
Chapter 32: Death in the Crownlands - 4

Jon Connington stood at the deck of his ship Looking at the King's Landing in the distance. He had sailed to King's Landing under his Prince's orders to deliver Brandon Stark's companions and hold them there.

Tywin believed it be prudent to ensure that the two wolves are far apart making them believe the other a hostage in another's care. It was done with the hopes of preventing any form of attempted escape by both Stark children. It was a sound plan, and so they also decided to separate the company of Ethan Glover, Jeffory Mallister, Kyle Royce and Ser Elbert Arryn.

Surprisingly Tywin did not allow either of the Stark's to stay in Casterly Rock. The Lion's reason is that it would be too obvious a location to keep them. But Jon suspects another reason.

With the obvious tension and promise of war in the air, as is promised, Tywin had gathered his army. But they were gathering in a slow pace.

There was no sense of urgency in the actions of the Western Lords. Connington knew then that despite obtaining a Lannister Queen to be, The Old Lion is still measuring the current circumstances of the Seven Kingdoms. His dedication to the cause is still shaky to be precised.

Connington of course understood. House Stark, Arryn, Tully and Baratheon will be pitted against House Targaryen, Lannister, Tyrell, and Martell. The outcome of such a war would be devastating both militarily and economically. That and his Prince endeared himself to no one when he forwent and discarded the nobility of the two wolves. Add that to the King's madness, had bought the political might of House Targaryen to it's lowest since Aegon the First.

With all of this to consider, it was obvious why Tywin refused to commit himself to Prince Rhaegar.

The royal ship is sinking and everyone could see it.

But despite understanding this, did not mean that Connington liked it. As far as he is concerned, the Royal House has given an order, he should just follow it.

And so he sailed to King's Landing with young heirs in tow. But he did not expect the chaos that had greeted him.

Arriving at the Mud Gates he saw that the castle was a buzz, the stables were on fire and two of the four garrison were also in flames. Battles are being fought at the walls and the clashing of steel could be heard all the way from the Red Keep. He urged the captain to hurry feeling that the rebel elements may lay claim to the Iron Throne. But instead he was greeted with an unexpected guest.

A group of two dozen knights being led by an intimidating set of armor with bluish steel, elaborate designs of gold and and blue cape. His face could not be seen, guarded underneath his crowned helmet.

But it wasn't just his presence that drew Connington, it was who he had riding sideways Infront of the man's apprentice, Godric he believed. The Queen herself, unconscious in between the man's arms.

His vision turned red at the sight Infront of him.

He drew his blade as soon as he saw them. Urging his men beside him, he gave chase towards the queen.

Across from the castle Connington rode his horse to the best of his capabilities. His face showed fury and indignation wafted off of him. He snapped the reigns of his horse with complete disregard to the poor creatures limits.

He watched as the men surrounding Sieghart cut down and slashed and stabbed at anyone that tried to stop them with brutal efficiency. They rode unimpeded towards the Dragon's Gate.

Still despite their incredible show of skill, Connington remained undisturbed of his objective. After all he is at his King's domain. Connington heard more hooves behind him and saw for himself as more knights joined the chase. Soon aside from his own men he had another couple hundred more. The chase intensified as two of Sieghart's men fell from an arrow and a spear at their Horses. But the riders instead of being crushed or disoriented from the fall, rolled across the dirt and stood quickly and drew their swords against Connington's men.

This surprised Connington, still he did not stop. He heard a clash behind him but did not bother to turn. Shortly after three more Azure Knights were dismounted. Again, Connington ignored them but this proved to be a mistake. One of the knights he was about to run over with his horse side stepped at the last second and struck the knee of Connington's horse.

He cried in surprise as he was flung from his mount harshly. Landing on his back he stood dizzily. His thoughts were forced into focus as the clashing of steel reached his ears. He turned to see six knights fight against three of his foes. Joining the frey, he ran against one the Azure Knights with a yell.

Each Azure Knight is now fighting two men each. Yet it did not give the young Lord any piece of mind. The foreigners were skilled. In the corner of his eye, one of them had actually prevailed against a Targaryen knight, with said knight's head is now rolling in the dirt. Again he heard a thud and turned to see one of the guards fall on his knees, screaming and clutching his bleeding stump of an arm.

