we are about to begin the village yearly traditional gathering on which those who are turning 18 will get their blessing and protection through ritual. And now, we May call on those 4 ladies and 6 gentleman who turned 18 this year."

One by one, the ten 18 years old villagers went to the stage and line up them selves facing the crowd. Each one of them has a torch infront of them. They are wearing the villagers necklace. Those necklace is said to be the gate pass to go in and out of the forest. Then, the ritual master went up the stage to start the ritual process. The drum started drooling. Nano the ritual master started dancing as a respect to our almighty. With that, our almighty will lend it's power to him. After the blessing and ritual, the village necklace worn by ten 18 years old villagers light up and spark. It indicates that those necklace unlock its power. After the ritual, my dad took the stage to orient the ten villagers. After the diacussion and orientation, we start eating. While eating disco dance started to play. other teens and adult villagers started dancing after they eat.

"Enasha, why don't you dance?"

"Mom, I'm not good in dancing you know."

"It's just a free style dance. You can do it."

"Mom stop teasing me. I'm good here."

"Alright I'll stop. Were are you going?"

"I'll look for dad."

"Your dad is there."

"Oh I see. I'll go to dad mom."

"Alright, be careful."

I walk towards dad direction. Passing through dancing werewolves is so humiliating. Why does dancing is not for me? Anyway I just want to ask dad if how long we are staying here. When I'm about to reach dad, some of his men approach him and talk to each other. Well I need to wait here. I think they are talking about work. While waiting, someone stand beside me.

"Want to dance with me?"

"Oh Cancello, no I'm good."

"Common Enasha! This gathering is done once a year. Don't waste it. Enjoy this night."

"I'm sorry but I need to go."

I leave Cancello talking and headed to mom's direction who is talking with other village mom. I decided to talk to dad later. I went back to my spot and look at those dancing werewolves.

After an hour, the music stops. I think the gathering is over. Some of the villagers went back home. The cleaning will be done tomorrow since we have no hands. Later on my dad approach me and mom.

"Hon, Enasha! I'll accompany you home before we start patrolling."

"We'll be fine hon, we can go back home by ourselves."

"I beg to disagree hon, it's my duty to prioritize my family's safety."

"Your so sweet hon. Ok I will not disagree this time."

"Stop it already, let's go now mom, dad!"

"Alright, let's go now."

Mom, dad and I started walking out from Standrium. Only few of us left there. While walking I look up at the sky. The stars sparks beautifully. The moons light's gives me peace of mind. It's quite windy. The trees and leaves dance with the wind.