
Un- Touched

Aurora opened her mouth to say something but only a shaky breath left her lips. Sure she knew she had a sad life, the worse actually. But did fate really have to pair her… With HADES?! Standing before her was the god of death and the underworld. Every picture she had seen of the gods had not depicted Hades’ beauty. The god seated before her was not an old man with a white beard that reached his foot, he was the true definition of glamour. “Well, you beat my expectations. I expected a slim figured sad child.” Hades spoke, his voice sending tingles down Aurora's spine. “And I expected an old man with wonky tooth holding a stick to support his remaining lifeline.” Hades opened his mouth to say something about her outburst, while Aurora mentally faced Palmed herself wishing she hadn't said that to the god of death. She stared at him expecting him to cast her into the darkest hell cell as punishment, but his lips only pulled up a grin. “Well, well… I guess I had expected little from my human mate.”

Ty_sonm · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Madison sat across the table in my living room as she let the information I just disclosed sink in.

"Well, at least the sike -o got what he deserved."

Okay, maybe I expected too much. But that wasn't what I expected her to say. I expected her to be scared. To give me… The pity look- which I despise. But she's just shrugging. As if Killing someone wasn't a big deal anymore.

"I got to ask, have you killed someone before?" my thoughts slowly slipped past my lips before I realized how fucked up that sound.

Madison snorted before she laughed.

"Of course not!" typical Madi , I think to myself.

"Why would you think that?" Madison questioned while trying to stop herself from laughing.

"Because, you are more calm about this whole thing more than I am." I honestly replied.

"Don't get me wrong. All this is weird as fuck, really. But then, you said it yourself. The fucker told you no one is going to come for you or help you because no cameras are there. That He could do whatever he pleased with you. But, tables turned! You did- your hands did whatever they pleased with him."

"It was an accident!" I jumped to defend myself.

"And I know." Madison coos. "I am not fighting you so don't act defensive. I am the defenseless one here.." She laughs a little while looking at my gloves. I looked at them too.

A thick silence settled between us as we both were somewhat lost in our thoughts.

Well, I was lost in mine thinking of what Madison was thinking. She was still staring at my gloves but somewhat lost in thoughts too. And it made me wonder… What it was she was thinking about.

Knowing maddie, she must be inventing a craze idea on how to go about with my hands. Either saving the world or protecting her from jackassses. Or she is probably wondering what else I can do with my hands since I know so little and she probably wants us to carry out an experiment. Typical Madi.

I could go on and on with the 'Or' but it would be simply me overthinking the matter. She still hasn't said a thing so it was pointless over thinking what she could be thinking.

Not able to take the suspense of hearing what she was thinking about anymore… I bent over to the table, readying myself to ask her what she was thinking of.

But Madi somewhat beat me to it- talking.

"Have you ever thought of going back to the source where they originally found you to look for answers? One that can help you navigate your way with…" she pointed at my gloves. "Those"

Okay, not Typical Madi, as I overthink. Smart Madi was up. The idea never came to me actually. I was more bothered in finding a potential way out of my misery, than finding answers to them.

Madi's idea was smart, but craze never the less.

"I haven't," I answered honestly.

"Then we should."

I thought I heard that wrongly, so I asked to be sure. "We?"

"Yes we." Madison answers cheerfully before pushing her way to lean on the table. "You didn't think I would suggest an idea and leave me out of it… Did you?"

Okay, Typical Madi was back up.

I simply shrugged in response. I did think… But not of that I wanted to tell her, but it sounded stupid so I hushed. And changed the topic.

"So what now?"

"I was hoping you would tell me."

"I told you everything, didn't I?"

"You did.. The shadow still wears me out but..that wasn't what I was referring to."

"Then what?"

"The town they found you. What's the name? Do you have information on that place?"

"Not that it mattered before now, so no. But I could check with the orphanage my parents found me."

"Talking about the parents… When was the last time you visited them?"

"Question should be when was the last time they called? I'm an adult, they don't expect me to be popping back and forth in their house."

"And so are they- Adults I mean." Madison stuttered her words. She takes a moment to recollect herself from her thoughts before she drives her gaze back to me-well my gloves mostly.

"So now that there's a need to, what do you do about asking them?"

"Have any ideas?" I replied with a question.

"Well, not quite. I brought the suggestion so you should be the one up with ideas."

"Never heard of that-"

"That's not the point!" Madison whispers. "See," Madison started but paused for a second. "I am just trying to help."

"I see that,"

"And I need you to stop making it hard for me to help you."

"Okay hold up, I didn't ask you to help me to begin with. And how am I making this hard for you? You are not the one with hands that can vanish stuff. So if this is weird and hard on anyone, it should be me don't you think?"

"Yo, chill. You are being paranoid." Madison mutters.

I sat up from the chair as I spoke

"Maybe I am. Maybe it's because I killed someone and you are trying to make it seem like it's no big deal. And maybe I am overthinking stuff right now because I can't fathom what is wrong with me.."

"I am just trying to help, Aurora. Why can't you see that? "

"Maybe I don't want to…" I cover my face with my palm trying to steady my breath.

"You shouldn't do that- I mean is it safe to touch yourself?"

I gave Madison a death stare, tired and stressed on what else to say.

"I need space Madison, I… Don't need anyone trying to fix me right now. I just need time to think of what I've done. Hell, you should not be here. The police might just show up and pick me and might as well get you too-"

"Are you trying to send me away, just because you don't want me to be here?"

I really wanted to explain more and make her understand just how I feel and how her not getting it makes me want to go nuts, but instead I say what will make her give me the space I need a little.


Madison stands up and without turning to glance at me, she grabs her bag and stormed to exit my house.

"Don't hit the door… " I wanted to call after her. But she did before I could even start.

I stand up from the chair and made my way towards the door. I open it to check if Madison was seated crying somewhere. Typical Madi.

But she wasn't. I was going to get back inside when I spot a woman climbing the stairs. A pregnant woman.

Must be a neighbor.

"Hi," I muttered a greeting.

She simply muttered a hello before walking past me to the next door, which I assume was where she live. She started having issues with fixing in the key… And I hesitated to ask if she needed help or not.

After much contemplation. I thought, since I was already outside. It would be weird to not offer my help. And usually, people say no when you offer your help. So?

With that, I popped the question.

"Do you need help?"

"Oh, yes please" She mutters. Visibly sweating.

I walk over to where she was, careful to not make contact with her skin even while wearing my gloves. I took the keys and inserted them inside and turned on the knob.

"There you go, Ma'am"

"Oh just call me Katherine," she laughed. Before pushing her door open, supposingly inviting me in.

"Would you like some coffee? It's the least I can do to appreciate you."

"Well," I started saying but my gaze drifted to the shadow I saw just across her couch. It was the same weird being I had seen in the club. It looks was the same. It felt like he was staring at me but at the same time wasn't.

Did he follow me down here? I couldn't help but ask myself.

Panicked strickened, I pushed myself away from the yard and started making my way to my house. Ignoring the woman who was yelling "are you fine, young lady?" after me.