
Twisted World

The world isn't as simple as people think. Where ever there is light, there are shadows. Shadows give significance to the light. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666 Will a boy with the eyes of Death survive in this world?

Nightcorex11 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs



We soon found ourselves in this unknown world. We both took out of DE phones to track our current location. We were currently in a deep forest. Trees here truly giants. Their branches looked like monstrous claws, looking forward to could grab me. Selah carried a satchel where she kept the package to be delivered.

Selah and I both didn't talk and just focused on clearing our mission. We were currently a few miles away from our targeted location. Soon, we found a clearing in the dark forest and went ahead to check it out.

We came upon the cave just as the sun was cresting the mountain. The sky was blood red, as the darkness faded into oblivion. The cave looked like the mouth of a giant serpent. The opening was on the other side of a sheer ledge that stood 10-15 meters high.

As we approached, Selah said, "eyes up, keep your distance."

As we got within 100 meters of the cave, I saw something shiny on the ground. I signalled Selah to stop.

A large mutilated buck's dead body laid on the entrance. Dried, black blood caked the side of it. Chunks of skin and tissue littered the area.

Selah wanted to take a look and, she didn't stop. I was followed behind her. After getting up, we took a few steps toward the cave. I was overcome with the worst smell imaginable... like sulfur, shit, and rotten milk. I charged my body, taking my senses to the peak. It wasn't the adrenaline rush and heightened senses of a normal engagement.


I heard the deepest, loudest roar emanate from the cave. It sounded like a cross between a man yelling and the roar of a lion but blended in an impossible manner.

Before we knew it, something HUGE came charging out of the cave and pushed Selah with a massive amount of power, lifting her 15 feet off of the ground. I looked in amazement at what looked like a huge man. It was absolutely massive, standing 13-14 feet tall, its shoulders as wide as I am tall. It had long, red hair and a shaggy, red beard. It had a loincloth on and leather sacks on its feet. We were all momentarily frozen. There was an absolute sense of pure, unbridled evil that emanated from this thing.

I quickly dropped my bag and took my pistols out of it, "headshots!"

I unleashed a barrage of charged bullets onto his face. It dropped Selah, who was still unharmed by the spear and began to charge me. The ground-shaking with every step of the beast. It looked at me with such cruelty and disdain, open mouth revealing two rows of giant teeth. It saw me like an ant that was about to be stomped on by a child. It yelled something, in another language, that I didn't understand, its voice splitting my eardrums. As it reached out its massive hand to grab me, it finally fell, chunks of his flesh destroyed with bullets, its head and face caved in.

Selah: "Thanks...."

Me: "Looks like you couldn't take care of yourself.", I mocked her for her previous statements.

Selah: " Whatever... I was wrong about you."

Me: "Guess, you were. What about your Vark powers? Is it a strong body."

The Giant spear didn't even put a scratch on her.

Selah: "Nah, it's a result of my power. I would like to keep it a secret for now."

We finally stood up and examined the beast. It had six fingers on each hand. Its hands were large enough to wrap around my torso. Its mouth revealed two rows of teeth, with each tooth being the length of my finger. The hair on its head and beard was an unnatural shade of red. Looks like it was a troll. It's good that it's only a troll as they don't live in groups. Taking on a group of trolls with the number of bullets I have left; would be a death wish.


Selah and I didn't talk much and went back to our mission. We finally reached the location, we could see a large building far away from our position.

Me: "That's our target?", I asked Selah.

Selah: " It appears to be."


A weird noise came out of nowhere as purple light surrounds the place, blinding us. Soon as the light disappeared we found ourselves in front of a handsome boy around our age with blonde hair and green eyes. I exactly knew who it was.

Me: "Jamie?!" I pulled my pistol and aimed at him.

The boy: "Long time no see, Damien. Our previous meeting wasn't so pleasant."

Selah: "You two know each other.", she looked confused.

Me: " You see, Jamie here was one of my previous hunts."

She looked even more confused.

Me: "Let me explain."



Hunt: Jamie.

Jamie is known to be a charmer, and that he was. He is a being what we call an Incubus. From what I can tell he wasn't here to cause any harm but it's still illegal. Jamie isn't really a danger to anyone though, except perhaps himself should he find himself at the hands of an angry spouse, but I'm sure he could get himself out of that one too.

Finding Jamie was easy, but the hard part would be extracting him. He was always surrounded by a crowd, almost like a cult. If there was a high-class party, Jamie would be there, and he would never return to his room with less than 10 people following him. I would need a good plan to separate him from his entourage.

I decided to attend one of his parties, just so I could get a better scope on the situation. It was crucial that I find any openings he might have. What I didn't expect though was for Jamie to approach me.

"Good evening Mister, I do not believe we have met before, I am Jamie, and you?", He gave me a seductive smile.

I think I almost threw up in my mouth a bit. It was good to see his charm wasn't working on me though, I'm not entirely sure why, but It's good. At least my chances of getting cornholed are low.

"Oh, I'm, uh, Damien. I'm kinda new here, nice to meet you, Jamie." I managed to respond.

"Damien, what a fabulous name, but alone at a party? Unacceptable, come with me, my friends and I are about to return to my estate, I will show you the finer parts of this city."

Is that a sexual reference? Regardless, this was going much better than expected, I was making direct contact with my target. If I went to his home, perhaps I could just wait until everyone else fell asleep, and sneak away with Jamie before anyone knew better.

"I don't know, we just met, I wouldn't want to impose on you like that," I said, trying to play hard to get.

"No I insist, you must. Samantha, go with my friend Damien here and guide him to my home. I will be there shortly, there is someone I must see first." Romeo replied while motioning to one of the women from his group.

Samantha did indeed guide me to Jamie's home. I already knew where he lived of course, but I had to play dumb. Romeo's estate was a true mansion, with aesthetics that would make you think that someone had designed the home in the game The Sims. Powers of an incubus sure have its own peaks. Charm your way into everything.

I was escorted inside; the rest of Jamie's entourage would arrive shortly after. I was offered some scotch that had apparently been aged over a hundred years, I'm not much of a drinker, but I accepted it nonetheless.

Jamie arrived almost an hour later, fashionably late to his own party. Once he arrived he immediately approached me.

"Damien, follow me, there is something I must show you." He said to me.

I didn't hesitate to follow him, this was my chance to be alone with him. I could tranquillize him and be on my way before anyone knew any better.

He led me to a room on the other side of the home, the room was something else, something I didn't expect. The walls were covered with pictures, men and women, each one was of a different person, I think I even noticed a few of them from his group.

"What is this?" I said without even thinking.

"These are all the people I played with, and you are next. Please, remove your clothing." Romeo said this as he turned his back on me and began to remove his own clothing.

I almost felt compelled to remove my own clothing, his words held such power, but I was able to hold out. Instead, I approached him and sunk the tranq into his neck. I made sure duct tape his mouth, I had heard enough of his words for one night.

He is around my size, so it was quite an effort dragging him out his window and back to my vehicle, but I managed to do it before anyone got suspicious. I assume his friends simply thought he was taking his time in conquering me.

I dropped off Jamie, and I made sure to shower extra well that night. My experience with Jamie almost made me miss my date with a rogue Jersey devil, almost.


And, that's how we met.

Jamie: "My family members were not so pleased with my shenanigans, so they sent me here. Now, follow me. The headmaster is waiting for you."

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