
True Dragon Reincarnation

This is a revision of my previous story, "A New Tempest". I making making lots of different changes here. Changes such as events taking place earlier than it is supposed to.

Astra178 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Assisting the Goblins

Upon giving them my answer to helping them with their problem, the goblin leader had began to show us the way to his village. On the way back, there was something I forgot to ask them all, so I decided to ask it now.

"You know, I have not asked your names yet."

"Apologies Velzura-sama. My name is Rigur, everyone else does not have a name."

"They don't have names. Why is that?" I asked.

"Brother, when a monster names another monster, it would be the equivalent to a human draining their life force. Its a dangerous action to take." Veldora explained on the gob- on Rigurs behalf.

"And as you see, Rigur has a different appearance from the others. That is because he has evolved into a hobgoblin." Veldora continued to explain things to me.

"That's interesting." We can't have a kingdom with unnamed monsters. So how will I overcome this exactly? I guess I will ask Raphael for details later.

Shortly after we arrived at their village. The other hobgoblins scattered and Rigur went to go fetch their elder. Leaving Veldora and I alone.

We ended up walking around the place until we found two tree stumps in the ground, so we ended up just sitting on them. It had not been long until Rigur returned with their elder. And an elder he was. He was super old and could barely stand up even with the stick he had for a cane.

But the first thing he did was prostrate before us.

"O great ones, I would like to thank you for accepting my sons request." The elder spoke, his voice was all shaky.

"There is no problem, but what would I gain out of helping you?" I asked, my eyes clearly focused upon them. In the end I would help them, I wont leave them to die. But I need to see how deep their resolve to live lies. If they are willing to accept the charity of a stranger.

"We..... We will give you our unwavering loyalty" He said still bowed to the ground.

"Very well. It is official. You will have the protection of the True Dragon Brothers." I said as I stood up. "True Dragon Brothers"? The title is somewhat lame, but it merely exemplifies that we are True Dragons.

But anyways, as soon as I made such a declaration everyone else followed suit and prostrate before us. I guess that is only natural. They did have two beings that can be considered gods.

"Are there any goblins that have been injured by these dire-wolves?" I asked.

"No. Aside from the ones you brought back, the dire-wolves have yet to officially attack our village."

"So the ones who would have been only injured are the ones I failed to save. I apologize for my failure." I said as I slightly bowed my head towards the elder.

"NO! NO! IT IS NOT OKAY FOR A MIGHT TRUE DRAGON LIKE YOURSELF TO BOW TO ME!" He said in a panic. Of course I raised my head back up after. Veldora looked at me a expression of slight surprise and bewilderment.

"We shall prepare for when the wolves attack then." I stood in my place and addressed the entire crowd of goblins. From that point onward, I was dividing tasks among the goblins to ensure they have their own defense.

7 Hours Later:

Hours have past now. The goblins preparations are ready and waiting. I am unsure when or if these wolves will attack, but it is good to have them with for future purposes.

Currently however, I have returned to sitting on the stump Veldora and I was on earlier. I was about to speak with Raphael over my skills.

'Raphael, can I have an overview of my skills further?'

{Of course.

Name: Velzura Tempest

Race: True Dragon

Protection: Storm Crest

Magicule Count: 15,476,398

Ultimate Skills:

Lord of Wisdom Raphael:

-Thought Acceleration

-Analytical Appraisal

-Chant Annulment

-All of Creation

-Parallel Processing


Unique Skills:













-Eyes of Destruction


Nihility Generator:

Intrinsic Skills:

-Dragon Spirit Haki

-Universal Sense

-Universal Shapeshift


-Physical Attack Nullification

-Natural Effects Nullification

-Abnormal Condition Nullification

-Spiritual Attack Nullification

-Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance}

'HOLY GOD! How did my magicule count raise so dramatically?!' I thought as I became completely bewildered. It seemed unreasonable for something to raise that high in only like 3 days.

{Your constantly absorbing magicules as per your true power. You were just born but you have yet to reach the max amount of magicules you truly possess.}

'Oh.... So I could be passively stronger than Veldora. Interesting. But also what is the [Nihility Reactor]?'

{It is what I managed to obtain from analyzing the [Nihility Seed]. From what I am able to understand, It is a generator that is able to generate a limited amount of a destructive energy source. If too much is generated, it could lead to your demise. The progress of the seed is rather slow, so the time I believe it would take to break this seed may be three to six years.}

'Well.... As if that isn't scary. So I guess I am growing stronger by the minute due to absorption of magicules and I can generate a limited amount of this destructive energy. If this isn't a scary power then I don't know what is. But I should be happy for this kind of kit.'

As I was enveloped in happiness to the quality of my skills and existence, Veldora emerged from god knows where.

"Kuhahahah! I have found you." He boasted as he approached me. I simply smiled at this.

"Yeah, is there anything you need?" I asked.

"How rude. Isn't it only natural that an older brother comes to check up on his younger brother?" He said. Well I guess that is fair. But for some reason I don't trust that reason.

As he approached me, he took a seat on the stump next to me.

