
The Cycle of Fate

Seventh Prince was jolted awake from his dream, finding himself back on a modern hospital bed, surrounded by anxious family members. He felt dizzy and bewildered. "Why am I here? This isn't right."

Grandfather, grabbing his hand with excitement, said, "Haohao, you're finally awake! You scared your grandfather to death!"

Seventh Prince looked at him in confusion, "You're not Grandfather. Shouldn't you be lying in the hospital bed?"

Grandfather laughed heartily, "Kid, you're the one in trouble here. If I were in trouble, would I be here talking to you?"

Seventh Prince was even more puzzled, "By rights, you should be the one in the hospital bed. You always criticize me for messing with those old books at home. I passed out, and that's why I'm here. How are you feeling?"

Seventh Prince tried to clear his thoughts, "What's going on? This is different from before. Grandfather, are you hiding something from me?"

Grandfather asked in confusion, "What are you talking about? Stop pretending."

Seventh Prince said urgently, "You are the 17th-generation descendant of Emperor Taiyong!"

Grandfather was taken aback, "Emperor Taiyong? Who is Emperor Taiyong? Stop pretending. Emperor Taiyuan is your ancestor! After the Regent usurped the throne, our Yang family fell from grace. Have you lost your mind? How could you have seen the Emperor?"

Seventh Prince shouted angrily, "No, this can't be a dream! Right, right, I know where the family records are hidden. I'll dig them out right now!"

Grandfather hurriedly stopped him, "Haohao, have you been through some trauma? We're just poor folks. Stop dreaming of becoming a wealthy heir overnight, will you?"

Ignoring his grandfather's objections, Seventh Prince firmly said, "A dream? No way, this is too real. I must find the family records and uncover the truth!"

Seventh Prince, despite his grandfather's protests, was determined to find the hidden family records. He felt an urgent need to verify the reality of his experiences and to prove that his seemingly fantastical journey through time was more than just a vivid dream.

As he rushed home, his mind raced with thoughts of the recent past events that felt so real. He remembered every detail of the palace, the Regent's betrayal, and his desperate attempts to change his family's fate. Each memory was as clear as if it had just happened.

When he reached home, Seventh Prince immediately went to the old storage room where he remembered seeing the hidden compartment. With trembling hands, he moved aside the dusty boxes and pried open the loose floorboard. There, in the hidden compartment, lay a weathered leather-bound book.

Seventh Prince's heart pounded as he carefully opened the book, revealing pages filled with ancient writings and family records. There it was, the proof he needed—the genealogy of his family, tracing back to Emperor Taiyuan. The entries confirmed his lineage and the dramatic downfall of his family due to the treacherous Regent.

Holding the book, Seventh Prince felt a mix of triumph and sadness. He had found the truth, but the weight of his family's tragic history bore down on him. He realized that his mission to change his family's fate wasn't just a dream—it was a responsibility he couldn't ignore.

Seventh Prince returned to his grandfather, holding the book, "Grandfather, look. This is the truth of our family. We are descendants of Emperor Taiyuan."

Grandfather took the book with trembling hands, his eyes widening as he read through the records. Tears welled up in his eyes, "I never knew… our family's true history. Haohao, you were right all along."

Seventh Prince nodded, determination filling his heart, "I must continue my mission. I will find a way to change our family's fate and restore our honor."

Grandfather placed a hand on his shoulder, "I believe in you, Haohao. Your journey is just beginning. Do what you must to reclaim our family's legacy."

With newfound resolve, Seventh Prince prepared himself for the challenges ahead. The cycle of fate had brought him back to his family's roots, and now it was up to him to break the cycle and forge a new path for the Yang family.