
Traveling Across Realities

Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p

Exelia · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Chapter 33: Life in the Eve of War

Elesis sat silently at her room. Wiping her tears, she again read the contents of the letter she had in her hand. And yet her attention did not lie on it.

It had been days since Ronan left for King's Landing. And not a second passed which she did not worry. Every passing moment began to get more difficult with no news of either his success or failure.

Hearing a gurgling she looked to the crib next to her. Inside lied Elizabeth, playing with a little ball. She smiled as a bit of worry lifted off of her.

After going through several documents she finally arrived at the letter that had made her feel nothing but disgust. A stamped scroll of House Targaryen.

As she read the letter the more her features morphed, far from the warm beauty she usually exude.

Not even bothering to finish reading she then took a deep breath and her face then showed calmness. She smiled as her she began penning her letter.

She began with an introduction of every curse word she could think of. And then acknowledge his name with every insult that sprout from her mind. She then described the most vile and disgusting creature she could think of and promptly said.

'I would fuck this thing first before I even consider touching you.'

After wards she then rolled the letter and handed it to a nearby Vale knight. She knew that both the maester and Jon would read the letter first before sending it but she hardly cared how they would react. It's not as if it was the first letter of the like she had sent to the incest born bastard.

Looking out the window, she was greeted with the coming dawn with the cries of joy of her daughter right beside her. Picking up her child, together they watched as the first rays of light reached their faces.

She held their daughter with love and care all the while, sending those exact same feelings through the bond she now shared with her husband. This is now the third sunrise in which he had been silent. Three days since his confrontation with the red priest in King's Landing.

And despite his silence she can't help but be sad. She had heard what they said. And she was both frightened as she was angry at the words they spewed against him.

Frightened not of their actions but the consequence it had bought. And angry at their audacity for dipping their insolent existence into their private affairs.

As soon as she felt him hesitate, she told him what he had always needed to know.

She told how proud she was of him.

She told him of how greatful she was for always trying to assure her of his return.

She told him of how sorry she was that she failed him. Told him how she failed to believe in him. Told him of how she died with their baby. That it was all due to her lack of faith in him. How she fell into depression that she have fallen from health. How she got sick. And how they both died in the birthing bed.

She then felt his anger, his rage. And she cried as she knew it was not directed at her. Through out his battle she kept crying out her apologies.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. ....

He had not spoken to her since. But she could feel him. This connection between them. She could feel some form of reassurance from him. But it did little to lift the growing pain in her chest.

Her short comings had resurfaced. And he wasn't even there to look into his eyes as she said what needed to be said.

