
Tremor dragon pirates: book 1, dropped

Mc dies gets reincarnated into a au one piece world. What should Mc do now?. How about become a pirate?. How long will Mc last?. Let’s read to find out.

Book_of_dragons · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Beast of glutton

A/N: sorry i was not back yesterday, the reason I was late yesterday was because. I wasn't feeling like making a new chapter on this story yesterday.

But I'm back, and feeling like making that chapter 3 today. Ok?.

Hope y'all like it. Try to enjoy the chapter, ok?.


[inside the jungle]

As Rick walks around the jungle, he has his sea prism stone kanabo in his hands, ready for battle.

As Rick keeps on walking he finds something strange on the ground.

He finds tracks. Animal tracks.

Are these. Boar tracks?? Asked Rick to himself.

He may not be able to track animals like a real hunter.

But he knows his animal tracks.

They seem to be from a very large boar.

Judging by the size of the tracks.

I'd say it's a very big boar, none the less said Rick.

I better keep my eyes pilled. Can't say I want to meet the creature that made them tracks said Rick.

Just like that Rick walks off into the jungle some more.

[2 minutes later]

As Rick keeps on walking. He soon see's a very large tree.

Hmm. This seems like strong wood said Rick.

As he gets a closer look he thinks to himself.

(How the hell am I going to be getting it? Thought Rick).

Just like that Rick felt like something was behind him.

He turned around as fast as He can to see. It.

It was a giant boar. It's furre was brown. It's hight matching the same as Marshall D Teach. It's tusks look to go face to face against an elephant.

(Those tusks look strong. Strong enough to cut down this here tree. Lightbulb thought Rick with a smile).

Here piggy piggy said Rick in a taunting way.

The giant boar looks to not like being called that.

The giant boar charge's at Rick, at full speed.

Just like that Rick timed his move at the right moment.

And jumped out of the way. The giant boar instead of hit Rick hit the tree. Making it fall with ease.

Great. Now all I need is to get two more trees knocked down, and I'm good to go said Rick to himself.

The giant boar, after hitting the first tree. Looked to show that hitting its head on the tree. Did no damage what so ever.

Good. Your back for more. Come on little piggy. Let's go said Rick as he taunts it again.

The giant boar gets more mad. And just like that it change's at Rick again.

Once again Rick time's his move.

And just like that he moves out of the way again. So the giant boar can knock down another tree.

Haha, now we're talking. Ok I'm going to need one more… said Rick before feeling something hit from behind.

It was the boar. And it was pissed.

Just like that Rick hit the dirt. He was surprised to see that the giant boar was not just very strong. But very fast to.

Oh it is on like Donkey Kong said Rick as he grabs his weapon and gets up.

Just like that Rick swings his sea prism stone kanabo at the giant boar. Hitting its head.

After hitting it he see's it didn't hurt it. All he did was make it even more mad at him.

Fuck said Rick.

Just like that the giant boar swings it's tusks at Rick hitting him and sending him through three trees.

After landing on tree number 4. He fell to the ground hurt as hell from the impact.

Ok…, that was a bad idea said Rick to himself.

As Rick slowly gets back up, still in pain. He looks to see the giant boar walking away from him.

Think I'm dead huh?. Think again you fat son of a bitch said Rick as he's eyes start to turn into that of dragon eyes.

His skin starts to turn into blue Scales.

His teeth turn into razor sharp dragon teeth.

Show time said Rick to himself as he grabs his kanabo once again.

The giant boar. Still unknown to it keeps on walking away.

Dragon Rick was getting close to the boar.

The second he was close enough, he let out a roar.

[rib, cracker!] roared dragon Rick as he smashed through the giant boar's rib cage.

The giant boar was down for the count.

As it just lays there. Screaming in pain. Dragon Rick walks to the beasts head to see fear in its eyes.

Time to shut ya up said Rick as he raised his weapon into the air.

[skull, baser!] roared Rick as he began to drop his weapon onto the giant boar's head.

Smashing its brains in.




Rick looked at what he did. And was happy about it.

YEAH!. Oink oink motherfucker! Yelled Rick with happiness in his eyes.

Now that's over with. It seems I have enough wood to build a big boat or a medium sized ship said Rick.

As Rick walks away. he leaves the dead boar to feed the other wild animals on this island.

He then spots some fruit. Bananas to be honest.

[at the beach]

As Rick eats he's fruit he see's that it's getting late today.

Welp. I best head to the land of dreams, and wait for the sun to come up again said Rick as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

…end of chapter…


A/N: hope y'all enjoy both the chapter. And the fight scene.

I'll be back when I'm ready ok y'all?.

Until then if you haven't been reading my other story. Soul dragon pirates: book 1.

Then go and pass the time by reading it. Ok?.

Please leave a comment/review with your thoughts ok?.

If you liked this chapter, then leave a vote at the end ok?.

Take care and goodbye.