His attention snapped back in an instant as he felt and tasted blood on his lips. He tried to wipe it quickly only to freeze as he saw blood. Infront of him, the guard who had been fighting beside him had his throat cut deeply, so deeply it would have fallen off had it not been for the skin holding it. The look of fear and pain showed in the face of the man struck something in him. His neck snapped at the Azure Knight noticing that the man is fighting another guard and is slowly winning.

Connington in an act of fear, anger and desperation picked up a short sword off the ground and begun swinging widely. The foreigner parried and dodged from Connington's moves with no guarding. Moments later one of his attacks was harshly parried but to his surprise it struck someone. Another guard. Connington's sword was burried at the man's belly.

His thoughts were cut short he felt heat across his face. Touching his face, he felt seering pain, making him hiss. He looked to the Azure Knight that had now been tackled by one his men to the ground and is now stabbed through the neck.

He saw the man rush to him. "My Lord, we must get you treated."

"no...." He protested weakly.

"You there! Be quick and bring his Lordship to the Keep!"

"No!" shouted Connington.

"But my lord-"

"Horse! Horse Now! The queen we must save the queen!"

The man though uncertain followed his orders. They rode as quick as they could. Across the rodes they saw more Azure knights in the in mid battle against the guards. Clearly outnumbered but their skill could breach the gap. A frightening thought. They followed the trail of death in the beaten path and surprisingly they clearly made a turn to the Dragon's pit. He arrived at the pit and soon made his way to the arena ignoring the battle around him, specially when he can see that the Azure Knights were now outnumbered four to one.

He ran and ran until he made to a stop as he reached the arena of the pit. In the center standing with a bloodied long sword at one hand and a shield in another, strapped behind him is a double headed battle axe. His lustrous armor no longer having his heroic figure now bathe in blood. The moonlight shone down on him along with the torches upon the walls. Half a dozen knights sprawled beneath his feet made for a very intimidating figure.

As soon as Connington reached him.

"Where is the queen!?"


"Did you not hear me boy!"


Connington sneered at the man and knew there was nothing to be had here. Despite his desire to secure the Queen he chose to stay and confront this man.

His Prince had made his desire to the flame haired wife of this foreigner obvious, much to Tywin's rage. But Rhaegar refused to step back upon that one condition. He couldn't blame his Prince. The woman is a league above everyone else in The Seven Kingdoms. Her sheer beauty alone enthralled many men. And as shameful it is to admit, had been his fantasy since he first laid his eyes upon her.

And so within Connington's depraved mind, if he could seize the husband, then he can force the wife's hand and even offer her to the prince.

With his decision made he took a stance alongside four other's. Each with a bastard sword.

No one moved. They waited in tense silence. They had after all heard of the tales spoken of the man. And no one wanted to take the first dive into his blade.

Suddenly, from behind them a clanking noise was heard. Four ignored it including Connington but the last one turned his head to look.

The battle started with Sieghart beheading the man in the far left. His sheild raised to defense against the one next to man. His sword connected, his shield arm endured. He raised his sword to attack in quick motion but immediately redirected his blade to the left as Connington had taken the place of the fallen man. Seeing another attack to his far right he parried an attack with his shield forcing two of them in each other's way. Connington tried for another swing but Sieghart stepped into his left side away from the two guards. Connington missed but his face was met with a shield breaking his nose.

Sieghart's sword clashed with the third person while his shield defended against another. The next few seconds was a chase as it was a deadly fight.

Sieghart continued to stay in their left side making him fight only two men as the third is always kept in his peripheral vision. When Connington rejoined the fight, another man was removed from the struggle with broken elbow courtesy of Sieghart's shield.

The struggle was striking against the Hero without being killed and they were succeeding. Slowly but surely blood is beginning to leak from the minor wounds through the cracks of Sieghart's armor. And they were making sure to not allow him a killing blow, which despite their number had proven extremely difficult.

Moments after, one of the guards fell as Sieghart's sword found it's mark against the man's shoulder effectively removing an entire arm. The man rolled to the ground as he screamed hysterically while he tried and failed to stop the bleeding from the gaping wound.

Connington lost a man, but Sieghart had been denied his sword. Sieghart then unstrapped his Axe as he held it with both hands, his shield strapped against his forearm.

