
Twisted World

The world isn't as simple as people think. Where ever there is light, there are shadows. Shadows give significance to the light. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666 Will a boy with the eyes of Death survive in this world?

Nightcorex11 · Bücher und Literatur
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36 Chs


I kept my gun pointed at him and asked, "Who is this headmaster? What is this place?"

Jamie didn't flinch and replied, "Pardon my recalcitrance, but I have been ordered to bring you both to the headmaster. I assure you there is nothing dangerous here."

I looked at Selah's life span, she isn't going to die. My chances of dying are maybe seventy-thirty, let's see what happens.

Me: "Selah, let's do as he says."

"Are you mad?! Going with your previous hunt into unknown this place.", She refuted as someone in his sane mind would do.

Me: " You got better options. Either we go back to the forest which may be filled with trolls with very less ammo left. Or, you go to the location where we were ordered to deliver the package."

Selah: "Are you sure about this?"

Me: "If I cared that much about my life, I wouldn't be here in the first place."

She sighed and surrendered to situations.

Jamie: "Now, if you follow me."

The structure we spotted turned out to be a school. Nah, it's not a normal school. It's a school for Other-siders, supernatural beings and varks. As we got closer the whole environment changed into a snowy one. Mystic zone, someone power must be here. Changing the reality of a specific area is not a joke.

This school wasn't as old, but it had been built in the same style. The buildings boasted elaborate, almost churchlike architecture, with high peaks and stone carvings. Wrought iron gates enclosed small gardens and doorways here and there. After living on a college campus, I had a new appreciation for just how much this place resembled a university more than a typical high school.

We were taken to the secondary campus, which was divided into lower and upper schools. Each was built around a large open quadrangle decorated with stone paths and enormous, century-old trees. We were going toward the upper school's quad, which had academic buildings on one side, while dhampir dormitories and the gym sat opposite. Guards dorms sat on one of the other ends, and opposite them were the administrative buildings that also served the lower school. Younger students lived on the primary campus, farther to the west.

Around all the campuses were space, space, and more space. The air felt cool in my lungs and smelled of pine and wet, decaying leaves. Overgrown forests ringed the perimeters of the Academy, and during the day, you could see mountains rising up in the distance.

As we walked into the main part of the upper school, I broke from my the group. I spotted a familiar face that didn't even Imagine to see here. A boy around my age with brown hair and brown eyes.

Me: "Jack!"

Jack looked flabbergasted, "Damien?!" He hugged me tightly as my body stiffened, then he released awkwardly me.

Me: "How are you, bro? How did get here?"

Jack: "How did you get here?"

Me: "On a mission by the DE."

Jack: "Same. I was sent here after leaving Duskwood. Also, I learned to use my powers."

Me: "And, I am a rank 3 hunter now."



Jamie interrupted us, "How do you two know each other?"

Selah: "Same question."

Well, I didn't tell anyone about this.

Me: "Selah meet Jack, my old childhood friend. He is a vark of wind. Let's say we got into this supernatural mess together."

Selah: "Ah, hah."

Jamie: "You never told me about him.", he asked Jack.

Jack: "You never asked. How do you know him?"

Jamie: "Long story. First, let me take them to the headmaster first."

Jack: "Do it. Can't keep him waiting.", he looked a little worried.

Me: "See you later, a lot of catching up to do.", my day is getting and weirder.

We walked toward the Headmaster office. On our way, we saw vampires, Lycans acting like normal teens. But what I found most interesting was a girl with black hair and red eyes, she is clearly a vampire She shot me a look of such burning hatred that it stunned me. What the hell was that all about? She was no one I knew. Just a jealous girlfriend of Jamie, I guess.

Our walk of surprise mercifully ended, though our new setting - Headmaster's office - didn't really improve things. The headmaster didn't look like what I had imagined, not a mysterious old man but an old man in his late sixties. Wearing a brown leather jacket, white beard giving me lone wolf vibes.

Jamie left us once Selah and I were seated, and I felt a little less like a prisoner. Only Albert, the captain of the school's guardians stayed. They took up positions along the wall, looking stoic and terrifying, just as their job description required.

Selah handover the package to the Headmaster. He opened the package and took out a file with DE symbol on it. To our surprise, he gave the file to us.

Headmaster: "Read it. It contains details of your next mission."

We opened the file to know what's inside. It read that our next mission to stay in this school as students. This is ridiculous!

I slammed my hands onto the desk, "What the fuck is this!? I would not be a part of this little game that you people are playing."

"Damien...", said selah with concern. The school guards surrounded me.

Headmaster: "Enough!!!", The guards shivered and went back to their original positions. I turned around to leave, but then...

Headmaster: "The countdown has already begun, the eyes shall reveal the mystery."

I stopped and looked at Selah, "I am staying. You can go."

Selah: "Just a moment ago, you were ready to leave."

Countdown? Eyes? This guy clearly knows my secret.

Me: "What do you know?"

Headmaster: "Everything."