
Traveling Worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse

Death isn't the end to everyone's story. This is especially true for Luca and his second life is crazier than he ever could have imagined it would be. Follow a young man as he finds his place in the cosmic multiverse and figure out his true purpose.

QuantumMetro · Andere
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20 Chs

Sometimes a Bullet is the Only Solution: Part Two

Waking up the next morning, Luca was happy to find that no one had tried anything else, and Wanderer didn't stay true to her name and explore hostile territory.

Climbing off the hard rock bed, He stretched which caused his body to crack everywhere.

"Nice…" Glancing down, he noticed how dirty and torn his clothes were and thought about the clothes that his mother put in his backpack.

"Shit…Shit…Shit…Fuck…" Luca quickly realized that the bag his mother gave him wasn't here and that he'd probably left it where he was hit with the vehicle.

Letting out a telekinetic burst in annoyance, he put a crack in the wall.

"Whoops…" Walking towards the entrance to his room, Luca left and looked over into Wanderer's.

"Hello Luca…" She was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed seemingly waiting for him to arrive.

"Wanderer…I see you've been waiting…" Luca nodded at her like a cowboy.

"Not long and I was just listening to your suggestion…" Her voice both calmed Luca and also made him unnerved in multiple ways.

"That's good…Now let's go find some food…I'm sure our hosts would be happy to help us…"

Turning around, he motioned to Wanderer that she should follow him. What surprised him was that she came straight to his side and held onto his arm like before.

Luca wanted to say that she didn't need to do it, but assumed it was because she didn't feel safe. Giving her a reassuring rub on the arm, he continued towards the main chamber where he could get some directions hopefully.


Entering the main area, he could see a few people including Jeb which was good for them.

One person noticed the two and instantly notified the rest, which caused everyone to look over at Luca and Wanderer.

"Hey you two…sleep, okay?" Jeb asked out of courtesy.

"It could've been better; my back is sore…" Wanderer replied honestly not thinking about curtesy as honesty was valued more in her society.

"I didn't mind it too much, though it wasn't the best for sleeping off being hit by a car…" Luca replied being slightly more tactful than Wanderer.

Jeb was confused on what he meant by this, but didn't feel like digging too deep, since it would probably lead down a rabbit hole that would take up a good chunk of time.

"Do you need something…" Jeb glanced back and forth between the two who were holding each other's arms.

"Yeah, we need to eat…if you'd be so nice as to supply us with some…" Luca said clearly knowing he'd get what he wanted.

"Of course…follow me…" Jeb turned around and made his way towards a different tunnel while they followed behind him.

While stepping through the tunnels, Luca thought of some questions he wanted to ask Wanderer.

"Wanderer," She turned her head over to him, then focused back on the pathway.

"What is it like to eat food for you…like do you just eat whatever is nutritious or do you eat for fun…"

"We souls respect our hosts and usually give them the most nutritious and healthy meal they could eat…" She responds in a proud tone.

"Well not a direct answer, but I sort of get it…" Luca nodded to himself, then asked another question.

"Do you ever think about eating an unhealthy meal if it tastes good…or eating excessively?"

Wanderer was slightly confused on why he was asking food questions but answered anyway.

"I never have…I always think about my host's safety and doing something like that is destructive in nature and not an aspect of a Souls life…not mine at least…"

"Cool…" Luca thought about asking more, but they entered the dining area which drew his focus away from questions and onto a nice meal.

Other people in the dining hall who were eating looked at them and formed disgusted looks on their faces.

Most stood up and walked out of the room, which caused Wanderer to hold on tighter to Luca and he could tell she felt bad at making them leave.

"Don't pay attention to them Wanderer…they'll come around one day…" Wanderer looked into his eyes to make sure he was telling the truth.

Luca tried his best to portray his words as factual, so she could calm down.

"Now is it okay if you let go for a second, so I can get us some food…" Nodding her head, she let go hesitantly and Luca went over to the food.

Grabbing them some, he returned and guided her over to a table to sit down at. Jeb came with them and sat down when they did.

"Is it alright if I ask some questions…folks want answers…" Jeb politely asked while making sure not to seem pushy.

"Go ahead…I don't mind, do you…" Luca didn't really care, but he wanted to make sure Wanderer was okay.

She nodded her head and smiled a bit at Luca, which Jeb took notice off.

"Could you tell me who you work for if not the Souls?"

