
Traveling Worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse

Death isn't the end to everyone's story. This is especially true for Luca and his second life is crazier than he ever could have imagined it would be. Follow a young man as he finds his place in the cosmic multiverse and figure out his true purpose.

QuantumMetro · Others
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Sometimes a Bullet is the Only Solution: Final Part

Staring at the frightened Seekers, Luca waited for someone to say something to him. After a few seconds, a blonde female Seeker walked in front of them and stood up to Luca who was a complete mystery.

"What answers do you seek…" She asked in a voice that was slightly different from the calming tone other souls used.

"Why do you Souls care so much about peace…it doesn't make sense to me…sometimes...a bullet is the only solution…" they all looked surprised at what Luca said and were even more so, when he absorbed his suit.

"Only a teenager…" One of the seekers said.

"A human." Another mumbled out loud.

"How was he flying without any help…humans don't have this type of technology…" All of the seekers were confused about the current situation and kept on asking themselves questions.

"Why do you humans' resort to violence so often…that doesn't make sense to us…protecting life is the only solution…" When Luca heard what the blonde seeker answered his question with, he seriously started to contemplate it.

Normally the seekers would try and incapacite Luca, however it was clear that something was off and attacking felt like the wrong move.

"I don't know to be honest…I don't want to be a violent person…it's just that some situations have no good ending…take for example right now…you know humans don't want to be occupied yet you do it anyways…and look at what some people are willing to do, so they aren't occupied…"

Luca pointed at the car with the front crushed in and dried blood stuck on the outside of the doors. Clearly the occupants were dead from the crash that crushed them in the cab of the truck.

"They don't value life like we do…throwing it away…they choose the bad ending themselves…we're helping them…" The Seeker said, like it was the most obvious explanation.

Luca stood there for a minute and still couldn't understand the position that the souls had.

"I value life…just some are more important to me than others…why should I let someone I care about suffer because they believe they aren't worth more than the scumbag trying to kill them..."

Staring at the seeker for answers, a vague memory popped into his head and Luca needed to ask something right away.

"You're the Seeker hunting Melanie Stryder and Wanderer…am I right?" When the Seeker heard both names, Luca could see her face light up.

"You know where to find her…tell me…" The seeker said with a desperate and angry look on her face.

"Hmm…so you're the scumbag I was talking about…I'm truly sorry, I know you won't be able to forgive me…" Shifting into his suit after whispering the last part, Luca pulled his pistol from the holster catching the Seekers off guard.

The blonde's face changed as the gun aimed at her head and before she could even move the pistol went off.

Her head snapped back as the bullet passed through and the light in the seeker's eyes faded as she collapsed.

All of the other's looked on in horror but didn't make a move to do anything. Luca turned his eyes to all of them and said something.

"All of you will leave this area and never search it again…if you do, I will come and search for every seeker and soul on this planet and crush you like this…" Looking back at all of the seekers' cars, Luca made sure no one was in them. Raising his unoccupied hand, Luca made a lifting motion which caused all of the vehicles to float into the air.

Closing his hand into a fist, all of the Seekers watched as the vehicles turned into piles of scrap and leaking fluids of different kinds.

"You've done enough to the humans…don't make it worse or else a bullet…will…be…the…only…solution." He paused between each word to make it as clear as day.

Boosting off into the air, Luca flew away needing to think some more about what just happened.


Hours passed before Luca decided to head back and face the possible shit show of a situation that might be occurring.

He made sure that nobody was tailing him, before he went to the cave system the survivors were living in.

Diving down towards the entrance, Luca was greeted by Jamie who was sitting just barely inside the cave.

Seeing Luca, the boy's expression lit up into one of happiness. "You're back…"

"Yeah, I am…" Inside his head, Luca added 'not for long' to his statement.

"Wanda was so worried about you and Jared's finally came around and believes Melanie is alive…" He said with a mix of multiple different emotions, but the main one was happiness.

"Wow…I'm surprised about that…though she won't be worried for long…" Jamie heard the last part and was confused but didn't get to ask any more questions as Luca walked by and into the caves.

Trailing behind Luca, Jamie didn't say a word the entire way inside.

