

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · Urban
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25 Chs


Luke looked at Gevariel and Quin with a suspicious look. Geva's behavior was very strange and it was a sign that something was wrong between them.

"Why should I ask Quin? This is your apartment. You should be the one answering," Luke urged Gevariel because he was so curious.

Geva looked at Quin while gesturing for the woman to explain everything. He did not want Luke to misunderstand and report this to Uncle Sam.

"Actually… I stayed here last night." Quin said doubtfully.

"So you two slept together?" Luke asked, confused. He knew Gevariel very well. Even though their friends were used to enjoying women's bodies but it would not apply to Geva.

Quin covered Luke's mouth with a pillow. "You talk too much. I do stay here but we don't sleep together. I am afraid to sleep in the apartment because it's my first experience living alone. I am not used to living alone. so I slept in Geva's apartment. Geva slept on the sofa, and I slept in the bedroom." Quin explained after she removed her grip from Luke's mouth.

"I could die if my mouth smothered with a pillow, but I don't mind if you do it," Luke said after he could breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly he felt Geva's kick on his leg.

"Don't talk recklessly!" Geva ordered.


They arrived at a building with two floors. "I am going straight to the kitchen," Gevariel said. He went to his dominion place. Besides, he was not comfortable if he had to talk with Quin all the time. So cooking could be a reason to leave them. Just let Luke take care of all the cooperation with Quineera.

"He is so weird. I slept in his apartment so he wouldn't be too awkward but he still thinks of me as a stranger," Quinn thought.

"We will make a restaurant here. This building is the result of Geva's hard work. After becoming a celebrity chef, he saved up so he could buy this building," Luke explained.

Obviously Quineera knew who Gevariel's parents were. All of Gevariel's personal data was already in her hands. But only personal data. Quin did not know about Gevariel's mental illness. All of this was so tightly closed that no one in the media knew about it.

"Wow, he is so great. His parents must be proud. Do his parents live here?" Quin acted as if she did not know anything.

"Yes. His parents also live here. But from the start, Geva wanted to be independent. That's why he refused funds from them." Luke did not want to reveal his best friend's family secret.

"Luke," Quin called when they were sitting on the soft chair.

"Yes, Quin!"

"Luke, looks like Geva is very angry with me. I have made a mess in his kitchen. I spoiled the ingredients in the kitchen. I wanted to replace it, but he said it's difficult to find that food in this country." Quin explained. From the way she spoke, Luke could tell if Quin needed his help.

"What kind of food? In Geva's refrigerator there are many ingredients that are not available in this country. What is the name? I will try to help you."

Quin's eyes lit up. She hoped Luke could help her to get the food but she forgot the name of the food.

"The name is te-te- ohhh.. I forget it," Quin scratched her head which suddenly felt itchy.

"Tempe?" Luke immediately guessed. He returned two weeks ago from Indonesia. He deliberately brought tempeh for his friend.

"Yes, it is. You know it?" Quin was getting happier. There was a glimmer of hope to replace the food.

"I brought the food from Indonesia. Geva tried many times to make it but it wasn't as easy as he thought." Luke's explanation made Quin's hope dashed.

"Indonesia? It's very far." Quin's sparkling eyes turned sad.

"You don't have to bother looking for tempeh! I am sure Geva isn't angry just because of that." Luke's words did not immediately make Quineera happy.

"Then why is he always avoiding me? I feel like he doesn't like me." Quineera asked. She wanted to dig up as much information as possible.

"Geva is like that. He is always shy when he meets new people but actually he is a good person."

Gevariel had been in the kitchen for almost two hours. At first Quineera wanted to accompany him but Luke forbade her. Luke knew that Geva did not like strangers in the kitchen, especially when he concentrated on cooking.

Gevariel emerged from the kitchen. In his hand was a tray containing three bowls of vegetable noodles. No one would have thought that the food was made from vegetables. He placed the bowls on the table and returned to the kitchen. It was not long, he came back with a tray of bacon and lemonade.

"What food is this?" Quin's eyes focused on the type of food on the table. Long, curly, and colorful.

"This is Geva's new recipe. Healthy noodles made from carrots, broccoli, and purple sweet potatoes. But this food still doesn't have a name. Do you have any ideas?" Luke asked Quineera.

"Hmmm… colorful," Quin frowned because she was thinking of a good name for the food. "How about we name it rainbow noodle." Quin's suggestion.

"That's too childish. Rainbow?" Geva protested when the man was sitting with them.

"Do you think rainbow cake is also childish?" Quin asked, annoyed with Geva's answer.

"Then what's a suitable name?" Luke asked Gevariel.

"I don't know." Geva replied while holding his fork in his hand. He would enjoy his own processed food.

"I think Quin's idea is good. These noodles are colorful like a rainbow. I agree with your idea." Luke patted Quin's shoulder who was sitting beside him.

"It's up to you. Now eat and give your opinion!" Geva's command.

Quineera was impatient. It felt like her saliva had melted in her mouth. She took the fork and put the noodles in her mouth. Just three mouthfuls, Quin suddenly felt her body was hotter. Her hands were itching and red spots appeared in her face.

"What's wrong with you, Quin?" Luke asked worriedly.