Speaking in between bites of his food, Luca said only one word. "God..." He continued to eat like what he'd said wasn't odd.

Jeb was baffled at what he heard and so was Wanderer. Glancing up at them, he could see they were confused.

"Did you just say God…" Jeb asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yep, I did…you can decide whether to believe me or not…it won't change anything for me really…I just need to complete my task and leave this super weird world…"

When Luca said that he would be leaving, Wanderers face fell slightly into a frown and partial confusion.

"You mean to tell me you're not from here…like an alien…" Jeb said while on guard slightly at the thought of another alien species coming to Earth.

"I mean…I guess I could be considered an alien…but a different one then you're used to…let me ask a question…Do you really want to know where I'm from and think for a minute before you answer…it's a lot to handle...if you even believe it..."

Jeb didn't say a word and closed his eyes, while he thought about what his answer would be.

Luca could see the older man came to a conclusion and opened his eyes. "I've always been crazy, so knowing more won't make it worse…"

"Okay...I warned you…do you want to know as well Wanderer…" Luca turned to look at her and she nodded right away, thinking about the knowledge that she could learn from the mysterious individual that was Luca.

"Technically, I'm from Earth…just not this one…" Both had a confused look on their faces, so Luca expanded on his answer.

"Existence is a lot bigger than you both think…there isn't just one universe, but many and I'm from a different one…and was sent here by a nigh omnipotent being to save Wanderer and Melanie and do some other stuff that won't work if I tell you…"

Wanderer, Melanie and Jeb truly felt like they'd entered crazy town with what Luca just said.

"So, the theory that there is a multiverse is true…" Wanderer said out loud in amazement, completely trusting his words as fact.

"Yep, and it's pretty cool…though all the worlds I've visited have been pretty bad…"

Jeb also easily accepted the craziness and started to ask Luca some more questions.

"What were the other Earths like Luca…" Jeb was probably expecting something great, but so far Luca had only experienced bad scenarios.

"Well one was at the start of a zombie apocalypse and was pretty bad…the other was about to start the clock counting down towards doomsday because a kid accessed a nuclear defense project… and the last one wasn't as bad and just had three kids who met an alien and gained telekinetic powers…"

The first two were horrifying and the last one confused Jeb as he looked Luca up and down a few times.

"I wasn't one of those kids if you're thinking that…I was sent to stop them from meeting the alien but was played and sent too late… which caused me to meet the alien as well and gain telekinetic powers…I got the Mogo back though and put a few bullets into it, which shattered the crystalline alien…" Luca said the last part with an unnerving grin plastered on his face.

Wanderer freaked out slightly at hearing the fact that Luca killed something, even if she had already thought he had probably done so before.

"An alien made out of crystal…that gives telekinetic abilities…" Jeb was amazed at the idea of something like that.

"Don't get all happy Jeb…in return for the abilities the alien takes over your mind…however I killed it, so that didn't happen…"

Jeb's excitement faded when he heard this and instead started to compare the Mogo to the Souls and how similar they were.

Wanderer also seemed to be deep in thought as well, so Luca let them think while he ate his food happily.

Every once and a while, Jeb would throw out and question and Luca would answer quickly.

"What were the zombies like…"

"Terrifying, quick, rabid and stayed in packs which moved like a flood…you'd kill one and a hundred more would show up to bite you…"

Some of the answers Luca gave frightened both soul and human, however almost nothing was hidden since Luca wasn't worried about them knowing some things.

'It's not like they can travel the multiverse…' This was Luca's philosophy and he only thought it would change if he encountered beings that could.


Once they finished eating, Jeb suggested that they go clean themselves up in the water hole which everyone uses as a bath.

Luca was extremely happy since his clothes were dirty and torn up, so he walked happily along with Jeb towards the area.

Arriving only a room away from the bathing area \, Luca stopped moving and looked over at Wanderer.

"You can go in first…I'll wait…"

"You should go first Luca…you've done so much for me…" Wanderer replied.

"My mother would kill me if I didn't let you use it first…" Luca said like the answer was set in stone.

Wanderer shut her mouth completely and listened to him without another complaint. Internally Melanie was complaining to Wanderer about how obedient she is with Luca, but not with her.

Walking inside, Wanderer went to wash herself, while Luca sat down with his back to the wall.

Luca didn't notice that Jeb had walked away while they decided who was going first. However, when Jeb came back with two sets of clothes, he realized an issue.

Wanderer didn't have any clothes to wear other than her old ones and she was already in the water washing herself.