"However, I have come to ask some questions. Questions such as, what kind of kingdom do you wish to create?" He asked with a serious tone. After all the time I spent with him, I have not seen this side at all. It was quite worrying to be honest. I feel like my idea to build this kingdom was somehow making him angry. But nonetheless, I gave him a rundown.

"I wish to create a kingdom where everyone can laugh and live in peace. If it takes bloodshed to achieve such a dream, I will do just that without mercy. Once that is achieved, in truth I don't know what to do." I said honestly, not hiding a single aspect of my dream.

"And what of human nations. After all, monsters are typically stronger than humans. An entire nation full of them would be a threat for any nation. What of them?" Veldora asked again. Prying even deeper this time.

"Whether they accept us or not, does not matter to me. All that matters is if they show clear hostility towards us. Once that is shown, they will be wiped out. I am apart of the strongest family in the world, I don't want to look like some sort of pushover after all." I said earnestly. I turned to look at my brother and he wore a satisfied smile.

"You constantly continue to remind me of that person I used to know. It is odd how much you are alike to him." He responded in a calm manner. He paused to take a break before speaking again.

"Kuhahahaha! Brother, I promise to do my very best to assist you in this goal of yours. So swears the Storm Dragon." Veldora said as he turned to face me. He pounded his chest with his fist, he looked like an army soldier addressing his superiors.

'Hah, I have already grown quite attached to this guy. Well, it is great to have both a friend and family member so soon after my rebirth.' I could not help it, I rose from my seat , approached Veldora and hugged him. In the end he hugged me back. It truly felt amazing to have somebody I can count on in this selfish dream of mine. I can only wish to have more people to count on in the future.

But as we were having this little moment, the both of us perked up upon sensing the dire-wolves approach. They were a good 200 feet away. And according to Raphael, there was clear hostility radiating from them.

"It seems they arrived." Veldora said.

"Well.... It can't be helped. Lets go give them a show." I said with a smile. Veldora smiled back. Then we headed off towards the dire-wolves.

In the distance, by the gate we taught the goblins how to build. The goblins were there ready with their bows and arrows for when a battle broke down.

The elder noticed us and simply waited for us to arrive.

When we got close to them, Veldora and I were on the outside of the gate.

In front of us I was able to sense and total out 56 dire-wolves. Although they were hear for a fight and to kill us all. I would rather not. I can give them a chance to surrender. If they don't, then we can do as such.

"What is this? Two feeble humans." The apparent leader of the dire-wolves spoke. He had what seemed to be a blinded eye with a scar across it. Next to him was quite a prominent wolf. He had a star plastered on his forehead. To the other side of the leader, was the wolf I had terrified. How I knew, because he was looking at me with fear and his tail was still tucked.

"Listen up dire-wolves. Stand down and we will not hurt you. If you continue your aggression we will put you down." I said, completely ignoring what the leader had said. This of course made him angry as I heard a growl coming straight from him.

"You dare to mock us with surrender?! I WILL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!" The leader howled as he and only him charged downward for me.

"Father!" The star wolf shouted. I guess it turns out this is his dad. I have to say, he is faster than his pack, but this was still slow for me.

'Lets try this instead.' I thought while he was still running for me.

He finally made it in front of me, but it was a futile effort. I used my True Dragon Haki to pressure him into the ground. I made sure to direct it onto his pack as well. They need to understand that this is a fight they cannot win.

The leader was completely unable to move altogether. He was unable to even turn his head from the pressure forced onto him.

"Now..... are you feeling like surrendering?" I said calmly as I crouched down to the leader.

"Ngh! Never! My.... Pack will never..... Yield." He said, struggling to get out those words. I let out a heavy sigh after hearing such a declaration.

"Very well then.... I guess they all die." I said calmly as I inched closer towards the leaders face.

"WHAT?!" He managed to shout. I simply ignored those words and slowly approached the group of dire-wolves, like the dire-wolf leader they were either unable to move or unconscious.

The leader was only able to see the goblins in front of him, but he did see me go being him.

"WAIT! NOT MY PACK! FINE, WE WILL SUBMIT!" Once I heard those exact words, I halted my approach and turned around to face the leader with a bright smile.

"I am glad to hear those words. Very Well, I will accept you as my own people." I removed my haki from the wolves, thus removing that suffocating pressure off of them.

"First things first. We will meet in morning. I will have an announcement for all of you." I said to the direwolves and goblins behind me.

"But first we will have a good nights rest." I said as I approached Veldora.

"Kuhahahaha! Little brother, you are certainly a threatening one." He praised. I will say, I can get used to this. As I was still walking towards him, I had an idea.

When I within arms length, I transformed into my baby dragon form. I staged it too look like I passed out, so he would have no choice but to catch me.

"Ahh, Brother!" He shouted in a state of panic. Although flustered by this he still managed to catch me.

Everyone including the goblins were surprised to see what just transpired. The goblins believed that were were true dragons. But seeing it is far different from hearing it. But as I was seeing their faces, some of the women goblins seemed infatuated with my appearance. Not as in romantically, but rather the faces you make when you lay your eyes upon a cute baby.

Haha, but I will say, this baby form is rather cute.

'Haaah.... Now time to sleep.' I thought as I drifted off into such an state. Leaving Veldora to find a place for us to sleep.