
Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

What would you do if you could travel after horror films? This option would be easily rejected by others, but what if it were your only option? Follow Henry who woke up in his favorite series but with a special golden finger. . - (This novel won't have an MC who comes to power out of nowhere just because he gains power, it will be more realistic and full of tragedy and plot, and things won't go as the MC plans. This novel won't have an MC who knows everything, can do everything and thinks of everything. If you're looking for a novel with a gradual evolution, where you can see the MC's personal improvement, this novel is for you. No harem, by the way. The MC will have friends and companions, this romance won't have a super-powerful and lonely domineering MC who only has slaves!]

MRCAT66 · Filme
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65 Chs

Bob Singer Cap 2

After 12 hours on the road;

In a small town in South Dakota, a Chevrolet was driving slowly through town, apparently heading for the town's junkyard.

"I'll have to come up with a story to get the attention of Bob Singer, one of the greatest hunters and with a huge library at home, with the help of the system I'm sure I'll evolve quickly before the series starts...".

~~Bob Singer's vision~~~

It was a normal day like any other, after battling evil on a daily basis, this time a vengeful spirit, I arrived at my home sweet home.

A junkyard full of wrecked cars, but full of memories, after entering I noticed a blue Chevrolet standing near the entrance.

"If you want to sell me this car, unfortunately I'm not interested at the moment, young man."

Bob said, his voice sounding very tired. The young man in the car appeared to be in his twenties and was coming towards him.

"Hello Bob Singer, it's an honor to meet you, my name is Henry, I need to talk to you!" the young man exclaimed with a serious face.

"Sorry kid, but if you want to buy or sell something I'm tired at the moment, I ask you to come back later..."

Henry realized that he had to get straight to the point if he wanted to get the veteran hunter's help.

Turning his gaze to Bob, he spoke in a sad yet angry voice: "I know what you do. The monsters took my family away from me! They killed my parents in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it..."

"Kid... I think you've suffered too much... I'm sorry but I won't be able to help you, I'm old, look at me!"

"I just need you to train me for a year and after that I'll disappear from your sight, before he died my father told me to look for you!"

I replied, feigning a look of extreme sadness, making Bob sympathize a little from what I could see on his face.

"OK, kid, you've convinced me... I'm going to train you to be a hunter, but you'll listen to my every word and don't think about giving up along the way, understand?"

"Thank you very much, I promise I'll give it my all and I'll listen to your every word."

Three months later ~~

In the small Dakota forest, only the sound of gunfire could be heard. If you looked inside, you'd find a young man holding a pistol, hitting almost every target at a distance without pause.

"To think that this kid couldn't even shoot three months ago, that's practically impossible, he was born to be a hunter..."

Over the last three months, Henrique has managed, through Singer's training and teaching, to evolve from a normal person to at least being able to defend himself against supernatural beings.

"Right, kid, time to rest."

Bob exclaimed, and when he saw that the shooting had stopped, he brought Henrique a beer, which he opened and sipped, cooling off.

"Thanks a lot Bob, I feel like I'm progressing well at target practice, I can already hit nine out of ten."

The relationship between the two of them had improved a lot over the last few months, partly because of Henry's behavior, who always helped Bob with his daily routines.

When Bob went hunting, even though Henry begged him to go along, he refused, saying he wasn't ready.

"I've really improved a lot in the last few months, it's been a surreal evolution..."


Level : 1 [ Human race]

EXP : 0%

[ Elite human : 40 ]

Strength [ Attack strength, lifting and pressing ] : 17

Agility [ Flexibility, attack and movement speed ] : 18

Defense [ Mental and physical ] : 14

Spirit [ Source of energy for spells, Defense against curses ] : 17

- Luck : 9

[ Skills ]

- Unarmed combat specialist Nv 51

- Extreme Will Nv 34

- Observe Nv max

- Firearms expert Nv 46

- Exorcism specialist Nv 31

- Air proficiency NV 24

In the last three months, he has trained in cold weapons, firearms and accumulated knowledge in exorcism and rituals.

Unfortunately, Bob didn't have any books on magic or anything like that, so Henry also learned to use observation.

It was mainly an auxiliary skill, classifying the danger level of enemies.

Divided into white (weaker than you), yellow (same strength as you), red (superior to your strength) and black (certain death).