Jeb seemed to resign himself and was about to yell out to Wanderer that he was going to come in and bring her some clothes, when Luca stopped him.

'Weird world...kind of creepy.' Luca thought.

"Watch this..." Grabbing the pair of clothes for Wanderer using his telekinesis, Luca moved them into the area where Wanderer was and yelled out to her.

"Wanderer…yell to me when the clothes are in a good enough spot for you to get them."

Waiting for a second, he guided them around blindly, until he heard her yell 'Good.' However, her yell wasn't that loud since she used the voice that all souls used which seemed to be meant to calm an individual.

Dropping the clothes for Wanderer, he reached over with his telekinesis and grabbed the other set from Jeb. "Thanks…"

Relaxing, he waited for Wanderer to finish cleaning up. Jeb stayed as well and stood off to the side studying Luca ever once and a while.


Luca heard her footsteps and could tell she was coming out, so he stood up and was ready to clean himself.

"Thank you, Luca,…for letting me go first..." Wanderer said with a smile on her face as she appeared from the bath.

"It's no problem…I might be a minute, so if you want to go and look around, it's okay, just bring Jeb along…"

Jeb didn't say anything despite being recruited for tour duty by Luca who wasn't even an adult yet.

"Okay…" After getting Wanderer's confirmation, he made his way into the bath and stripped off the clothes that he was wearing.

Climbing in, Luca enjoyed the bath as it removed all the grim and blood stuck to his skin from the accident.


Almost an hour passed before Luca decided it was time to get out and go see if there was anything interesting to do.

Jumping out of the water, he grabbed a towel and scrubbed himself down making sure to get completely dry.

Throwing the slightly uncomfortable clothes on, he stepped out of the bathing area and noticed that both Jeb and Wanderer were missing.

'Hopefully I didn't do too much and stop them from ever accepting her…she's good deep down…and Melanie's still in there anyways…though I wonder what's going to happen when she finds out what they do to Souls…'

Walking through the tunnels, he made his way towards Wanderer who he telekinetically marked, so he could find her if she wandered off.

Over the months he practiced, Luca came up with many different ways to use his powers and more seemed to pop up every once and a while.

As he weaved through the paths, Luca eventually came upon Wanderer and Jeb who were in possibly one of the most beautiful places he had ever seen.

A massive field full of grain, underground, that used mirrors to direct sunlight towards the crop. It was completely ingenious, and Luca was surprised it even worked.

Walking towards them, he saw Jamie crouched behind a bush listening to what Jeb and Wanderer were talking about.

Sneaking up behind the boy, he crouched down with Jamie as well, which got the boy's attention. However, Jamie didn't jump in fright and instead just had a confused look on his face.

Putting his finger to his mouth in a 'silent' gesture, Luca pointed at Jeb and Wanderer who were talking.

Jamie nodded in response and looked on as well.

They talked for a few minutes about random things, but one question made Jamie a little too jumpy and caused them to be discovered.

"So is Melanie really in there like the kid said…I need to know…" When Jamie heard Jeb ask this, he perked up more and moved closer.

This caused him to scrap against some of the grain and both Jeb and Wanderer to look in their direction.

"It seems someone else was curious as well…Come out kid…" Jamie rose right away and then glanced down at Luca who was still crouched.

"Is there someone else there with you kid…" Luca stood up right after Jeb said that with a smile on his face.

"It seems like you can act your age…sort of…" Luca and Jamie were about to come over to them when the sound of Helicopter blades rang out above them on the surface.

"Mirrors...Mirrors…Mirrors!" Jeb yelled out and ran in a certain direction. Luca quickly came up behind Jeb and passed him heading right for the wheels that controlled the direction of the mirrors.

Being one of the first there, Luca turned the thing with ease and closed his the fastest while Jeb and Jamie did another as well with Wanderer helping him.

When they fully closed, everyone stood still for a minute, waiting to see if the helicopter would fly by again.

Deciding it was okay, Jeb made his way over to Luca and Wanderer.

"Thank you…they're gone…" Jeb let out a sigh of relief while saying this, however Maggie had to come over and ruin the moment.

"Gone for now…Jared and the others are still out there…"

Luca rolled his eyes when she said this, clearly annoyed with how she couldn't keep her mouth shut. He also was surprised that he heard nothing about some people going out to get supplies.

