
TWINKLE BELLE (impossible love)

Read fantasy through this book and discover many things on magical creatures no one thought about. "Why are males always favoured? Why are we females not allowed to dominate in this world? Why don't we mark them instead. Why did God give them muscle to carry heavy loads and females tears to cry? This is because their muscles serve as handkerchiefs to wipe our tears. Behind every successful Emperor is a soft hearted and intelligent Emperess who wasn't given a chance to rule by herself." Those were the thoughts of a little girl called Isabelle Mendel. While an Emperor tired of being betrayed went on hiding in a land filled with creatures who wants his head, went back to his land for his 200th birthday and found a rose which cost is priceless and sooner untouchable. Read and discover how Isabelle and Emperor Twilight meet up and unleash all thier secrets. The book cover isn't mine, screened shot it from Pinterest.

Prosperity_Bep · Fantasie
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19 Chs


Secret character POV

Isabelle woke up from the king size bed which was new for her, though she was in an unknown place, the first thoughts that ran through her brain were "Where is Twilight?".she later used her eyes to meticulously explore the room.

The main colour of the room was pink,a white mat, the foot chair beneath the bed was pink, decorated with white roses. Isabelle turned to look at the cupboard which had numerous shelf filled with books. There were also a set of living room chairs which were pink and white, finally Isabelle lifted her gaze and understood more who owned the room, as there was a large portrait of Mr.Pink pale on the ceiling.

"Hello" A man with black hair and green eyes covered by black spectacles leaning on the door said.

"Who are you?" she asked while setting her feets on a new territory.

"Just call me doctor Lin, am a good friend of Carlos." he said, simingly approaching Isabelle. He was putting on a white T-shirt with a big bear on it's right arm and black pants held up by a Brazilian belt. He touched her forehead, then moved to the set of chairs, where he sat. "Isabelle what happened when you were unconscious?" the doctor asked "your case is very serious. I consulted all my clan but no one knows what you are suffering from" the doctor said, noticing her silence.

"I usually blackout when am experiencing something frightful and during that moment, many truths are unleashed to me" she said. "Thanks, I will make more research on it" he said.

"Nice to see you on your feets" Carlos said.

"Who will announce the news to Twilight?" Lin asked. Immediately, the atmosphere became more tensed, having the two guys look at each other with murderer looks "We will do it as usual" Lin said "let's go, stone, paper,scissors" both said while moving their hands "equal, let's do it again" they said.

Whatever they were doing seemed not to interest Isabelle as she moved out of the room.It was her first time to see a modern house and moved around exploring the place,with her fingers spotting any little dust as she touched each corner of the house. The house which could make any commoner drill, wasn't making any difference to her as she has lived in a castle.

When she finally moved out, Isabelle noticed she was no longer in Gloxania nor in one of its Kingdoms due to the vast forest surrounding them and also the strange music from moving iron sheets which she was ignorant to know that those were cars. She moved forward to have more view on the landscape and in the middle of the marble road, she stood.

Bam!!, something in iron had hit Isabelle and the man in it moved out while screaming.

"My beautiful car!, how dare you stand on it's way?".

Isabelle was not hurt, but the car top seemed to suffer alot.

"Who brought you here?, see what you have done to my baby, one of them must pay" he continued.

While in Carlos' room, both men had just found out Isabelle wasn't in again and rushed downstairs after hearing the loud sound.

"And you dare look away , do you know who I am?" he continued.

"I feel someone is in trouble" Carlos said "indeed" Lin replied.

"Where is Twilight?, I didn't feel his presence inside" Isabelle asked, ignoring the guy who was screaming.

"Twilight?.... How do you know him?" the screaming guy asked.

"Yoshimaru... She is Isabelle " Lin said, making Yoshimaru instantly bow.

"Miss Isabelle, am really sorry for my attitude, please forget all what I just told you" Yoshimaru pleaded.

"Enough talking, we have to eat to be strong" Carlos said while using his hand to roll his belly.

Everyone was on their way in, until Isabelle halted them with her words. "Where is Twilight?" she asked, "Twilight need to be alone for some time, don't worry, it won't be too long, soon you will be able to see him" Carlos replied with a big happy grin.

"I see, you have grown up" someone in the smashed car said and then moved out and walked gracefully towards Carlos.

"I almost forgot, my cousin is here too" Yoshimaru said.

The girl who just moved out of the car is the most popular female top model of Sweden, she was gifted with dark green waist length hair, such as her brother's, except her brother's hair was much more shorter and also less eye catching than her's. she also had long lashes and between then, green shimmering eyes which beauty have been multiplied by her pink tender looking lips and well kept face.

Enough of the facial look, now the bottom. She was putting on a black pant, decorated with golden chains which seemed to put her butt in value,

a half stocked in white shirt and the latest VANZ shoes.

"Finally some action, the future wife against the current submissive" Lin said as the new comer moved to Isabelle.