
01 - 01

Starting a new semester in a new environment is really tiresome, especially for College freshman Jung Chin-Sun. Although she has graduated from high school, she will have to start afresh in a new place. This means there will be new friends, new hobbies, new struggles and possibly new love. Let's hope everything turns out for her.


It's currently 10:45 AM at Chimseong-dongu High and Chin-Sun is doing nothing more than staring at a blank form. What form you ask? Well, it's no other than a form for students to enter a club of their choice and Chin-Sun's choice is the Art & Crafts Club

Chin-Sun stares at the form in front of her. She tilts her head to the side and then squints her eyes. She returns her head in the upward position and thinks about the words she is going to write. Chin-Sun finally nods her head with satisfaction and takes her pen towards the page.


Quickly glancing at the hallway clock, Chin-Sun grabs the form and stashes it in her aesthetic backpack as she hurries to her second lesson of the day – Computer Technology.

Lucky for Chin-Sun, her College friend Dongbang Min has saved her a seat where Chin-Sun and Min can have the best view of the teacher and the whiteboard.

"Gomawo (Thank you) Min for saving me a seat." Chin-Sun says as soon as she sits down.

"Gwaenchanayo (No problem). Of course I would do that for you. I know how much you daydream." Min chuckles, remembering the times Chin-Sun laughed out loud for no particular reason in classes or in the halls.

Chin-Sun smiles.

She's glad to have someone like Min at her side to guide and support her.

"Ok class. Today we'll be talking about the different stages of Computational Thinking and how they are important to programmers and how we use the stages in real life situ-"

The class door slams open.

The teacher stops talking abruptly and cautiously looks over at the person who has just disrupted her lesson.

As soon as Chin-Sun's eyes wonder upon the person, time stops. Her eyes are closely fixated on the guy with the chestnut brown hair, smooth skin, cool eyes, white shirt and checked blue cardigan with the dark blue jeans. She also has time to go over the little details such as a small stud in the left ear and a cartridge loop in the right, plus a silver-plated thin necklace, a diamanté watch and…glitter in his hair?

"Dae-Ho. What time do you call this? The lesson started five minutes ago." The teacher says, firmly.

"Joesonghamnida (sorry). I won't make the same mistake again. I was just talking to Mr. Wang about the Freshman Fair event coming up in two weeks." The new guy, Dae-Ho, apologises.

"Well, since it's a new semester and you've just got out of the hospital, I will dismiss your tardiness only for today. However, from tomorrow, I expect 100% attendance throughout the year. Understand?"

"Nae (Yes)." Dae-Ho nods as he sits down in the front row and gets his workbook and textbook out.

Eyeing round, Chin-Sun sees all the girls, except her friend, are looking at the boy with the smooth glittery hair.

"Hey, Min? I have only been here a week so I don't know much but who is that guy? I haven't seen him before." Chin-Sun curiously asks Min.

"Hmm?" Min glances at the person Chin-Sun is pointing at.

"Oh. Nam Dae-Ho? He's the class president. And he's also a part of the Student Representative Team or SRT. You will find that everyone knows about him since his looks are past down from his uncle who is a former actor of Chinese popular dramas." Min explains whilst looking at her textbook.

"Wow…" Chin-Sun manages to say.

In fact, she is completely at a loss of words. Not at the information Min gave but how extremely good looking Dae-Ho is. Chin-Sun thought she would never be able to encounter such a being alive in her life but she was wrong because there he was, just 3 rows away, listening attentively to the teacher.

Min looks at Chin-Sun.

"You're not falling for the class rep, are you?"

"Anhi (no). That kind of thing only happens in shoujo manga and the like." Chin-Sun hastily says.

"Alright then. Well, enough talk. We should listen to the teacher." Min tells Chin-Sun as she pushes her round glasses up her nose and flicks back one of the two ponytails hanging in front of her chest.

Chin-Sun nods as she faces the teacher all the while observing Dae-Ho involuntarily.

Sorry for the short chapter. Next chapter will be longer. Plus please vote for my story in the Ghost Writing Prompt Competition. Thank you.

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