"Jamie…why don't you take over guide duty for a bit…" Jeb handed over the shotgun for protection, though Luca guessed it was empty.

"What do I do?" Jamie was confused on what he was supposed to do.

"Just show them around and you'll figure it out…" Winging it, Jamie turned around and motioned for them to follow him.

Walking away, Luca could hear Mags and Jeb argue slightly.

"What's a loaded gun going to do if that thing attacks…" Mags said which annoyed Luca.

"He is not a thing, and his story is actually pretty crazy…also the gun isn't loaded…" the look of horror on her face made Luca laugh when he looked back.

"You're letting him hang around them with no way to protect himself…"

Exiting the area, the muffled arguing of the two adults barely echoed through the tunnels.


Jamie led them through some different areas and into the main one, then stopped and turned around.

"Why'd we stop?" Wanderer asked Jamie.

"You need to close your eyes." Not even questioning him, Wanderer closed her eyes and waited.

"Do you want me to come Jamie or should I stay behind?" Jamie's face changed to one of surprise at what Luca suggested.

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah totally, just make sure she doesn't fall…you wouldn't want to hurt them…" Jamie smiled when he got the okay and grabbed Wanderers hand to guide her towards wherever they were headed.

Once they disappeared into the tunnel, Luca debated on what he should do while waiting for them.

Looking around, he noticed how open the space was, yet closed off completely from any prying eyes.

'This is an okay place…right mom…I think so…' Gaining an imaginary conformation, Luca stepped towards the middle of the room. Slowly applying his telekinesis similar to how he did when he levitated the gunman above the water, Luca started to break the shackles that gravity had on him.

As if he'd done it a million times, Luca lifted off from the ground and floated into the open air of the cave.

"This is awesome!" Yelling out, he started to glide around and progressively moved faster and with more clear movements.

Minutes started to pass and eventually he had been flying around for over an hour.

He was so absorbed in his actions, that he didn't notice the crowd forming below him at the sight of a teenager flying through the air.

When he was comfortable enough, Luca started to do flips and spins in the air, almost dancing like a ballerina.

"Wow…" Hearing Jamie's voice, Luca looked down and noticed both of them looking up at him with many other eyes watching.

"Don't let them distract you Luca…you look amazing…" Jeb yelled out from the back of the crowd with a smile.

Luca looked at Wanderer and Jamie and could see that both of them seemed quite happy and were holding hands still.

'They've become friends or something of the sorts it seems…' Wanting to show off some more, Luca started to do crazier stunts while in the air causing some people to gasp.

After a bit of doing that, Luca had a thought and started to walk on the ceiling upside down, like it was normal for him.

This got some laughs out of people, but the crowd was starting to thin out since many people had other things to do, as the community survived on physical labor mostly.

Once Luca saw that only Jamie, Jeb and Wanderer were left, he floated down to the ground in front of them.

"That was awesome…how do you do that…are you a superhero…" hearing the word superhero, Luca instantly went up in arms.

"No…No…No don't call me a superhero Jamie…my mom would kill me if I ever became one…my dad however…doesn't matter…she's the one person I'm afraid of…also I don't know exactly how it works, but I got the powers from an alien made of crystal…"

"A crystal alien…" Jamie said in disbelief at the thought of more than one alien species existing.

"Okay…the boy isn't old enough to hear everything Luca…it's a lot to take in even at my age…"

"That's fine…I wasn't going to say anything anyways…" Jeb nodded in acceptance at Luca's statement.

"Did you guys have fun, doing whatever you did…" Wanderer smiled when Luca asked this and nodded her head.

"Yes, very much so…it was an eye-opening experience…" Both of them giggled slightly which confused Luca.

'Whatever…probably an inside joke or something…' Noticing that the sun was setting through the small cracks in the ceiling, Luca decided to head to bed early.

Walking towards where they were sleeping, Luca noticed that Jamie was following as well, while talking with Wanderer, though he was calling her 'Wanda'.

A random memory appeared out of nowhere in Luca's mind and he started to hum the soundtrack to WandaVision which used to be stuck in his head a long time ago in his last life.

Both Jamie and Wanda heard Luca humming and enjoyed listening to it since he had a nice voice.

"WandaVision…Wa…WandaVision…WandaVision…Wa…WandaVision…" Luca mumbled through the song and was barely loud enough for them to hear him.

"What is this WandaVision you speak of?" Luca laughed when he heard Wanda say that to him.

Wanda and Jamie both looked confused at him laughing.

