
True God Usopp

With a tragic past a once cowardly child swore to brave whatever dangers he encountered in the future. This is his revenge story and it starts with him meeting a happy-go-lucky boy with a straw hat. (I do not own One piece, nor do I own the cover photo.)

S1r1usG0ld · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Devil Fruit

While Sabo was carted off to the nobles, Ace Usopp, and Luffy where having to do chores for Bluejam to pay off their debt.

Luffy looked to his two older brothers and said, "I miss Sabo."

"I know Luffy, so do I" Ace explained with a sad expression.

"Do you think we should save him?" Usopp brought up. He knew better than to listen to Bluejam when he told them Sabo was just looking down on them.

"No, I honestly don't know what's best for Sabo right now. He could escape that place anytime he wants too. We all know his skills and if he has an opportunity he would have left, unless he has a reason not too. So that's why I don't think it's best to do anything, except build our money back up and wait. So when he does come back we will be ready to leave this cursed place." Ace explained.

"Ahh this is so frustrating!" Usopp yelled while kicking a mountain of garbage. What he didn't expect to find was a small stash hidden in a rusted safe.

The boys looked at each other and smiled. They looked through the safe and found a small pile of berry and a fruit with swirls on it. Luffy was surprised to see that so he exclaimed, "That's a devil fruit!"

Usopp and Ace grinned when they heard it and immediately debated who would eat the fruit. Ace didn't really want it. He said that it could be a troublesome power like Luffy's. Usopp had hope though, with this all their problems could be solved. He still held the belief that power makes the world go around and he has hit a gap in what their training brought them. So with a warning from Luffy about the taste, Usopp ate it.

Usopp almost threw up but kept it down. Luffy wasn't lying about the taste that was for sure. Information appeared in his head about what this fruit was and he smiled about what it could do with it.

The other two looked on with intensity, waiting for any changes. When they saw Usopp smile, they asked, "So what is it, what does it do."

Usopp laughed and said, "It's the Tori Tori no mi, Model: Eagle." Right after he transformed into a large eagle and flew in the sky.

Luffy looked on with sparkles in his eyes about how cool it is, while Ace was kind of let down. "Isn't that kind of weak, why are you so happy to be a bird."

Usopp stopped soaring and looked at Ace with disdain, which caused Ace to be pissed off, but before he started yelling Usopp said, "This might be a rather uninteresting fruit in you hands, but in mine they will shine."

Ace looked confused and Usopp continued, "Do you know how good an eagles sight is? I can see 4 to eight times better than a normal human right now, and with training it'll only get better. I'm also at least twice stronger than before and I have very sharp claws."

Ace was starting to see the usefulness of it when Usopp said, "That's not even the best part, with me being a marksmen this immediately makes me ten times more dangerous then previously. Not only do I have better sight, I have strong body so I can fight people if the get too close."

Ace was amazed at how useful a devil fruit could be. He was also glad he didn't eat it as it suited Usopp really well. But a question did pop into his mind though, "How can you hold a gun with no hands?" Luffy also looked perplexed by the question while Usopp just smiled and transformed into his hybrid form and looked like a human with wings, a sharp beak, and sharp claw like hands. "I'll admit it'll be a bit of trouble to get used too, but it won't be too much trouble."

The boys laughed with their brothers new power up and began devising a plan to break out their other brother. While they were walking they overheard a pirate in bluejams crew talking about a plan to burn the Grey Terminal to the ground.

"They can't-" Luffy yelled out, before Usopp put a hand over his mouth. "Shut up, we need to be stealthy about this." Usopp said while glancing at Ace to get his approval. When Ace nodded, Usopp said, "Look I will transform and find Bluejam. Afterwords I'll confirm the details of their plan and come back. If we can help we will but if not we need to cut our loses." Usopp told them.

Ace looked at Usopp in understanding, and Luffy was mad, "Are we supposed to let these people die Usopp."

"I don't like it anymore than you Luffy, but we may be out of our depth here." Usopp explained. "How does a plan to burn down the Grey Terminal end up with a no-name pirate?"

Ace looked as if he had an epiphany and said, "They were hired by someone."

"And who gains from getting rid of the bad part of the island?" Usopp continued.

"The people in the better part of town, maybe?" Ace said unsure.

"That's my guess for now but I can't see anyone else who profits from this plan." Usopp finished.

Luffy looked as if he understood, but then said, "So what if the rich people are the ones who are planning it?"

Usopp and Ace shook their heads. "The rich people are nobles Luffy. They are rich for a reason, they have the power to keep their riches." Usopp said.

Ace continued, "If not then any two-bit pirate would have stolen it from them by now."

It was unspoken rule between the brothers to never steal from the nobles. If a noble was there then their bodyguard wasn't to far behind, and they were usually as strong as a captain of the marines.

After the boys finished their plans, they split up. Ace went to try to get in touch with Sabo to see if he had some info being in the city, Luffy went to go tell Dadan to not come to the Grey Terminal and let her know what was going on, and Usopp was going to spy on Bluejam.

Over at Usopp, sitting on top of the roof as an eagle is a good way to pick up information as he just heard that Bluejam and his crew go over their plan. Our guess was right, but it was much worse. It wasn't just the nobles, the king also knows what was happening and promised Bluejam and his crew that they would be nobles if they pull this off. Not only this but the packages they were carrying were bombs that will go off at a specific time to spread the fire as much as possible.

Speeding over to the rendezvous point, Usopp was freaking out over having helped these people with their plan, even if unintentional.