Entering the main cavern, multiple people, including Jeb looked over and noticed that Luca had returned.

"You're back…"

"Yeah…just had to clear my head for a bit…" Luca said while rubbing the back of his neck.

I assume the kid has told you the main gist of what's happened…"

Yeah…do you know where Wanda is?"

Jeb shook his head, then looked over at Jared who had entered the area as well. Jared seemed on edge when looking at Luca, however he steeled himself and told Luca what he wanted to know.

"She said she was going to the bath area to relax for a bit…kind of weird since I didn't see her bring a towel or anything."

Hearing the information, he needed to know, Luca didn't bother saying anything more to Jared and went towards where Wanda should be.


When Luca was only a tunnel or two away, he heard a struggle happen and could hear Wanda pleading with someone to stop. Then a choking sound.

Only thinking about protecting Wanda, Luca dashed towards where he heard her voice and appeared in front of the struggle that was happening.

Luca saw the guy who came in with Jared on top of Wanda and was trying to strangle her above the raging river water.

"GET OFF OF HER…" Yelling at the man, Luca yanked with his telekinesis and ripped the guy off of her, slamming his body into the wall.

Running up to her, Luca sat beside Wanda and pulled her into a cradling position. Using his healing, he started to fix all of the wounds and scrapes.

"I'm sorry…I should have been here…I should've…" Wanda gazed into his eyes and captured his attention.

"It's okay Luca…" She smiled at him hoping it would calm Luca down, but it didn't do anything.

"I feel so nice…this is amazing…" She enjoyed the warm feeling that spread around her injuries and mended them completely.

Holding her, they sat there for a few minutes, until multiple people came in and saw the guy who was hurt in the corner from Luca slamming him against the wall.


In the doctor's area, Luca was standing by Wanda's bed and watched Doc as he checked her out to make sure everything was okay. He was pretty sure the wish he received from God would work perfectly fine, but it was always good to check.

The man he threw was in worse shape and laid on the bed still, bruised everywhere and wrapped in gauze in certain places to stop the bleeding.

"She's perfectly healthy…" The doctor said while glancing over at Luca to make sure the protective teenager heard.

"Good…I expected so…" Luca looked at Wanda and smiled, but it faded quickly when he remembered what he did.

'How do I tell her I killed the seeker…it was a split moment decision…she was crazy and wanted Wanda dead…maybe I rip off the other band-aid as well…so she knows the truth about what these people did…is that my secret to tell…it doesn't matter, she needs the truth…'

Focusing on Wanda's face, he asked her possibly the most important question he had yet.

"Wanda, would you want me to tell you something if it meant you hating me…possibly all humans in general."

Wanda's face scrunched up at his question, but she still contemplated what her answer would be.

Others heard his question and were confused at what was going on, however some had vague ideas and worried about what would possibly happen.

After a minute, she seemed to come to some sort of conclusion and told Luca.

"I've always been one that wants the truth…and I don't think I could hate you…but I won't lie and say that it's impossible…is there something you want to tell me…" Wanda said with conviction with a hint of worry.

"Yes…so you want to know…"

"Absolutely." Not being able to lie to the woman he'd come to care for, Luca spoke two truths which could have bad consequences.

"That Seeker that was chasing after you…the blonde one…I shot and killed her when I was out just now…"

Wanda's face instantly turned to one of horror at the thought of this truth and she felt even worse knowing more bad news was to come.

Others heard this and were surprised, while Jared and a few others were happy that the seeker got what they believed she deserved. Their good mood wouldn't last long with the next thing that Luca said.

"Almost everyone in this room knows that certain people including Jared, kidnap Souls from the outside world and the doc over there tries to remove the Souls from the host…though in the end, both host and Soul die from what he does…this has been done many times…"

When Wanda heard this, she instantly froze for a second, then rose from the bed and ran out of the room with tears in her eyes, while gasping for air.

Others looked at him in horror and surprise that he knew what they were doing, especially since he never witnessed them doing it.

"Why'd you tell her like that?" Jeb practically yelled at Luca.

"She deserved to know what you and everyone else was doing…you people have no idea how to remove a Soul and all your doing is murder…"

"Just like you murdered the person who the seeker inhabited…" Someone called out from the crowd.