"It's a TV show from a place I used to live…Jamie calling you Wanda reminded me of it…"

"What was the show about…" Jamie asked out of curiosity.

"Hmm…basically it's about a woman named Wanda who goes crazy after losing almost everything and alters reality in a small town, creating the perfect family with the love of her life who died and was tested on…quite a bit of stuff happens, but that's the basis if I can remember it correctly…a long time since I watched it."

"I can barely remember the last time I watched TV…ever since the Souls came…" Jamie stopped speaking like he'd said something wrong.

"It's okay Jamie…I won't take offense to whatever you say…" Wanda reassured him.

"We haven't been able to since the Souls because the signal could be tracked…" Jamie's face went downcast at the thought.

"I'm sorry to hear that…I wish there was something I could do…" Luca tried to come up with some way, but nothing came to mind.

"It's okay…seeing you fly today was amazing enough…"

"Yeah, it's amazing…" Wanderer mumbled in a way that was unusual for a soul.

Shifting topics, they continued to talk as they went to the rooms, so they could get an early night's rest.

Once at the doorways, they said goodnight and continued into each individual room and Jamie followed Wanda into hers.

Luca went over to his bed and laid down, while staring up at the ceiling.

'How long am I going to be here…I mean it's not bad and Wanda's pretty nice…but the people are…well I can't blame them since their loved ones' bodies were stolen…but still.'

Slowly calming his mind down, Luca eventually fell asleep after a while of thinking.


Waking up to his shoulder being nudged, Luca opened his eyes and was nearly face to face with Wanda.

"Good morning to you…" Luca didn't move his face back and neither did she.

"Uncle Jeb has asked us kindly to help tend to the fields that are ready…" Smiling at her, Luca moved to get up and nearly knocked his head into her's, but Wanda moved away fast enough.

"Sounds nice…at least we'll have something to do…" Standing only an inch or two from Wanda, Luca glanced down at her, then went over to his shoes and put them on.

Looking back, he could see she was thinking about something quite hard to the point where her nails were digging into her hand.

"You good Wanda…" hearing his voice, she broke out of the state and smiled at him while nodding.

Exiting his room, Luca saw Jamie who was waiting for them patiently. Nodding at each other, Luca started to make his way towards the field with Wanda and Jamie following behind.

They exchanged a few words along the walk, but mostly stayed quiet, thinking about completely different things.

Entering the field, Jeb seemed to be waiting for them by the tools used to harvest the grain. Luca happened to notice a guy a little way away was watching Wonda creepily from afar.

'Should I say something…maybe not…wait is that the guy…what's his name…the one who dates Wanda at the end…huh…did I mess things up for them…whoops.'

"Good morning, Jamie…Wanda…" Jeb said and broke Luca out of his thoughts. Catching up to them, he nodded his head at Jeb who did the same.

"Follow me and mimic what I do if you don't understand…" Jeb said as he guided them over to the part of the field where they'd be working.

Showing them what to do, Luca quickly picked up on the task and went to town on the field they were working on.

Wanda wasn't as good at it, but memories from Melanie helped her at times, so she wasn't the worst.

After seeing that they were okay, Jeb walked away to go do something else while the three of them worked.


Time passed and Luca was making great work on the field despite never having done the activity until today.

Looking around at one point, he saw the dude that was staring at Wanda earlier had moved places to get even closer to Wanda and was only a few feet away.

"What to do…what to do…" Luca mumbled to himself while watching to see if the guy would try anything bad.

While looking, he also saw the older woman Maggie walk towards Wanda's direction with a crate full of water and was handing them out to everyone she passed.

However, to his dismay and annoyance, the woman looked at Wanda in disgust and walked past without giving her any water.

'Geeze you old bag…Wanda doesn't understand what her society does is wrong…' Extending his hand, Luca grabbed two of the bottles and removed them from the crate using his telekinesis.

Multiple people saw this and watched as Luca manipulated one to go to Wanda and the other to himself.

Maggie glared at him but didn't say a thing which made Luca giggle to himself.

"Thank you…" Wanda yelled out, which was uncharacteristic of her.

"You're welcome…" Drinking some of the water, Luca got back to the farming to finish up his area.

However, this wouldn't last long as the sounds of a helicopter rang out through the area and instantly everyone jumped into action.

Running over to the cranks that closed the mirrors, people started to shut the contraption, so the hideout wouldn't be seen.