She could barely hold her baby without the welling inadequacy within her. And for the first time since she lived this new life, she ask herself. Does she truly deserve this new beginning?

~~~ Break ~~~

Tywin sat in his solar. His mouth hidden behind his folded hands as his elbows rested on his desk.

He is surrounded by his family. From his siblings, Genna, Kevan, Gerion and Tygett Lannister, all the way to his children... the imp, his idiot son and his rebellious daughter.

Thinking back on everything that had happened, he was made to realize that the recent blessings looked more than shackles that were now tied to the sinking dynasty that was once called a House of Dragons.

'How far the mighty have fallen.'

He had been well educated as a child as he grew up. He had toured the Seven Kingdoms. Met the Highlords and their heirs. He has had a good grasp at the politics of the Lords even before he ascended to paramouncy.

And when he did, he had ensured to secure the position that his father had left behind. Though his methods were drastic, he also knew that it was necessary.

After securing the loyalty of The West, he turned his eyes towards the Iron Throne. His King was once a good friend. And so he had served loyally, all to the best of his capabilities.

That was until he tried to take his liberties upon his wife. Joanna. Denying the King was one thing, denying the madness within is another.

And so in the defense of his wife and children he had left his post just as the King denied him a Royal Marriage.

He Seethed in anger at the disrespect he had received. His loyalty, his effort, his coin, all for naught. Still he did not give up.

Years later he had been told of his spies in the Red Keep about the King's growing displeasure regarding the union between houses Stark, Baratheon, Tully and in extension Arryn.

Since Duskendale he had been suspicious of everyone. Trusting no one. Not even his own wife and son. There is even a growing dissent between father and son. How could he suspect his own Heir to be planning a Coup' when he is bound to inherit it all in the first place.

'But then again if the words are true regarding the hidden agenda behind the Tourney of Harrenhal, then the prince is an even bigger fool.'

'I should have seen it coming.'

With the hopes of earning a little favor, he spent a bit amount of gold into weakening what he believed to be his deadliest opponent. He did not make any sort of dedication to his actions against the Vale through the Mountain Clans due to the fact he is not even sure if he would be rewarded for his dedication. And the fact that he had no intention of gaining the ire of four Great Houses.

Then 'The Tourney' occured and that was when everything went south. A foreign Lord arrived and completely overturned the Game of Thrones upon it's head.

A warrior unmatched. Besting the greatest swords the Seven Kingdoms had to offer. His son had watched from the sidelines as his idols were bought down to the dirt with pure, raw, unmatched power coupled with unbridled skill.

The Bold, The Sword of the Morning, The Stag, The Wolves and The Dragons all failed when faced with The superior foe.

He had heard of the foreigner's strength, from his heir's mouth no less. And so out of curiosity, he had the man in investigated. What he had found out had alarmed him greatly.

Young, handsome, strong, wise beyond his years and with a woman that could match him in every field.

He broke all forms of traditional qualities that is expected of a lord of great standing just as he exceeded most of them. As did his accomplishments.

The Iron Bank had confirmed, House Sieghart is one of the wealthiest houses in Essos or Westeros. Not in the same standing as The Lannisters. YET. But their rise into power is obvious. It was only a matter of time according to his contacts in Braavos.

The sheer wealth they openly display is undeniable but there is another symbol of prestige that had him quite curious for some time now.

Tywin looked to his brother Gerion. "Tell me, is there weight to the claims of this sailors from beyond the Narrow Sea?"

"...Aye, there is." Tywin looked skeptical, Gerion continued. "All those present during the battle against the Dothraki invasion in Pentos saw for themselves. From the nobleman to the peasants, they all confirmed it."

"Hmmm... Two Valyrian steel swords. No house could boast of such treasures."

"Aye, they even went on to tell the tale of the Lord and Lady's valiant battle against the Horse Lords."

Kevan interjected. "I have heard that their women fight but do you expect me to believe that the young Lord allowed his wife to fight alongside him in the front lines?"

"The front lines?" Tywin asked.

"Yes brother. The tales go as far north as Bravos. I was even told of the Lady's clash against a group of assassins in the street of Braavos. I simply ignored it of course."

"And who was your source Gerion?" asked Tywin.

Gerion then stuttered out a reply. "Th-the uhmm ... First Sword of Braavos himself."

Tywin simply glared at his brother's reply, who inturn broke out into cold sweat. How he could discard the words of a person with prestige, he would not know nor does he intend to find out.

The silence was broken by his sister Genna.

