
Un- Touched

Aurora opened her mouth to say something but only a shaky breath left her lips. Sure she knew she had a sad life, the worse actually. But did fate really have to pair her… With HADES?! Standing before her was the god of death and the underworld. Every picture she had seen of the gods had not depicted Hades’ beauty. The god seated before her was not an old man with a white beard that reached his foot, he was the true definition of glamour. “Well, you beat my expectations. I expected a slim figured sad child.” Hades spoke, his voice sending tingles down Aurora's spine. “And I expected an old man with wonky tooth holding a stick to support his remaining lifeline.” Hades opened his mouth to say something about her outburst, while Aurora mentally faced Palmed herself wishing she hadn't said that to the god of death. She stared at him expecting him to cast her into the darkest hell cell as punishment, but his lips only pulled up a grin. “Well, well… I guess I had expected little from my human mate.”

Ty_sonm · Fantasie
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6 Chs


My heart thudded deeply in my chest in rhythm to the loud music playing behind the closed door. Even if I managed to scream my lungs out for help, no one would come to my rescue. I was all alone in this. And my hands were starting to sweat inside the gloves, as much as I would like to take them off and protect myself, I can't bring myself to kill a person. Not even to a pervert sick fuck.

He grabs my arm to turn me against the counter, but I don't move. I sat firmly staring daggers at him.

"Please don't do this. Anyone is going to walk in from that door and catch you in this act, this is not you, please don't do this." I tried to plead

The man chuckled, low and throaty, sending chills to run down her body.

"No one will be coming to save you, not even your friend, no one will be coming in here unless I walk out that door, now TURN!"

He yelled, grabbing my wrist, making my gloves jerk out of my palm, and forcefully making me turn. The hand with gloves slammed on the counter and on the other, I systematically used my elbow to rest on the counter instead of my now gloveless palm.

"Good, I like it like that now, do the same with the other!" He commanded. When I don't do exactly as instructed he roughly tugs on my hand, till my elbow was on the counter.

I looked forward in search of something to help get him off me and help me get away from him, but there was nothing. Except for a mirror hanging on the wall.

While struggling from his grim, I caught a sight in the mirror. A man dressed in a cloak black overall stood in the mirror not far away from the counter and at the same time not close. I had stopped struggling from my captor and was now staring keenly like I just found a new art piece. And the strange thing was that… It felt familiar. I recognized it even when I couldn't remember it in my memories. It was familiar.

"Your jumpsuit is not going to save you from my wrath!" My captor yelled, snapping me away from my intense stare at the mirror. He turned me around and made to yank the jumpsuit down from the top of the sleeve… When I pushed him away. Forgetting what my touch does to things.

I gasped, feeling power running through my body as I pushed him. A blinding white light flashed through the room as I watched the man struggle to catch his breath. He suddenly stopped struggling and fell to the floor with his back. Immediately his back touched the tiles he disappeared leaving dust behind.

My hands clasped my mouth, swathing it from the unearthly scream that was about to leave my lips. My gaze soon diverted to the weird-looking thing in the form of a human I had seen in the mirror, and weirdly enough it was still there. I panicked.

It saw me kill him. I'm sure this is one of the weird cosplays they make people wear in the clubs. Not like I know since I haven't been in one.

Is it even a person or a statue? I sure as hell didn't see it before. Not that I could from all that struggling and grasping.

"It's not what you think." I stuttered my words before I could even make sense of what I just said. My thoughts on; if it was a statue or not were soon confirmed when it tilted its head to properly look at me(I wasn't sure but it seemed like that was what it was doing.

The thing let out a squeaky sound that sounded inhuman. I stared at the exit that was not far away from the weird 'thing' standing like that's his job. When nothing happened within the next minute of me staring from the door to it, I took that cue and quickly rushed to the door. Making sure I don't step on the ashes that were now filtered on the floor. The good news is the weird thing did not follow me or made it stop me. Bad news, he watched me go without moving, just tilted his head.

Still looking at the weird thing as I exited the room, I didn't realize I was walking and running away from the room at the same time till I stumbled on someone. Madison!

"Woah! Woaa… Are you good?" she called and I moved my gaze away from the door and now to Madison's concerned face. My eyes soon land on her palm on my arms and I quickly jerk them off in fright.

"Don't touch me," I whispered. She didn't hear me, maybe because of all the buzz coming out from the speakers. But I didn't give her an audience as I started to find my way to the nearest exit. Moving past the sweaty bodies, jamming themselves in the rhythm of the music, made my palm itch badly. It wanted to touch something.

"Hey… Wait up!" I heard Madison calling from behind but I didn't give her ears. She grabbed my arm, making me stop. I unknowingly clutch my other palm to styself from pushing her way just like I did with the man that has now turned to dust.

Big mistake, without my gloves rubbing themselves... I can't do it with my bare palm. Doing it, made the other glove burn. And now, I was left with just bare pale hands. And Madison, Madison SaW tHaT.

I couldn't read more of her shocked expression, instead, I started running to the exit. Brushing aside anyone on my path with my shoulders and elbow, since I didn't want to use my hands. I couldn't afford to cause any more damage. And I really wished Madison would stop calling after me… Drawing more attention to me.

I was outside now. The cold breeze blew on my face bringing out the strands I had manged to tailor down behind my hair. And I couldn't tuck it back in. I hate to admit it, but I was afraid I could hurt myself with my hands too even when I've touched myself on many occasion by accident.

"Aurora!" I heard Madison called from behind as she tries to catch her breath.

" I told you this would happen! Something bad always happen with me whenever I step out! I told you this… I told you didn't I?" I turned to face her, demanding an answer even when I know and she knows it was a rhetoric one. Since she can't provide an answer.

I turn to face her to find her palm stretched out to me, and a new part of knitted gloves were resting on her palm. I felt the anger within me start to subdue. I gaze swept from her palm to her face. I didn't know what to say, how did she get them. What does she know? How much does she know?

The questions swam in my head but still, I couldn't bring myself to ask her.

"You need them don't you? I've kept a pair in my bag all the time especially whenever I want you to go out with me. So, take it. Or.. Wait… Do I have to slide it into your palm?"

I stared at her in shock. I could see the fear in her eyes but she still want to help me.

"How did you know?" I questioned

"You think after your birthday you'd start ignoring me… Couch suddenly went missing.. You move to different houses… You stopped accompanying me out… And your sudden addiction for gloves… amongst others… And you think I would not notice it's weird. I didn't know you could make things vanish… But I know your hands are the cause that's why you've been using gloves. I was just waiting for you to tell me what it is on your own accord. Now, wear this… Before we start attracting attention. I'll make sure no one is looking." and with that, she dropped the gloves on the floor and turned, now giving me her back as she keeps watch.

A tear slid down my cheeks.