While using the Observe skill on everyone in the city, during the last 3 months he noticed that the city had a few demons lurking around, but lacking the confidence to deal with them, he ended up ignoring them.

Observing was a very important skill, but one that changed depending on the situation. Bob's color was yellow without a weapon in hand, but when he picked up a weapon his color changed to a reddish yellow.

As he pondered his next course of action, Henry decided that he should level up, realizing that training would make him stronger, but the deadline was tight.

Soon he would have to deal with angels and demons, even gods.

The only way to level up was to hunt, so he prepared himself by organizing his weapons, bullets with a devil's trap that he made himself and even passed on to Bob, who complimented him on the idea.

"If I had at least an angel knife or even the Colt, I'd feel safer so I wouldn't miss"

I thought as I used to watch the street, until after a few hours of searching I finally found a red name, suspected of being a demon.

A middle-aged blond man in a black suit, I started to get nervous but soon calmed down after remembering Bob's teachings.

I began to follow the blond from a safe distance through the city, it was a little dark and the streets were already empty, I followed him down an alley until he entered an open warehouse.

Searching everything on my body, I made sure everything was all right and continued into the warehouse which, to no one's surprise, was darker than normal.

With flashing lights, no supernatural being in sight apart from my own breathing and fear.

"What madness, here I am looking for a creature I don't even know what it is... I have to be on my guard and remember everything I've been taught"

I thought as I walked through the dark shed, which seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance.

After a few minutes of walking around the place, I started to hear some noises and footsteps. I quickly took the gun in my hand and put it in a firing position while I tried to concentrate on the sound, which disappeared for a moment.

"How interesting, such a delicious young meal right on my doorstep! "

A gruff, dark voice with a laugh came out of the darkness, its eyes and pupils red while its face had huge veins squirming like worms trying to escape.

Its teeth looked razor-sharp, its gaze fixed on me with a look of extreme hunger.

"That's certainly not a demon!!!"

I exclaimed in my mind, looking at what appeared to be a rugaru, with a red color above its head as I stared at the damned thing.

Never expecting to find such a fucking man-eating monster in South Dakota, I try to calm myself down by thinking of some solution since I didn't come prepared with fire to kill a rugaru.

Of course, pouring gasoline on it and setting it on fire wouldn't be easy since the damn thing has superhuman speed.

The stalemate continued for just three seconds before a gurgling roar came from the monster's mouth.

I looked at the creature, which was charging towards me at a speed impossible for a normal human being.

Startled by the momentum, I ended up firing a full comb at the head and chest of the damned thing, which didn't slow down in my direction in the slightest.

Taking a deep breath, I dodged to the left as I pulled my machete from my waist, trying to cut his throat.

But I had underestimated the strength and speed of a rugaru. As soon as I attacked, all I felt was my machete coming loose from my hand, my body flying four meters through the air, blood spurting from my mouth.

"Shit, that sure looked easier in the series," I cursed, watching the monster approach slowly, showing its sharp teeth in what looked like a smile.

"Little hunter, looks like today isn't your lucky day. I'm going to start by eating your legs while you're still alive!"

The rugaru approached me slowly, crouching on the ground to see my face in terror.

But what it saw was me, smiling and summoning a machete in my left hand at the creature's frightened look.

Without hesitation, I slide the machete over its neck, cutting off its head with a slight resistance, without giving the monster time to react.

Its expression remained shocked, not understanding how its head had flown off since I had nothing in my hands seconds ago.

"Looks like I'm not going to be your snack. "

With a smile I said to the monster, to my surprise it was still alive even though its head was gone.

It seems that it can only really be killed by fire, but without its head it is helpless in its actions.

Checking my injuries, I feel that I have a fractured rib. I stand up and groan at the deep pain of the injury.

I take a deep breath and look for something that can burn the damn thing. After searching my inventory, I find some gasoline and a lighter.

I always put all sorts of things in my inventory, as you never know when you're going to need them.

Pouring the gasoline over the rugaru's head, I throw the lighter at it while it curses me and my entire generation.

I just ignore its cries of pain, then I can only hear the sound of the system.

[ Congratulations on your first XP kill 40%]

[ Mission completed, First hunt XP 100% ]

Leveled up

10 Free statistics point

As I savored the happy notification, I realized that my rib injury had healed.

"So every time I level up I get healed, great news, let's see the statuses..."