"With everything we have heard of him. It's no wonder why the Mountain clans were beaten into submission."

"I doubt that sister. The people spoke of his skill and power."

"Of course he would be powerful. With a Valyrian steel sword, there was no way a wooden stump those savages called a shield would be anything but paper to him." retorted Genna.

"I don't think so sister. They said that the sword wasn't shown until their return to The Vale."

"It wouldn't have been difficult to prepare such fanfare. The truth is-"

"Is that they have what our House needed to raise our name higher." Interrupted Tywin. "What else have you found out Gerion?"

"His alliance stretch as far as The Iron Bank of Braavos to a few notable Lords of The North. Brother... The North is growing."

Tywin nodded in understanding. "Ignore that. We have more important matters to address than a land too busy fighting against Winter itself."

"As you wish. The other thing you needed to know is their naval strength."

'they have a naval strength?'

"I was told most of it were trade ships."

"No brother, most of their ships are anchored in Braavos, Pentos and Tyrosh. They do have Tradeships for most of them but the Narrow Sea is now dominated by the Warships."

This news had everyone looking at Gerion Lannister as if he had grown a second head.

"That's impossible!" denied Cercei. But quickly shut her mouth and looked down when her father glared at her.

"It's true lass. I have had the opportunity to tour one of the newly built ships in Braavos. The ships has enough contraptions to make the most dedicated knowledge seeker of the citadel drool at it's absurd capabilities."

Gerion looked to Tywin with a serious countenance. "Ships that can sail across the fog, the storms, the night or the open sea without loosing their direction. Detailed maps that makes the finest Cartographer inadequate and the finest map in Westeros looked like a child's doodle. It had weapons that can shoot down enemies from a far distance in quick succession. And a ballista that can sink down ships with absurd fire power. And despite the obvious power of the floating war machine the beauty of each ship easily surpasses anything I had ever seen." Knowing how well traveled Gerion is, that is a statement of it's own. "And that is just the ones they willingly sold to the Iron Bank and is produced by Braavos. And you know as well as I that his personal ships would be even more absurd than those."

"How so?" Asked Jamie.

"Because he is not stupid." said Tywin with a glare that shut Jamie up. "He has a head on his shoulders. He would not sell the best there is. Not when he can keep it for himself."

Everyone was silent till, Tyrion spoke out. "How could you be sure uncle? What you discribed, building those ships would take a lot of time, man power and resources. Even I doubt that Braavos has more than a hundred of those ships."

"Half of that lad."

"Then they couldn't have dominated the Narrow Sea. The Stepstones and the Three Sisters are all filled with pirates. That and I heared that House Sieghart is against slavery. Myr and Lys will not stand by and watch. Specially their slave traders. These people would never have allowed anyone to lay claim to their source of livelihood and income unchallenged."

"No one said they weren't challenged lad. It's just that... they already lost."

Tyrion was silenced and wide eyed with this statement.

"...I can confirm this." All of them turned to Kevan. "Driftmark had actually sent a missive to the King asking for support with regards to taking aggressive actions against the more sinister forces in the Narrow Sea." added Kevan.

Gerion continued. "You can't cross the Narrow Sea now without stumbling upon one or two ships of either House Sieghart or Braavos through out the day. Every sailor worth their salt is now fully aware. The Narrow Sea belongs to them now."

"The reaction from the crown." said Tywin.

Kevan answered. "As per the King's words, 'I will sink their ships when I want to.' It was clear he did not care in the slightest. And no one could make him change his mind about it. Not even the Small Council. His attention is still fixed to the growing popularity of House Arryn, regarding their more recent achievement."

Tywin simply nodded in affirmation. His thoughts now shifted to The Vale. He would never admit it to anyone but he fear he may have ended up arming the Valemen with steel instead of hindering them.

No news left the Vale regarding their Lords and their secrets but the common folk is as talkative as ever. An influx of steel and iron. Add to that is the continued decrease in the price of cloth.

"Kevan." Tywin said.

"The prosperity of the Vale can be linked to two things. Their victory against the Mountain men and a trade agreement between House Sieghart and House Waynwood of Ironoaks."

Tywin urged him to continue. "House Waynwood had some form of agreement with House Sieghart. That resulted in them producing cloth from wool in an accelerated rate. As far as we could tell, they are producing cloth at the very least five times more than they used to."

"How uncle? Did they bring in more workers from Essos?"

Tywin turned to his Tyrion. "How did you come to that conclusion?"

