
Caffeine and Flowers

After the five checked out their respective books they started walking till Terra pointed out her favorite restaurant, Cassies Cafe. They all walked in to the place, tabels were scattered around each only holding two to four chairs. Lenny and Red Alex started to drag Terra to a table so they could order food and watch the "love grow". Zain walked by Alex to a table of their own and chatted about life for a while after getting their food. "So Alex we acually work together at the same bakery so can I have your number?" Zain slid into the conversation after the two hyper teens and the reaper girl had given him the thumbs up. The blond boy seamed to blush and fumble for a pen and napkin to write his number down on while nodding. Zain smiled and picked it up inspecting the note on the bottom the smaller boy had wrote a small call me and had drawn a smiling circle that had a thumb up. The boys smiled to eachother, the smaller of the two having a light blush drawn over umder his eyes and on his nose. "Alex your adorable like that you know" Zain sweet talked to the calmer of the two Alexs causing him to blush more and hide his face. "E-Even with the scars from the f-fire?" Alex asked shyly not used to the flirty attention Zain was showing. The galaxy boy smiled and nodded speaking in a tone that said he wanted the smaller male all to himself "if we were dating I'd kiss every scar on you every day". He had leaned across the table to Alex and had whispered it in his ear knowing that the closeness of the words and their faces. After they had finished the male Alex was as red as Red Alexs hair and walked home with Lenny slightly dased by the thought of Zain.

×So I'm gonna change how I write the perspectives of focusing on one of the characters thoughts and such. The reasoning behind this is because it difficult for me to keep up with them and it takes a lot more time so if you liked how it was being written then I apologize for the inconvenience. Have a nice day or night or whatever.

-Unix OUT×

UnixsWorldcreators' thoughts