"I know what I did was terrible… you people know nothing…" This was a lie though, as Luca realized something the second that random person brought up the possibility of the woman the seeker inhabited still being alive.

Walking towards the exit as well, Luca went off to a different part of the caves, since going back to his room was most likely a no go.

'Should I have told her…she deserves to know…but what if I fail my mission…it doesn't matter…I made everything worse…is sending me on these tasks the right thing…or do I ruin it...'

Thinking back, Luca started to obsess over each action he did and how it affected the timeline of each world. Did he do the right thing or did he send each world closer to annihilation.


Eventually the day was near its end and Luca decided to head back to his room, though he guessed Wanda wouldn't want to talk whatsoever.

Heading over there, he walked past Wanda's room and happened to glance inside. He could see her laying on the bed facing the wall.

Not wanting to face her yet, Luca stepped into his room and went to the bed, laying down, while looking up at the ceiling.


Luca wouldn't get much sleep and spent most of the night staring at the ceiling going over his actions.

He didn't get up or do anything else other than think and laid in bed the entire day, while everyone started to worry about the two of them, as Wanda was doing the same thing.


Day by day passed and neither of them had left their rooms as they stared in one direction in a never-ending cycle of thoughts.

Luca could only stare at the ceiling and wonder if what the Soul said about humans was true and he was a major culprit of the horrors a human can inflict on others.

Wanda on the other hand was coming to terms with what she had heard from Luca. She wanted it to be false, but Wanda believed Luca and that's what made it so much worse.

Being under the same roof as people who murdered her kind and their own without any idea about what they were doing, shook Wanda to her core.

Staring at the ceiling, she hadn't heard Melanie's voice since she screamed at the girl when running from the infirmary.

Luca came up in her mind every so often, but all she could see was him pulling the trigger and shooting the Seeker.

The act of murder was horrible for her kind, and she wanted to dislike Luca…hate him for it, yet she couldn't help but feel that the situation was more complicated than her kind made it.

Life wasn't so black and white, which Wanda and her kind struggled to grasp with their limited experience of having high amounts of emotion.

Each of them continued their internal battle, however one would end sooner than the other.


Wanda/Melanie POV

Starving herself as usual while looking up at the corner, Wanda heard someone step into the room and looked over, then turned back to the corner.

Jeb stood there with an anxious and worried look on his face.

"There are better ways to die than starving yourself…" Jeb muttered seemingly trying to break the ice.

"Yes…I could always visit Doc…" Wanda said, while not even glancing at Jeb whatsoever.

Slowly walking closer, Jeb stopped when he was a reasonable distance from Wanda.

"What'd you expect us to do…give up…this is our world…we're dying out…we want our people back…"

Jeb could see the tears forming in Wanda's eyes as she looked up at the corner.

"What you're trying to do is impossible…it doesn't work like that…all you're going to do is keep murdering more of the both of us…" She said with the pain clear as day in her voice.

The look of regret on Jeb's face was evident and after standing still for a second, he sat down beside Wanda.

"For what it's worth I'm sorry…"

"I can't stay here…Not with you slaughtering my family in the next room."

Jeb was quiet for a second, then came to a decision involving the issue.

"If you say our way won't work…then I'll tell the boys no more hostages…" Wanda glanced over but didn't show much emotion on her face.

"It's probably for the best. I don't think Doc could take much more…" Lowering her head from the angled position it was in, Wanda looked at the ground.

"How can I trust you?" She asked.

Jeb gave her a simple, but impactful answer. "I trusted you…"

The conversation paused for a second, then Jeb said something to her.

"There's something else…"

Jeb proceeded to tell Wanda that Jamie was incredibly sick from an infection and would need medicine soon or else it wouldn't turn out well.

"Did you try…Luca…he might be able to help…" Wanda had trouble saying his name and Jeb noticed.

"Yeah, but he set up a barrier of some kind around his room…nothing can get inside of it…"

Despite wanting to feel a certain way, Wanda seemed to be influenced by her emotions and was worried for Luca.

Standing up, she made her way out of the room and looked through the entrance and saw him staring at the ceiling.

"Luca…could you let me in…" Wanda said softly, but he didn't move or give a reaction at all as he stared at the ceiling.