Tyrion swallowed hard but answered no less. "News of House Sieghart's skirmishes against slave traders had reached even Lannisport father. They said that he liberates them. And send them off to a port of their choosing. That is if they chose to decline a new start. They usually offer work under their House.

If he indeed have enough ships to dominate the Narrow Sea then it also goes to show of him possessing enough man power to achieve it."

Tywin refused to show it, but he was impressed. 'Perhaps there is a future for this house after all.'

Kevan continued. "I wish I could answer that lad but sadly I can't. Yhone Royce of Runestsone had arrived before I could dig further."

Tywin and Gerion tried not to wince, with Gerion being unsuccessful. They are after all aware of House Royce specialty.

"As for their Victory, it is obvious. Many were saved from the savages after all. That and the people are more lively in the Vale now. They were also able to secure plenty of steel and iron from the equipments of their enemies."

"High Moral can do a lot of good to the land indeed." said Tyrion as he drank a whole cup of wine. He made to reach for the pitcher but Tywin grabbed it first. Tyrion froze as his senses returned to him. But to everyone's surprise, Tywin poured Tyrion half a cup himself and said.

"Indeed it does."

Though his voice was monotone, it was a statement of it's own. Tyrion's eyes got slightly misty but he shed no tear nor did he show any reaction.

"The Riverlands." Tywin said.

Kevan shook his head then answered. "Nothing new. The Lords continue to bicker against themselves. Hoster Tully could do nothing as the Riverlands are fractured by it's own Lords. Sadly for the man his heir want nothing to do with ruling. Prefers his swords and his horses."

"Walder had been aggressive in taking lands and subjugating nearby Lords. Mostly under bribes, some at threats. But in the end, each chose Walder's side." supplied Genna.

"Specially now that things have turned for the worst." she added.

There was a brief silence in the solar. The only sound that could be heard is the flapping of curtains as the wind blew the scent of the sea into the solar.

Taking a sip of wine, Tywin spoke. "What of the wolves?"

"Nowhere" said Kevan. Tywin nodded.

"Brandon's entourage."

"In the dungeons of the Red Keep. The chaos has already subsided by the time they were dismounted."

"And the Queen?"

"The Riverlands. That much was obvious. For how long we do not know."

"...The King and The Prince..."

"The King is making things worst. He had the guards that failed burned alive. Armor and all. The Council barely saved the rest. In the end, King's Landing only have a quarter of the forces it needed to keep it safe."

"...from itself and others..." whispered Tyrion. But everyone heard it still.

"Brother, there is another news that they had tried to hide."

"What is it?"

"The Martell hostages had escaped." Cercei and Genna gasp as the other's were wide eyes. Tywin however stood abruptly. "They could not find them. According to the guards, they had headed to one of the cliffs in the far side of the Red Keep during the kidnapping. But no one knew how they escaped. Some believed they jumped and swam away. Even now, ships are checking across the Black Water Rush and Black Water Bay. Everyone is on the look out for the missing Prince and Princesses."

Tywin walked to the nearby window and took a deep breath. He was silent for a while. No one spoke as all of them waited for him to address their current situation.

Tywin on the other hand is once again regretting agreeing to the union between his daughter and the prince.

He kept trying to find a way out of the circumstances he had found himself in. He knew about the coming war. But at the moment they were already in the back foot even before the lines were drawn. The prince who came to him refused councel and preferred the company of the she wolf.

'If the cries at night were anything to go by, then she clearly did not share the same sentiment.'

Tywin scoffed at him. Just like his father. Taking their liberties at anyone they desired. Not even those of noble blood were safe from the madness of the royal House.

Tywin turned and looked at the occupants of his room.

"Tygett, see to the operations of Lannisport. Our preparations must not fall behind the army."

"Yes my lord."

"Genna see what you can do in the Riverlands. But do not leave The Rock. I want every Lion in the pride. Send word to your husband and start poking at the possibility of breaking off from the Tully's and allying with us instead."

"Yes, my lord."

"Gerion, I want the fleet at the ready. You will not be taking offensive measures but simply securing the Western Coast. I don't want those squids in my land, thinking they could take advantage of the coming war. Which we all know they will."

"Aye, mi'lord"

"Kevan, you will command the armies until I say otherwise. For every lord the comes here, bring them to me."

"Yes my lord."

"You are dismissed."

They all stood as they walked to the exit but paused when Tywin spoke again.

"Not you three, stay. Close the door Tyrion."

They followed his words to the latter. Tyrion stood by the door not making a sound while his siblings sat before his father.

Tywin then turned to Tyrion. He stared at his son for a while, and yet Tyrion did his best not to squirm before his father's eyes. Once again, Tywin was impressed.

