
01 - 02

The College day has finally ended and Chin-Sun can go home.

She walks along the pavement and turns a corner. She goes down the public footpath for a couple of minutes and turns one last corner before going into her house.

"Mum! I'm home!" Chin-Sun bellows as she takes off her shoes and puts on her slippers.

A loud noise erupts from the kitchen which makes Chin-Sun jump in surprise.

"Chin-Sun? Can you come here for a second?" The voice says.


Chin-Sun takes her bag and walks briskly to the kitchen next to the living room.

When she arrives, she gasps.

Right in front of Chin-Sun, there is a pool of broken glass on the floor.

"What happened here?" Chin-Sun asks, worriedly.

"Well, I broke the plate from the new set the first time but the one you just heard wasn't me. It just fell from the shelf." Chin-Sun's mum looks sadly at the broken pieces, feeling kind of angry and sorry for the plates being broken.

"By itself?" Chin-Sun repeated.

"Mhm. I'm not joking. Plus the plate that just fell was in a neat pile above the cabinet...You don't think I'm going crazy right?" Her mum asks hopefully.

"Of course not. But that is strange. I hope we're not being haunted."

"I hope so too. Though if we were then we could compromise with the ghost."

"What if it was a poltergeist?" Chin-Sun looks at her mum.

"Then...we wouldn't be here...but anyway, get changed and get some food to eat. I've made kimchi and ramyeon."

"Ok." Chin-Sun beams, happy to be having her favourite meal today.


It's night time and Chin-Sun is almost finished preparing her bed so she could go sleep.


Chin-Sun's phone beeps. She goes over to her draw and opens the doors to find her phone jiggling around. She takes the mobile and answers the urgent call.

"Hello?" Chin-Sun says as she closes the drawer doors and walks to her bed.

"Hey, Chin-Sun? It's me Min. I just wanted to ask if you want to participate in the Freshman Fair in two weeks time." Min says over the phone.

"Mm sure, but what would I, or we, be doing?"

"There are a number of activities we could do at the Freshman Fair. There are different sectors we could participate in like the Sport sector or the Fashion, Technology, Creative, Social, Natural or even the Personal Sector. Also, in each sector there are various activities that we could do. However, I'm not sure which sector to do...that's why I called you to ask."

"Oh, right. Well, all the sectors seem rather interesting but what about we combine sectors so I choose one sector and you choose another sector and we do that." Chin-Sun recommends.

"That's a brilliant idea. What sector do you want to combine?" Min asks, eagerly.

"I was thinking the Fashion sector."

"Ok. I'm going to choose the Natural and Social sector. The rules say you can combine up to 3 different sectors to make one big one but we have to do a lot of planning."

"That's fine by me." Chin-Sun says.

"As long as we have fun."

"Yes. Anyway, I should go back to studying, I have to absorb the content of the lessons our teachers taught."

"Alright. I'm going sleep anyway. I shall see you on Thursday."

"Yep. See you Thursday."

The call ends.

Chin-Sun yawns and stretches her arms tiredly. She moves the duvet to one side and gets into her bed. Laying down, she looks to the ceiling dreamily. She closes her eyes and with the last thought of the class president, Nam Dae-Ho, she falls into a deep sleep which she would never wake from.


"Hello? Are you okay? Please be okay. I've had one hell of a day and I sure don't want you to be double dead because of me. Lady. Please wake up!" A hoarse voice can be heard by Chin-Sun. The person, who the voice is attached to, shakes Chin-Sun violently in order to get a valid response.

"Hmm?" Chin-Sun murmurs as she gets up from the bed.

She tries to open her eyes but can't. She tries harder but they're glued shut.

"I-I can't open my eyes." Chin-Sun cries out.

"Ah right. You must be a new one. Let me help you with that." The person says.

Chin-Sun waits until her eyes become lighter with weight.

She opens her eyes slowly and keeps them completely still because right in front of her was a whole hoard of transparent figures with the familiar name of Ghosts.