The scream soon turned to whimpers and whimpers unto silence. Again they stood in wide stances against one another.

The battle restarted as Sieghart took a quick step forward and a downward swing towards one of the guards. He raised his shield as Connington tried to take advantage of the opening but before he could he suddenly stopped with wide eyes, enough time to be kicked in the chest plate bringing him to the dirt.

Connington looked horrified at the guard who's shield and arm had been cleaved cleanly with the gaping wound of a War axe upon his torn armor.

He scrambled to his feet looking for his sword. He crawled quickly to reach it. But was stopped as a body fell beside him and the looming shadow above him. Time crawled to a slow as Connington saw Sieghart heft his Axe high.

As the axe sailed down his skull, an arrow flew and struck Sieghart's shoulder. The axe missed as Connington screamed in pain as his ear is lost. More arrows flew and Sieghart defended with his axe held sideways and his shield pressed against his chest.

But as the arrows rained, more and more knights begun pouring into the arena. They quickly surrounded him and then drew their bows and fired against the Hero in quick succession. Connington felt himself being lifted and carried to the side as arrows rained upon the lone man.

Connington watched as Sieghart endured the hail of arrows. His armor was indeed sturdy but despite the random shots, the sheer amount of arrows still found themselves lucky as they struck in between the armor pieces.

Seconds later Sieghart felt on one knee. With the head of his axe planted on the ground held with both of his hands. Arrows sticking out in between his armor and many more in his cape, nearly torn and shredded.


Connington's voice boomed in the arena. He walked towards Sieghart with a satisfied smile in his face. Finally his Prince's foe is bested. Connington grabbed the axe by the handle but yelped in pain. Looking at his hand, he saw it burned. Again he looked at the weapon in surprise, questioning what it was. He did not know such things even existed.

And then he heard a small chuckle. Seeing Sieghart to be the source he looked at the man in question in befuddlement. His small chuckle soon turn to laughter that echoed across the arena.

The men surrounding him began to get confused, some showed small amounts of fear. They held their arrows tensely but the uncertainty would not leave them, making the hold on their bows somewhat shaky.

Connington was enraged he then grabbed his sword and struck at Sieghart's helm with his pommel. He truck repeatedly yet his laughter did not stop. Upon the seventh strike the helmet flew off. And Connington stood horrified midswing.

He looked at the helmet with stuffs of blue threads attached into it. His attention turned to the man he had been fighting for a while now, Instead of blue haired youth he was expecting, he saw someone slightly older. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, sharp features with a clean shaven face.

Azure Knight Godric himself.

"...no..." Connington whispered.

His face morphed into fury. And then.


Connington was thrown into the ground as a massive explosion occured nearby. Dust and smoke filled the air. He could not see where the explosion is. All he heard were the screams and shouts coming from distance, and a small flicker of green flames from the rocks around him.

Rising to his feet he soon saw Godric still kneeling in the same spot. He grabbed a nearby sword and walked towards him.

But before he could reach Godric, he was interrupted with the sharp cry of an eagle. From the smoke it a winged beast emerged, it was huge, as big as a horse. It then grabbed Godric by it's talons and flew off. It was only then did he saw a red armored rider on it's back.

Surprise, confusion, anger and pain melded together as Jon Connington bellowed out a shout of utter defeat.

~~~ Break ~~~

In the far distance, Valka tried to remain stoic as she looked down at her wounded companion. She flew from the smoke to the clouds and then down to the fog as she chased after their ship.

"Hold on brother, hold on!"

"We are almost there!"

Urging her mount faster she shouted at Godric trying to wake him from his sleep. She didn't know, whether she was saying those words to him or to herself. Nor did she care. Soon she saw the ship in the distance.

Her wyvern hovered above the deck and she jumped down immediately. As she landed she helped the crew that had already begun carrying Godric. They rushed to the infirmary. The healer first removed the man's ring and then began to remove the armor without asking but soon stopped as she held his chest.

Checking in his wrist and then his temple. Finding nothing he simply shook his head at Valka.

Valka shed a tear as she placed her hand on top of Godric's. She wept silently for the the brother in arms she had grown with. A fellow slave who found meaning in life.

She took his Axe and ring as she left. And made one last promise.

"I will make sure your wife and son receives this brother. I promise you."