
Twisted Blossoms: Tales of a Transformed Vampire Girl

Yuki Matsuri is a 17-year-old boy who dreams of becoming his ideal person: a girl with long silver hair, blue eyes, and a petite frame. One night, after making a wish, Yuki wakes up to find himself transformed into his dream girl. Though he's shocked at first, he soon embraces his new form and begins to explore his identity as Yuri. But as Yuri navigates her new life, she discovers that her transformation has not only changed her appearance, but also granted her vampiric abilities. With the help of her supportive family, Yuri must learn to control her powers and face the challenges that come with being a transformed vampire girl.

WeebWrites96 · LGBT+
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: Riho-chan and Yuri’s First Date

I woke up early in the morning, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. Today was the day of my first date with Riho-chan. We had decided to keep it a surprise, and I couldn't help but wonder where she would take me.

As I got ready, I couldn't help but think back to the origins of our feelings for each other. Riho and I had been friends since we were kids, but as we grew older, our bond deepened. There were moments when I caught myself staring at her, captivated by her beauty and kindness. Little did I know that Riho felt the same way about me.

I finished getting dressed and made my way downstairs. Riho was waiting for me, looking stunning in a cute sundress. She had a playful smile on her face as she approached me.

"Good morning, Yuri-chan," she greeted me, her voice filled with warmth.

"Good morning, Riho-chan," I replied, unable to hide my smile. "You look amazing."

Riho blushed and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thank you, Yuri-chan. Shall we head out now?"

I nodded eagerly, my heart fluttering with anticipation. Riho took my hand, and we walked out of the house together, the sunlight shining down on us.

We walked hand in hand, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of tranquility, and it felt like the perfect backdrop for our date.

As we reached our destination, I realized that Riho had brought me to a park where we used to play as children. Memories flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but smile at the nostalgic feeling.

"Riho-chan, this place... it's where we spent so much time together as kids," I said, my voice filled with fondness.

Riho smiled back at me, her eyes shimmering with emotion. "Yes, Yuri-chan. This place holds a lot of precious memories for us. I thought it would be fitting for our first date."

We found a cozy spot under a large tree and sat down, our fingers still intertwined. Riho took a deep breath and began speaking softly.

"Yuri-chan, ever since we were kids, I always felt a special connection with you. You were my best friend, my confidant. But as we grew older, my feelings for you changed. I realized that I didn't just see you as a friend anymore. I saw you as something more. Something that made my heart race and my cheeks flush."

I listened intently, my heart pounding in my chest. Riho's words were filled with sincerity, and I could feel the depth of her emotions.

"I've been in love with you for a long time, Yuri-chan," Riho continued. "But I was afraid to admit it. I was afraid of ruining our friendship. But now, as we embrace our true selves as vampires, I want to be honest with you. I want to be more than just your friend. I want to be the one who holds your hand, who kisses your lips, who cherishes you for the rest of our eternal lives."

Tears welled up in my eyes as Riho bared her soul to me. I reached out and gently cupped her face in my hands.

"Riho-chan, I... I feel the same way," I confessed, my voice filled with emotion. "I've loved you for so long, and it scared me. But now, as we embark on this new chapter of our lives, I want to be with you too. I want to share this eternity by your side."

Riho's eyes shimmered with tears of joy, and she leaned in, pressing her lips against mine in a tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with love, passion, and the promise of a future together.

As we pulled away, we both smiled, our hearts overflowing with happiness. We spent the rest of our date reminiscing about our childhood adventures, sharing laughter and stolen glances.

The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over us. Riho took my hand once again, and we walked back home, our hearts intertwined as tightly as our fingers.

As we approached the house, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this incredible journey. From discovering my true identity as a vampire to embracing my feelings for Ai-chan and Riho-chan, every step had led me to this moment. And I knew, deep in my heart, that our love would only grow stronger with each passing day.

Together, we entered the house, where Ai-chan was waiting for us with a knowing smile. She hugged us both tightly, her love and support radiating from her.

"Congratulations, you two. I'm so happy for you," she said, her voice filled with genuine joy. "May your love continue to blossom and bring you endless happiness."

We thanked Ai-chan, feeling a sense of completeness in our little vampire family. As we settled down for the evening, snuggled together on the couch, I knew that this was just the beginning of our beautiful journey together.

In that moment, surrounded by love and acceptance, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the extraordinary life I had been given. And I knew, without a doubt, that with Ai-chan and Riho-chan by my side, I would face any challenge, embrace any adventure, and experience a love that would endure throughout eternity.

Later that evening, as we were all gathered in the living room, Ai-chan couldn't contain her excitement for her own upcoming date with me.

"Yu-chan, I can't wait for our date! I've been planning everything in my head, from where we'll go to what we'll eat," Ai-chan exclaimed, practically bouncing in her seat.

Riho and I exchanged amused glances. "Ai-chan, you're already so excited. We haven't even finished our date yet," Riho teased, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Ai-chan pouted playfully. "Well, I can't help it. I just want to spend every moment with my lovely Yu-chan," she said, shooting me a loving gaze.

I couldn't help but laugh at Ai-chan's enthusiasm. "Don't worry, Ai-chan. Our date will be just as special," I reassured her, my heart swelling with affection.

Riho chimed in, adding to the lighthearted banter. "Yes, Ai-chan. You'll have your turn to sweep Yuri-chan off her feet. But for now, let's focus on enjoying our own date."

Ai-chan crossed her arms and pouted dramatically. "Fine, but you better make it worth the wait, Yu-chan," she teased, sticking her tongue out.

We all laughed, the playful atmosphere filling the room with joy and warmth. It was a reminder of the unique bond we shared as a trio, and how our love for each other continued to grow.

As we settled down for the night, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible journey I was on. With Riho by my side and Ai-chan's unwavering support, I knew that every moment would be filled with laughter, love, and unexpected adventures. And as we embarked on our individual dates, I had a feeling that our bond as a trio would only strengthen, creating a love story unlike any other.

With hearts filled with excitement and anticipation, we bid each other goodnight, ready to embrace the new day and the adventures that awaited us. Our vampire journey had brought us together in the most unexpected ways, and now, as we ventured into the world of dating, we knew that our love would only flourish.

As I lay in bed, my mind filled with thoughts of Riho-chan and the magical day we had shared, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The origins of our feelings for each other had finally blossomed into something beautiful and profound. And as I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't wait to see what the future held for us—a future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.