"Luca…can you hear me…" Still nothing despite her nearly yelling at him.

Jeb stepped over to Wanda and put a hand on her shoulder, while sighing.

"Nothing goes in or out…he's in his own world…we can't rely on him right now…" Wanda realized this quickly and started to try and get Melanie's attention. However, the girl in her head didn't say anything which worried her.

Running off, Wanda looked for a way to get Melanie to speak again, so she could save Jamie.


Luca was unsure of how much time passed, but he was extremely hungry and worn out from constantly laying down on the uncomfortable bed.

"Hello again Luca…" Hearing the voice that had been a part of his never-ending contemplations, Luca looked up at God.

"Why are you here…Did I fail…" Luca practically yelled the last part in worry.

"You actually passed…despite having nothing to do with the end of the story…" Luca was happy to hear this since it meant Wanda was fine.

"That's good…"

"Yes…it is good…" God paused not saying anything and neither did Luca who was looking at the being.

"You may not understand it now, but this world challenged you in a different way…you'll eventually understand the lesson…"

Luca wondered if this was true or if it was something God was just saying to make him complete more tasks before he broke.

"Since you completed the task albeit not entirely in person…I will give you a reward…You can do one more thing in this world before I send you back to yours…what is it…"

Luca came up with an answer quickly and told God.

"Can I say goodbye to Wanda…" God nodded his head and disappeared with time unfreezing.

Luca immediately felt the barrier he set up and lowered the nuclear bunker level shield he made.

Stepping out into the hallway, he could hear voices off in the distance. Making his way towards them, Luca became melancholy at the idea of leaving the people he could call his friends.

Entering the main area, he saw multiple new faces and a few he could easily remember.

All of the people in the room glanced over at Luca who was standing in place looking at them.

"You're finally out of hiding…" Jeb said jokingly, however he noticed the sad look on Luca's face.

"Yeah…seems I took a bit too long though…" Luca replied with a melancholy tone.

Jeb was about to say something, when a certain someone came into the area and noticed Luca.

"Luca!" Yelling his name in surprise, she ran towards him and drew Luca into a tight hug.

"The new look suits you…" Was the first thing Luca said while looking down at Wanda who was inhabiting a new body.

"You think so…I didn't want to occupy another body, but they 'convinced' me…" Wanda looked at everyone else who were still smiling.

"I bet…Umm Wanda…could we talk for a minute…in private." Nodding her head, Luca walked towards another area.

Somehow, he ended up finding his way to the raging river where he'd saved Wanda from her attacker.

"What did you want to tell me, Luca?" Wanda asked clearly, happy with Luca being out of his room finally.

"I have to leave…return to my world…" The second Wanda processed what he said the smile on her face dropped completely.

"Why…" Wanda was in disbelief at what she'd just heard.

"What God requested of me has finished and I'm not allowed to stay any longer…"

Her face turned to one of hurt and she lashed out. "So just leave then…why come and tell me…"

Luca cringed slightly. "Because I had to say goodbye…you are important to me Wanda in ways that I don't fully understand yet…I really just want you to know that I care…enough to do what I did, no matter how selfish it may seem to you…"

"I know you care, Luca…I know you do…" Out of nowhere, she came in and gave Luca another hug which surprised him.

"I've lived for so long and yet these emotions are what confuse me the most…they bounce in all directions…slowly I'm starting to see that people can do anything for the people they care for…"

"Yeah…I need to work on mine…I will work on them…" Luca resolved himself to fix his scattered emotions that caused him to overreact and go to extreme measures right away, when he had the means to resolve things more peacefully.

"That's a great choice Luca…" Wanda said while smiling.

"You know…if I had an older sister…I'd hope she'd be like you…" Luca could feel Wanda flinch for a second.

"Are you okay Wanda…" Luca asked in concern.

"I'm…fine…I'm happy you can associate me with family…"

"I hope you're always happy Wanda…you deserve it…" Pulling back he smiled at her as best as he could.

'Take me away God…'

"Goodbye Wanda..." saying those last words, Luca disappeared from the world of The Host and back in his own. Time was still frozen, as Luca stood there in thought about what had just happened.