'If only you weren't born an imp.'

Tywin signaled for the third chair Infront of him. "Sit Tyrion."

Tyrion was surprised as are his siblings. 'he said his/my name.' was their collective thought. Tyrion of course followed, walking with as much grace as his little legs would allow.

Tywin looked at his children. The memories of the past moon resurfaced into the forefront of his mind. He had received the Prince Rhaegar.

And was later offered what he had asked for in a long time. A Lannister Queen. He had of course wanted to agree, but there were other matters to address first.

Elia Martell and her daughter were discarded easily. The son was disowned. The Lannisters will get their queen with the promise to rally their forces when called upon. A small price to pay for the crown but at that moment Tywin did not question it.

That was until the conditions of the marriage were discussed. Two consorts. The She-wolf and an Essosi woman. Tywin was surprised but did not think much on it. Not when his main concern is the right of succession. Having a Lannister Queen means nothing if her lineage will not be the one to inherit the Seven Kingdoms.

But as the discussion moved on, the further Tywin was frightened at the prospect of unity. The prince has completely discarded the traditions and rights of nobility by imposing the power of the crown to impose his will and wishes.

'If he could discard his own son with so little care now, who is to say he would even keep his word if things escalated outside of his desires and wishes.'

No promise of trade, gifts, Land, or even Honors. Nothing. Just a breading stock to create an heir of his liking.

Tywin was furious of course. Specially the part were the possibility of Lyanna Stark's child being Crown prince at the event he succeeded in pushing back the Long Night.

The last two words were a red flag to Tywin. A sign that the Prince's madness may even be worse than the King. But what had most of his attention was the fact that he would discard Lannister blood for Kingship.

Tywin had already made his decision to say no at that point. That was until the Red Pristess that escorted the Prince spoke up. Her words were simple, follow me.

Tywin should have been cautious but he did not fear them. Not within his own castle.

After reaching his daughters room he was greeted by a sight that haunted him as much as it enraged him.

His daughter, moaning like a whore as she bounced on top of her brothers cock. What drew the attention of the siblings was the surprise gasp of the maid and the knights escorting Tywin.

While Cercei and Jamie were struck horrid at their father's presence. Tywin was on the verge of eruption. He grabbed his daughter by the hair and tossed her off the bed to the nearest knight, ordering him to take her to her room and lock her there.

What followed was Tywin's fury bursting fort as he punched his son in the face repeatedly until it swelled.

He was so angry he had half a mind to disown him there and then. That was until Jamie was shielded by Tyrion himself as the imp threw himself in between them. This knock Tywin back to himself and quickly walked away.

The next day the prince came with the same offer. And Tywin signed without resistance. Word of his daughter's actions had already reached Lannisport according to his sibling who wanted to confirm the gossip.

He knew then that any prospect of marriage for either of his eldest children were gone now. And so he surrendered her to the prince. But despite all that, he still hope for a Lannister Queen for the Seven Kingdoms.

His son though, would be lucky to marry a Greyjoy.

"I will make this simple enough. Cercei will be queen. While you-" pointing at Jamie "-will be wedded to Yara Greyjoy. I will be sending the letters expressing my desire to unite our families later tonight."

"You will have ten years. Ten years to learn your role as Lord of Castery Rock. Fail and I will make your son Heir. To ensure that House Lannister does not fail into ruin under your guidance, I will create a new position of power. Lord of Lannisport. And that will be you Tyrion."

"What!?" Cercei shouted but was stop abruptly as Tywin's face morphed into one of pure rage as he turned to her. She meekly bowed her head but her hands where clenched tightly as her knuckles turned white from rage.

"The paramouncy will still be the power of The Westerlands. But I no longer trust your brother to be responsible enough to uphold his duties as Lion of the Rock. And so you will be the one to manage his domain for him. The title will afford all the powers a lord would have. As are it's rights and it's benefits."

"Now go and see to your studies. There is much for you to learn if you are to rule. For all of you."

"""Yes father.""" they chorused together.

The first to leave was Cercei, her feet stomping as she made her way out. Jamie looked tired and defeated. While Tyrion looked lost. As if he was wondering if he was dreaming. But before he could take his first step out. His father's voiced echoed.

"Boy... do not disappoint me."

Tyrion bowed and left. His mind repeating the same phrase, 'He called my name.', 'He called me boy.'

Tyrion's eyes shined with determination with one goal in mind. 'One day, you will call me 'son', father.'