
Chapter 8:Alex meet Alex

Zain gazed down at the two magical girls with a nod and waved when he saw Lenny. Alex messed with her blood red hair, blinking over to Terra who was eyeing the small trans girl suspiciously. Alex elbowed the pinkish purple haired girl in the side whispering "loosen the hell up Terra, we could always use more friends, so get along with her. At least for Zains sake." Zain shook his head starting to drag the short purple haired girl with him and female Alex over to Lenny. The short Lenny instantly waved at Zain and his two friends happy to see him and finally meet the girls he told her so much about. "Zain, good to know your not something from my head. Is this Alex and Terra? They're so cool!" Lenny said as Zain chuckled at her excitement. The red haired girl spoke up before Zain could even breath saying "hi I'm Alex, this T-shirt is Terra." Terra looked at Red as if she just threw shit with a shitfaced grin in her car that she just cleaned. Lenny smiled brightly at the trio of magical beans, chattering on about one thing then another picking up books she liked along the way till they reached her brother. The boy looked over to the four but quickly looking away after starring at Zain for a moment to long suddenly self cautious about his scars that covered his still cute face. "G-got you books Lenny? Sorry if she bothered you three, I should have kept a eye on her better." Alex the boy mumbled with a small stutter. Zain quickly rejected the thought of Lenny being a bother stating calmly "she wasn't a bother at all, acually I think these two made a friend. The red head and eyed one is Alex, the purple hair and eyed one is Terra, and I'm Zain." Terra eyed the world around her with a hungry look giving the galaxy boy a good idea on how to get a bit closer to the boy he thoight so dearly of. "How about we all go get lunch, the girls can keep chatting about whatever girls talk about and we can get to know eachother that way we can still protect the girls." Zain said as he smiled warmly and hugged Red and Terras shoulders, after a moment of thought and hesitation the young man nodded earning a happy sqeaul out of Lenny and Red Alex.


So Terra and Red Alex belong to my friend artperson. Thank you so much for letting me use your characters for my story.

-Unix out ^v^