Luca was one of the first people over and he had his done before anyone was halfway through with theirs.

Once they were all closed off, people waited for the helicopter to leave, then sighed in relief and started talking.

Walking over to Jeb, Luca saw him say something to Jamie, but was too far to hear what it was.

"Hey Jeb…are we going to continue…"

"No…everyone is going to go have lunch…you should join us…" Only thinking for a second, Luca agreed to go have some food.

After a few minutes more of talking, everyone headed out of the farm area and over to the dining hall to eat something.

Luca waited until everyone else was ahead of him and followed the tail end of the group.

Wanda and Jamie both were in the front with Jeb, so Luca had a minute to think about what he was doing.

'How is this hard…God said it would be difficult…but where is the difficulty that I'm supposed to experience…I mean my nerves are being tested...a lot...' Contemplating the issue over and over again in his head, Luca entered the dining hall and got in line for food.

While waiting he glanced over at Wanda and Jamie, who were sitting at a table with Jeb already.

Spending a few minutes in line to get his food, Luca ventured over to the table where Wanda, Jamie and Jeb were sitting.

"Hello Luca…" Wanda said with a smile on her face that grew even bigger when he sat next to her.

"Hello to you too…Wanda."

"Why'd you take so long?" Jamie asked.

"I let everyone else go ahead of me…" Nodding his head at Luca's answer, Jamie dug back into his food.

Picking up his spoon, Luca was about to say something, when Jared and another guy came into the room out of nowhere.

"This has gone on long enough…it needs to die…" Jared quickly made his way over to the gun by another table and picked it up.

When Luca saw this, he automatically reacted and his suit generated over him, which freaked some of the people out.

Pulling one of his pistols out from the holster, Luca pointed the gun at Jared's head.

Jeb stood up fast and moved in front of the gun trying to stop Jared from moving any further and causing a scene that could destroy everything.

"If he moves any closer to Wanda, I will put a bullet in his head…" Jared didn't seem to care anymore for some reason and moved even closer, while Jeb tried to block him.

"you people better get him under control, or I will shoot him!" Luca yelled out which made more people stand up and block Jared.

Feeling a hand touch his side, Luca looked down and saw Wanda looking up at him with fear in her eyes. However, the look was different this time.

'Is this of him…or me…' Looking at the gun in his hand, Luca was having trouble believing that she was afraid of him. He kept on glancing back and forth between her and the gun in confusion.

'I'm trying to protect her…he wants to kill her…so why would she be scared of me…is the pacifist in her so strong that she'd willingly let Jared shoot her instead of letting herself be saved…'

Luca didn't know how to process what he was feeling and compounded on the feeling he had ever since returning from World War Z, he ran.

Holstering the pistol, Luca accelerated himself with telekinesis and darted out of the room, heading for the exit of the compound.

Luca heard yelling as he exited the dining hall, but he wasn't there entirely to comprehend what was going on.

Shooting out into the open air, he flew into the sky heading in no specific direction. Gliding through the open air felt good, but it barely helped his mind that was confused on how he seemed to be the bad guy.


Wanda/Melanie POV

"Why'd he leave…did I do something wrong…" Wanda was pacing back and forth in her room thinking about why Luca left.

'Jared really wanted to shoot me…us…I'm in here…he knows…' Melanie was thinking out loud and didn't pay attention to Wanda's plight at all.

Wanda stopped her pacing, when Jeb walked into the room and looked at her with a sad expression.

"He didn't leave a trail…most likely flew away…" Hearing what Jeb said, Wanda wanted to cry.

"Do you think he'll come back?" Wanda asked clearly hoping for a good answer.

Jeb couldn't lie to her and say everything would be fine, especially since he had to still think about what Jared nearly did.

"I don't know Wanda…I hope he does…" After Jeb said this, Wanda staggered over to the bed and laid down, while tears fell from her eyes.

Jeb left the room after seeing this since anything he said might make the situation worse which wouldn't be good for anybody.


Luca POV

Flying through the air, Luca eventually reached the highway and decided to follow it from the air, since it would lead him to a town or city.

His mind was still a mess, but the breeze helped calm him down. Luca would have calmed down further if he didn't see a truck with its front caved in and a bunch of Seekers around it.

'Souls who hunt people...vehicle crashed...this part of the story....'

Not in the right headspace, Luca dived down directly in the middle of the group of Seekers catching them off guard.

"I need answers…" Was the only thing Luca said, while staring at all of them.