

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
25 Chs


"It's normal if I made a mistake on the first day. Please believe me, Max. I can definitely get through it. Moreover, there are two good men who always take care of me," Quin coaxed Max while glancing at Luke, making Luke feel awkward because of her words.

"Why are you so sure that they are good people?" Max asked, crossing his arms over his chest. His brows furrowed and his face demanded a definite answer from Quineera.

Again Quin had to come up with an answer that would reassure the protective man. "They brought me to the hospital. From noon they accompanied me here. They also bought me food. Come on, Max. Please give me that trust," Quin begged with a pitiful face.

"Okay, but you have to do one condition. Starting today I will connect the GPS from your cell phone to mine. That way I will always know where you are. I can come when you need something."

Reading the expression on Max's face, Quin knew that the man did not accept rejection. "Whatever you say. The important thing is that you let me live alone in the apartment," Quin replied resignedly.

When they were conversing, Quineera's cell phone rang. A man who promised to call her made a video call. "Brave contacted me. Can you guys get out?" Quin asked the three of them.

"Fine," Max said, taking his sister and Luke out.

"You'd better go home. Let me take care of Miss Quin. If I can ask your help, please take my sister home," Max saw Luke's face, asking for the man's help.

"No problem. I will take your sister home. If anything happens to Quin please call me. Geva must be really worried about her," Luke said, agreeing to Max's request.

"Geva?" Max said in a very low voice. He knew who Gevariel was.

"Hi, Quinn. Have you eaten?" Brave asked.

"I wanted to eat but you called me," Quin said, showing Brave her food.

"Are you in the hospital?" Brave asked when he saw the clothes Quin was wearing.

"I am just tired, Brave. You don't have to worry. I accidentally ate food containing cow's milk."

Brave squinted suspiciously because Quin was usually very careful with her food.

"Don't look at me like that! I know I was wrong. I am not careful. Do not be angry! I miss you so much, don't scold me," Quinn said, trying to calm Brave down.

Quinn's longing words changed Brave's gaze. The man was happy to hear that word.

"You know, next month I will visit you in Paris. Actually I want to get there soon but my work is piling up," Brave explained.

"You want to come here?" Quinn asked. Of course she was happy for Brave's coming but Quin also was afraid that Brave's presence would thwart her plans to approach Gevariel.


The next day Max was standing in the patient's room waiting for Quineera to prepare. Quin was changing her clothes in the bathroom. Not long, Quin came out from the bathroom, soon she would leave the hospital.

"Quin, it will be better if you come home," Max made a suggestion. Even though he had given a condition, Max was still worried because Quin had never lived alone.

"No-no! The only way to make Gevariel fall in love with me is to get him used to meeting and being close to me. I won't be leaving until my plan works. Better take me to the apartment."

Being in the hospital was a break for Quin because she was temporarily free from work. She enjoyed being a CEO but sometimes the pile of work was torturing her.

"What about the office?" Quin asked.

"Everything has been handled well. Today is Sunday. Don't think about work. Katty has prepared your favorite food at the apartment. We should go home now," Max said while he took Quin's bag from the table.


"Is it true that today Quineera will come home from the hospital?" Gevariel asked Luke through his cell phone. Gevariel contacted Luke because he could not stop thinking about Quineera being hospitalized because of his cooking.

"Yeah. Actually I was planning to pick her up from the hospital but her loyal assistant has already done it. You'd better just wait at home. I am sure she will see you soon," Luke said.

"It's good if she can go home," Gevariel replied, heaving a sigh of relief. At least the woman who was almost out of breath because of his cooking was fine. Gevariel intended to sleep because all night he could not close his eyes.


Quin and Max arrived at the apartment. Katty had already served several kinds of food on the table. A maid came only to cook and clean the apartment.

"Thank God the red spots on your skin are gone," Katty said while she checked Quineera's skin.

"I told you I am fine. You and Max worry too much about me."

"You can eat now," Katty said when the food was prepared on the table.

"I am tired, Katty. I want to sleep first. You'd better go home now!"

"You just got home from the hospital. How could we possibly leave you alone?" Katty protested, she was not ready if Quin had to live alone. Katty was used to accompanying Quineera.

"I am not sick anymore. Just look at my skin! The red spots are gone. You don't have to worry," Quineera said to her two assistants. She could see the worry on Max and Katty's faces but they had to leave because Quin wanted to do one thing.

"If we have to go home, it means the maid has to stay here. At least the maid can prepare healthy meals and clean this apartment. I don't want to accept a rebuttal!" Max gave a firm order.

Quineera often ignored Katty's orders but she never dared to contradict Max's words. Of course not out of fear but from the beginning Max had always taken care of her like an older brother.

"Okay. The most important thing is that you go home now. Tomorrow we will meet at the office," Quin said, as if she could not wait to be alone. No one knew what she was planning but Max knew very well that Quin would not do things that harm her.