
Uchiha with 2 systems: Naruto multiverse

system1:gacha system2:comic simulator mc transmigrated in Uchiha clan and got his past life memory before 5 years of Uchiha massacre. see how he develop and change ninja world . ........ this is a fanfiction. every character belong to their original owner.

gacha927 · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

as uchiha

Hidden Leaf Village, Land of Fire

A fleeting blur races through the trees, moving with an almost supernatural speed that evades the notice of ordinary villagers below.

Two men patrol the area, their backs turned to each other, their dark uniforms marked with the distinctive red and white fan-like symbols of the Uchiha clan—a proud assertion of their heritage amidst a climate of rising hostility.

The taller man, his gaze sharp and unyielding, breaks the silence that has hung between them. "Look over there. It's Shisui. He's must have returned from his mission."

The shorter man, his face shadowed by deep concern, follows the direction indicated. "Yes, I see him. His strength is unmistakable, reached Chunin level. If he continues at this rate, a promotion should be within reach."

The taller man snorts, his frustration evident. "Promotion? At this point, what difference does it make? Since the Nine-Tails' attack, both the villagers and the elders have turned against us. They're unlikely to support any Uchiha's advancement or even acknowledge our skills."

The shorter man's brow furrows deeply as he considers the gravity of their situation. "You're right. The situation is bleak, almost hopeless. But our duties remain. We must continue our patrol, safeguarding our clan's interests. It's up to the clan leader to navigate these treacherous waters, even if it seems a fruitless endeavor."

Their conversation fades into silence as they resume their patrol, the weight of their words heavy in the cool night air. The oppressive atmosphere of their surroundings mirrors the burden of their responsibilities, a constant reminder of their precarious position.

Shisui's POV

Shisui walks through the village, his face a mask of frustration and anger. "Tch, they're too weak to be my team members," he mutters bitterly. "Both are twelve years old and nowhere near Chunin level. Sarutobi must have deliberately assigned them to me to stymie my progress."

As he strides through the village, the weight of the villagers' stares and whispered judgments presses on him. Their disdain is palpable, a harsh reminder of their growing animosity. "And that squad leader—just a Special Jonin. Are all the Jonins in the village dead, or are they too cowardly to confront the real issues? It's infuriating and demoralizing."

His frustration reaches a boiling point as he reflects on the broader implications of their situation. "It's maddening, but not surprising. Since the Nine-Tails incident, the Uchiha clan has been ostracized, treated like a plague. The entire village now regards us with suspicion and contempt, their distrust thick in the air."

His fists clench so tightly that his knuckles turn white, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil. "It's been a year since the Fourth Hokage's death. At that time, I had no memory of my previous life. Whether that was good or bad luck, I can't tell. If I had remembered sooner, perhaps I could have convinced Fugaku to participate against nine tail attack rather than blindly following Danzo's orders."

Shisui's mind churns with regret and frustration. "But would he have listened? Fugaku was always so stubborn and narrow-minded. Even if I had tried to change his mind, his arrogance might have rendered any persuasion futile, leaving us in this dire situation."

A heavy sigh escapes him, laden with resignation and despair. "Now, I face the grim reality of the impending massacre. I have only five or six years before the Uchiha clan's genocide becomes inevitable—a fate I can't and won't prevent."

Shisui's thoughts grow darker as he recalls the month since he regained memories from the 21st century. "It's been a month since I regained access to my memories of that peaceful life—reading fanfiction and novels on my smartphone. It was a stark contrast to the hell I endure now. I reincarnated as 'Shisui of the Body Flicker,' a title I've yet to fully earn. I'm still a Genin, yet to pass the Chunin exams."

He continues walking, his mind consumed by the bleak reality ahead. "I can't prevent the genocide without reaching Madara's level of power, which would be a suicidal mission. But that doesn't mean I'll sit idly and wait for the clan's destruction. I must find a way to make a difference, however slim the chance."

As he nears Ichiraku Ramen, he reflects bitterly on the myriad threats looming over him. "Obito's plan is to destroy the Uchiha to weaken Konoha. Danzo covets the Sharingan for his own ends, and Hiruzen is preoccupied with maintaining control. Even if we manage to survive and rise to lead Konoha, we will face battles with other villages, Pain's devastating attack, the Fourth Great Ninja War, or even the risk of becoming a mere source of chakra for the Otsutsuki. Despite this grim reality, I cling to hope because of the system I received through transmigration."

With each step towards Ichiraku Ramen, Shisui is acutely aware of the crushing burden he bears. The future remains shrouded in uncertainty and darkness, but one thing is clear: he will confront whatever comes with unyielding resolve. The path ahead may be fraught with peril and bloodshed, but Shisui is prepared to face it head-on, regardless of the cost.


Points to be noted

Some says Shisui unlocked his mangekyou sharingan before Nine-Tails attack while some says its afterwards.

Now listen Itachi was 5 or 6 years old when Nine-Tails incident happened, Shisui 3 or 4 years older than him ,was between 8 ,9 or 10. Kakashi was 13 or 14 that time .

Now in my fanfiction, Itachi was 5 ,Shisui 9 and kakashi 14 during obito attack

Shisui graduated at 7 ,become genin and participated for half a year before war ended.

Since minato was hokage for nearly a year or more or less.

So now shisui is 10. And has yet to unlock his mangekyou sharingan.

He is already orphan.

His squad is changed .

He is at chunin level but has to take chunin exam to get title.

His military achievements were only half a year , so no luck from there. Specially when you are uchiha.

Now you can give me suggestions for system. I have already choose gacha but I can get anything from gacha including system since gacha will not make him op instantly . Like comic system, traveling system, dealer system, etc

Checkout my another fanfiction

Multiverse: in Naruto as uchiha shisui

In this mc got his memory after genocide